
Tapas Mishra Memorial Chair in Computer Science and Engineering

Tapas Mishra Memorial Chair in Computer Science and Engineering has been instituted by the Computer Science and Engineering Class of 1997 in the name of their batchmate, late Mr. Tapas Mishra. He was a dear friend, a respected, talented, and hard-working peer of the batch. He passed away at an early age, and hence, the Class of 1997 decided to honor his memory by instituting this chair. The purpose of the chair is to accelerate the scholar's career, and the impact of his/her research to a level of international leadership.

Current Occupant

Prof. Surender Baswana

July 2022 - July 2025

Prof. Surender Baswana, Department of Computer Science & Engineering, research interests are Design and analysis of computer algorithms, especially, Graph algorithms, Dynamic algorithms, Streaming algorithms. He completed his PhD from IIT Delhi in 2005. He is a recipient of the Alexander von Humboldt Fellowship for Experienced Researchers in 2018, Young Engineer Award in 2009, Research I Fellow from 2007- 2010.