Chandrakanta Kesavan Center works in the areas relevant to policymaking and developing practical solutions to the problems of climate change, with an aim to spearhead the development of these solutions to help India and the world combat climate change. An important aspect of the Center’s mandate is to spearhead the technology and policy communication to different stakeholders.
The Center is named after Dr. Chandrakanta Kesavan, who pioneered the entry of Indian women in the fields of science and engineering and was established at IIT Kanpur through generous gift by its distinguished alumnus, Mr. Sudhakar Kesavan (1976, Chemical Engineering).
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- To spearhead energy and climate policy solutions to help India address climate change related problems.
- To emerge as a platform for bringing together eminent academicians, technologists, researchers and policy makers to discuss and address energy policy and climate issues.
- To strengthen and promote outreach, communication, grassroots engagement in the areas of energy policy and climate change issues.
- To help the IIT Kanpur campus to become carbon neutral.
IIT Kanpur to become NetZero
The Center will spearhead IIT Kanpur’s commitment to being a NetZero campus. This will allow IIT Kanpur to be a showcase testbed for the transition to a low and eventually zero-carbon campus. This will entail in-house studies and interventions and will involve undergraduate and graduate students in the projects. The experience and expertise gained by IITK in making itself NetZero will be helpful in scaling these efforts nationwide.
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IIT Kanpur and Zynetic Electric Vehicles Charging sign a MoU to advance EV Charging technology!
This collaboration is set to drive forward the innovation and deployment of advanced AC and DC fast chargers for electric vehicles, marking a significant step towards the growth of EV infrastructure in India.
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This collaboration is set to drive forward the innovation and deployment of advanced AC and DC fast chargers for electric vehicles, marking a significant step towards the growth of EV infrastructure in India. Read more

Two Days Schmidt Sciences conference on "Energy Technologies for India's Decarbonization
" on 05-06 November 2024, Outreach Auditorium, IIT Kanpur.
Workshop Poster | Website Link | Event Picture Link
Yugesh Kumar, Lokesh Yadav, Anand Singh, Raju Kumar Gupta, Kanwar Singh Nalwa, Ashish Garg, "Waste-derived carbon quantum dots for improving the photostability of perovskite solar cells to > 1,000 h". Publication Link

Arya, D., Awasthi, K., Hedau, G., Chandra, L. "A Novel Solar Tower Simulator for Hydrogen Regeneration by Thermo-Catalytic Cracking of Ammonia: Energy, Exergy, and CFD investigations, Applied Thermal Engineering", Vol. 256:124141 (25 pages), 2024. Publication Link

Deepika Bhattu, Sachchida Nand Tripathi, Himadri Sekhar Bhowmik, "Local incomplete combustion emissions define the PM2.5 oxidative potential in Northern India". Publication Link