Mangang, N. N., Swarnakar, P., & Pai, S. (2024). Transitioning away from coal: Perspectives of Indian coal unions on achieving a just transition. Energy Research & Social Science, 118, 103812.
Muller, K., Goodman, J., Swarnakar, P., & Pampus, M. (2024). Climatization and Declimatization: Climate Advocacy in Social Sectors. Nature and Culture, 19(1), 1-15.
Chatterjee, R. (2024). How state governance can offer a new paradigm to energy transition in Indian agriculture? Energy Policy, 185, 113965.
Chauhan, S., Yadav, A., Kurup, P. M., Li, X., Swarnakar, P., Gupta, R. K. (2023). Devising a people-friendly test kit for overcoming challenges in the assessment of water quality and analysis of water pollution in the river Ganga. RSC Sustainability, 1(3), 418-431.
Joshi, B., & Swarnakar, P. (2023). How fair is our air? The injustice of procedure, distribution, and recognition within the discourse of air pollution in Delhi, India. Environmental Sociology 9 (2), 176-189.
Shukla, R., & Swarnakar, P. (2023). Energy transition and dialectics: Tracing discursive resistance to coal through discourse coalition in India. Globalizations, 20(8), 1296–1311.
Shukla, R., & Swarnakar, P. (2022). Energy justice in post-Paris India: Unpacking consensus and conflict through storylines and discourse coalitions. Energy Research & Social Science, 91, 102687.
Swarnakar, P., and Singh., M. (2022). Local Governance in Just Energy Transition: Towards a Community-Centric-Framework, Sustainability, 14(11), 6495.
Swarnakar, P., Shukla, R., & Broadbent, J. (2022). Beliefs and Networks: Mapping the Indian Climate Policy Discourse Surrounding the Paris Climate Change Conference in 2015. Environmental Communication, 16(2), 145–162.
Da Rimini, F., Goodman, J., Swarnakar, P., & Ylä-Anttila, T. (2021). Climate Policy Networks in Australia: Dynamics of Failure and Possibility. Australian Journal of Politics & History, 67(2), 295–311.
Swarnakar, P., & Mangang, N.N. (2024). Regional Conference on Inclusive Energy Transition in South Asia and Beyond. May 7-9, 2024. Galle, Sri Lanka.
Swarnakar, P., & Shukla, R. (2024). Victims or challengers of the treadmill: Analysing the role of communities in energy transition. Paper presented at the British Journal of Sociology Conference, April 15-16, 2024. London School of Economics and Political Science, London, UK.
Sarkar, P. (2023). The Future of Livelihood in the Coal Region: Exploring the Contestation of Development and Environment through the Knowledge and Practice of the Community from the Barjora Coal Mine. Paper presented at The Indian Journal of Social Work (IJSW) Round Table Series on Indigenous Knowledge Systems and Communities of Practice: Transforming Universities for Climate Action, December 5, 2023. Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai.
Swarnakar, P., Mangang, N.N., and Pai, S. (2023). Unions' Perspectives on Just Transition in India. 118th Annual Meeting: The Educative Power of Sociology, August 17-21, 2023. American Sociological Association, Philadelphia, USA.
Swarnakar, P. and Mangang, N.N. (2023). From Coal to Renewables: A Study of the Perspectives of Indian Coal Industry’s Labour Unions. June 25-July 1, 2023. XX ISA World Congress of Sociology, International Sociological Association, Melbourne, Australia.
Sarkar, P. (2023). Science in Policy Making: Examining the Opinion of Scientists on Innovation and Development of Solar Energy in India. June 25-July 1, 2023. XX ISA World Congress of Sociology, International Sociological Association, Melbourne, Australia.
Shukla, R. (2023). Tracing Policy Changes in the Indian Climate Discourse: Comparing Policy Beliefs and Advocacy Coalition during Copenhagen, Paris and Glasgow Climate Conferences. June 25-July 1, 2023. XX ISA World Congress of Sociology, International Sociological Association, Melbourne, Australia.
Swarnakar, P. and Shukla, R. (2023). Tracing Policy Changes in the Indian Climate Justice Discourse: Comparing policy beliefs and advocacy coalition during Copenhagen, Paris, and Glasgow Climate Conferences. International COMPON Workshop, 21- 24 March 2023, Institute of Political Sciences - University of Tübingen
Swarnakar, P. and Shukla, R.(2023). International Climate Finance and Just Energy Transition: Exploring the Synergies. CDEP BRIDGE writeshop on The Role of Coal in a Sustainable Energy Mix for India: A wide-angle view. 19-20 December, 2022. IIM Calcutta, Kolkata.
Swarnakar, P. and Shukla, R. (2022). Domestic and international policy connectors in Indian climate policy: The role of environmental civil society organizations, European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR) University of Innsbruck, 22-26 August 2022.
Swarnakar, P., Mukherjee, S., Kumar, A. and Lahsen, M. (2022). Collaboration networks, structural holes and homophily: Dynamics of Non-State Actors in the UN Climate Change Side-Events, 117th Annual Meeting of American Sociological Association, 5-9, August 2022, Los Angeles, California.
Shukla , R. and Swarnakar, P. (2022). Energy Transition and Dialectics: Tracing Discursive Resistance to Coal through Discourse Coalition in India, 117th Annual Meeting of American Sociological Association, 5-9, August 2022, Los Angeles, California.
Singh, M. K., Swarnakar, P. and Mangang, N. N. (2022). Localizing Just Energy Transition Debate: Qualitative Network Analysis of Trade Unions with Other Stakeholders in Two Coal-Dependent Districts of India, 17th EASA Biennial Conference, EASA2022: Transformation, Hope and the Commons, 26-29 July, 2022, Queen’s University Belfast, United Kingdom.
Singh, M. K., Swarnakar, P. and Mangang, N. N. (2022). Localizing Just Energy Transition Debate: Qualitative Network Analysis of Trade Unions with Other Stakeholders in Two Coal-Dependent Districts of India, 42nd International Social Networks Conference: Sunbelt 2022, 12-16 July 2022, Cairns, Australia.
Sarkar, P. and Swarnakar, P. (2022). Science in Policy-making: Examining the opinion of Scientists on Innovation and Development of Solar Energy in India, 3rd International Conference on Energy Research and Social Sciences (Elsevier), 20-23 June 2022, University of Manchester, United Kingdom.
Shukla , R. and Swarnakar, P. (2022). Energy Justice in Post-Paris India: Unpacking the Discursive Consensus and Conflict through Storylines and Discourse Coalitions, 3rd International Conference on Energy Research and Social Sciences (Elsevier), 20-23 June 2022, University of Manchester, United Kingdom.
Swarnakar, P., Burman, V., Singh, M. K., and Shukla, R. (2022). Missing in Transition: An Exploration of Gender Gap in the Coal-based Economy from the Two States of India, 3rd International Conference on Energy Research and Social Sciences (Elsevier), 20-23 June 2022, University of Manchester, United Kingdom.
Shukla , R. and Swarnakar, P. (2022). Energy Justice in Post-Paris India: Unpacking the Discursive Consensus and Conflict through Storylines and Discourse Coalitions, 7th Conference of the Network of Early Career Researchers in Sustainability Transitions (NEST Conference 2022), 5-6 May 2022, Lyon, France.
Swarnakar, P., Patnaik, B.K., Sarkar, P. (2024). Governing the Commons with Traditional Knowledge and Practices: Lessons from the Bishnoi Community of India. In: Pattnaik, B.K. (eds) Environmental and Ecological Sustainability Through Indigenous Traditions. Springer, Singapore.
Stoddart, M. CJ., Lahsen, M., Swarnakar, P., Ylä-Anttila, T., (Forthcoming) Environmental movements, climate change and progressive politics, In Handbook of Progressive Politics, by Alice Mattoni, Edward Elgar: Cheltenham.
Swarnakar, P., & Shukla, R. (2023). International Climate Financing and Just Energy Transition:Exploring the Synergies. In M. Mohanty & R. Sarkar (Eds.), The Role of Coal in a Sustainable Energy Mix for India. Routledge India.
Swarnakar, P., Pattnaik, B. K., Sarkar, P. (2023), Governing the Commons with Traditional knowledge and practices: Lessons from the Bishnoi community of India. In, Environmental Sustainability from Below, by Binay Kumar Pattnaik, Springer Publication:New Delhi.
Swarnakar, P. (2019) Climate Change, Civil Society, and Social Movement in India In India in a Warming World: Integrating Climate Change and Development edited by Navroz Dubash, Oxford University Press, New Delhi.
Zavestoski, S. Swarnakar, P. (2017) Governance for Sustainable Development in the Anthropocene. in Bottom-up Approaches in Governance and Adaptation for Sustainable Development: Case Studies from India and Bangladesh edited by P. Swarnakar, S. Zavestoski, B. K. Pattnaik. SAGE Publications, New Delhi.
Zavestoski, S. Swarnakar, P. (2017) Neither ‘Top-down’ nor ‘Bottom-up’: A ‘Middle-out’ Alternative to Sustainable Development in Bottom-up Approaches in Governance and Adaptation for Sustainable Development: Case Studies from India and Bangladesh edited by P. Swarnakar, S. Zavestoski, B. K. Pattnaik. SAGE Publications, New Delhi.
Swarnakar, P., Zavestoski, S. and Pattnaik, B.K. (2017). Bottom-up Approaches in Governance and Adaptation for Sustainable Development: CaseStudies from India and Bangladesh. New Delhi, India: SAGE Publications. Available at