We firmly believe that the policy making around climate change and the energy transition would be incomplete without an active, constructive and inclusive dialogue among the all the stakeholders. To facilitate this, we have initiated an online talk series "Just Transition Talk Series" where we invite distinguished people working on Energy/Climate issues in their diverse but unique ways.
Coming Soon...
Mr. Alexander F. Gazmararian (PhD student at Princeton University)
Mr. Alexander F. Gazmararian was our guest speaker on 13th February 2025. He talked about "Uncertain Futures: How to Unblock the Climate Impasse"
Dr. Jeffrey Broadbent (Emeritus Professor in the Department of Sociology, University of Minnesota)
Dr. Jeffrey Broadbent was our guest speaker on 24th January 2025. He talked about "Towards a Unified Field Theory of Sociopolitics: Explaining the Political Process"
Mr. Rajan Mehta (Founder Climate Ventures Partner / Climate Action Labs, Harvard University)
Mr. Rajan Mehta was our guest speaker on 04th December 2024. He talked about "Climate Justice - The Scales Must Be Balanced"
Mr. Aditya Lolla (Asia Programme Director at Ember)
Mr. Aditya Lolla was our guest speaker on 19th October 2024. He talked about "What does coal phasedown even mean for different asian countries?"
Prof. Juan Pablo Rud
(Professor of Economics at Royal Holloway, University of London)
Prof. Juan Pablo Rud was our guest speaker on 17 September 2024 and spoke about "Coal Pahseout and Job Displacement: Lessons from the UK".
Mr. Bishwadeep Ghose
(Managing Trustee of Water for People India Trust)
Mr. Bishwadeep Ghose was our guest speaker on 06 September 2024 and spoke about "Water Security in the Era of Climate Change".
Mr. Hisham Mundol
(Chief Advisor of the Environmental Defense Fund (EDF))
Mr. Hisham Mundol was our guest speaker on 26 August 2024 and spoke about "An indian pathway to shared, sustainable prosperity".
Ms. Aditi Jha
(Director & Country Lead: Legal & Government Affairs LinkedIn)
Ms. Aditi Jha was our guest speaker on 26 May 2024 and spoke about "Green Skills: Insights and Trends from LinkedIn's Economic Graph".
Mr. Amit Bhatt
(India Manager Director The International Council on Clean Transportation)
Mr. Amit Bhatt was our guest speaker on 23 April 2024 and spoke about "Transitioning India's Heady Duty Vehicles".
Mr. Partha S. Bhattacharyya
(Former Chairman and Managing Director Coal India Limited)
Mr. Partha S. Bhattacharyya was our guest speaker on 03 February 2024 and spoke about "Sustainable Engergy Transition".
Prof. Ramit Debnath
(Assistant professor, academic director, and the Inaugural Cambridge Zero Fellow at the University of Cambridge)
Prof. Ramit Debnath was our guest speaker on 29 January 2023 and spoke about "Leveraging Computational Social Sciences for Environmental Justice".
Mr. Srishti Singh
(Board Member Indian Youth Climate Network)
Mr. Srishti Singh was our guest speaker on 20 December 2023 and spoke about "Mainstreaming Youth Engagement in the Just Energy Transition".
Mr. Prayank Jain
(Visiting Faculty Symbiosis Law School, Noida)
Mr. Prayank Jain was our guest speaker on 22 November 2023 and spoke about "Building Green Economies for Just Transition: Centering Youth in Health, Education, and Jobs".
Ms. Aurora Audino
(Climate policy and sustainable finance consultant at ICF)
Ms. Aurora Audino was our guest speaker on 14 November 2023 and spoke about "Youth Participation in Climate Decision Making for a Just Transition".
Mr. Vladislav Kaim
(Expert Consultant on Youth Engagement UNDP)
Mr. Vladislav Kaim was our guest speaker on 06 November 2023 and spoke about "Lessons from driving the agenda of green jobs for youth at the international arena".
Ms. Louise Naudé
(Commissioner on South Africa's Climate Change Commission)
Ms. Louise Naudé was our guest speaker on 05 October 2023 and spoke about "Reflections from trying to ensure South Africa's JETP is just".
Mr. Jayanta Basu
(Climate Journalist, Columnist and Faculty at Calcutta Univ.)
Mr. Jayanta Basu was our guest speaker on 20 September 2023 and spoke about "Climate Justice in Global Negotiation Case Study of Sunderbans".
Ms. Santosh Agarwal
(Deputy Director General and Coal Controller in the Ministry of Coal)
Ms. Santosh Agarwal was our guest speaker on 23 August 2023 and spoke about "Ministry's Action and Approaches on Coal Mine Closure and Just Transition".
Dr. Brian Motherway
(Head Energy Efficiency Division, International Energy Agency, IEA)
Dr. Brian Motherway was our guest speaker on 15 June 2023 and spoke about "People centered clean energy transition".
Dr. Maneesh Mishra
(Executive Vice President of the Strategy Division of National Skill Development Corporation)
Dr. Maneesh Mishra was our guest speaker on 19 May 2023 and spoke about "Future of Jobs and Just Energy Transition ".
Prof. Sabuj Kumar Mandal (Associate Professor in the Department of HSS, IIT Madras)
Prof. Sabuj Kumar Mandal was our guest speaker on 06 April 2023 and spoke about "Increasing efficiency of the thermal power plants or moving to renewables: What is Just Transition for the Indian power sector".
Mr. Andrzej Blachowicz (Managing Director of Climate Strategies)
Mr. Andrzej Blachowicz was our guest speaker on 29 March 2023 and spoke about "Energy & Beyond: Adopting multi-level just transitions across sectors".
Mr. Golo J. Pilz (Brahma Kumaris)
Mr. Golo J. Pilz was our guest speaker on 16 December 2022 and spoke about "Just Energy Transition- Solutions for climate change from a spiritual perspective".
Mr. A. K. Rastogi (Task Force, Sustainable Just Transition, Government of Jharkhand)
Mr. A. K. Rastogi was our guest speaker on 04 January 2023 and spoke about "Sustainable Just Transition in Jharkhand".
Mr. Ashim Roy (Chemical Mazdoor Panchayat)
Mr. Ashim Roy was our guest speaker on 26 August 2022 and spoke about "Exploring the framework of just transition in India".
Ms. Ulka Kelkar (World Resources Institute, India)
Ms. Ulka Kelkar was our guest speaker on 29 November 2022 and spoke about "Exploring Just Transition from Macroeconomic Modelling to Micro Case Studies"."
Dr. Vigya Sharma (University of Queensland)
Dr. Vigya Sharma was our guest speaker on 28 June 2022 and spoke about "Lessons from global coal phase-out experiences for India's just transition?"
Dr. Chantal Naidoo (Rabia Transitions Initiative)
Dr. Chantal Naidoo was our guest speaker on 30 May 2022 and spoke about "The Five Questions South Africa's just energy transition efforts must answer to qualify as "pathbreaking""
Dr. Winfried Damm (GIZ India)
Dr. Winfried Damm was our guest speaker on 25 March 2022 and spoke about "GIZ's energy and just transition activities in India".
Dr. Michaël Aklin (University of Pittsburgh)
Dr. Michaël Aklin was our guest speaker on 01 March 2022 and spoke about "The Difficult Search For Alternative Livelihoods in a Just Transition".
Dr. Sandeep Pai (Center for Strategic and International Studies)
Dr. Sandeep Pai was our guest speaker on 18th February 2022 and spoke about "Coal phase-out and Just Transitions".
Dr. Fawzia Tarannum (TERI School of Advanced Studies)
Dr. Fawzia Tarannum was our guest speaker on 17th January 2022 and spoke about "Migration and Environmental Justice".
Mr. Sanjib Bezbaroa (ITC Pvt. Ltd.)
Mr. Sanjib Bezbaroa was our guest speaker on December 22 2021 and talked about "Overview Of Issues In Climate Change and Energy Transition From Industrial Perspective".
Mr. Souvik Bhattacharya (TERI)
Mr. Souvik Bhattacharya was our guest speaker on October 3 2021 and talked about "Towards a Just Transition in India: Why and How?".
Ms. Astha Gupta (International Energy Agency(IEA))
Ms. Astha Gupta was guest speaker on 5th October 2021 and talked about the global and Indian renewable energy sector, focusing on opportunities to promote distributed energy and bioenergy in India.
Prof. Gregory Patrick Trencher (Kyoto University)
Prof. Gregory was guest speaker on 19 Nov 2021 and talked about "Challenges to phasing out coal: Evidence from Japan and globally. He talked about "Challenges to phasing out coal: Evidence from Japan and globally.
Prof. T. Jayaraman (TISS, MS Swaminathan Research Foundation)
Prof. T. Jayaraman was our guest speaker on 3rd December 2021.He talked about "COP 26: Looking back,looking foward".He is Senior Fellow, Climate Change at M.S. Swaminathan Research Foundation.