
Lalit Mohan Kapoor Chair

Mr. Lalit Mohan Kapoor (BT/CHE/1971) is the Founder, President and CEO of Group BiGates Inc., USA, established in the year 2000. BiGates is an IT outsourcing company that provides business solutions to enterprises across the USA, primarily focusing on ERP Solutions.
Mr. Kapoor, established a chair in his name Lalit Mohan Kapoor Chair open to any outstanding faculty member across all departments.

Current Occupant

Prof. Sankar Prasad Rath

April 2022- April 2025

Prof. Sankar Prasad Rath, Department of Chemistry, research interests lie in the fields of Physical-Inorganic and Bioinorganic Chemistry with special emphasis on the structure-function correlation utilizing a wide variety of synthetic and spectroscopic methods combined with DFT calculations. His current research interests are bioinorganic modelling of multi-heme proteins/enzymes, chemical biology, medicinal inorganic chemistry, supramolecular chirogenesis and development of NMR spectroscopy for paramagnetic molecules. He has received several awards and honors including P. K. Kelkar Research Fellowship for young faculty (2009-12), Alexander von Humboldt Fellowship for Experienced Researcher (2012), Chemical Research Society of India (CRSI) Bronze medal (2015), C. N. R. Rao National Prize in Chemical Sciences (2019), Professor R S Varma Memorial Award by Indian Chemical Society (2020), Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) Invitational Fellowship (2020), J. N. Gupta & M. Gupta Chair Professor at IIT Kanpur (2017-2020) and SERB-Science and Technology Award for Research (SERB-STAR) (2020). He earned his doctorate in Chemistry in 1999 from Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science (IACS), Kolkata.