
Rajiv and Ritu Batra New Faculty Fellowship

Mr. Batra is a Founder of Palo Alto Networks and was responsible for building and leading the engineering department from inception. At Palo Alto Networks he held many positions including Founder, Member Office of CEO and Senior Vice President of Engineering. Palo Alto Networks is the largest independent enterprise security company in the world. Prior to founding Palo Alto, Mr. Batra was the Vice President of Engineering at Peribit Networks. Peribit Networks built industry leading products in the area of WAN Optimization and WAN Acceleration. It was acquired by Juniper Networks in July of 2005. Dr. Batra was also the Founder and VP of Engineering at VitalSigns Networks that was later acquired by International Network Services in 1998.

Mr. Batra was awarded the 2012 Entrepreneurial Achievement Award by University of Wisconsin-Madison. He is also a chair of the Board of Visitors of the Computer Science Department at University of Wisconsin-Madison, Board Member of University of Wisconsin Foundation and a Trustee of Honolulu Museum of Art.Mr. Batra holds an MS degree in Computer Sciences from the University of Wisconsin, Madison, 1983. IITK conferred upon Dr. Rajiv Batra the Distinguished Alumnus Award 2020

Current Occupant

Dr. Adithya Vadapalli

(Aug 2023- July 2026)

Adithya Vadapalli is a Computer Science and Engineering Assistant Professor at IIT Kanpur. Before joining IIT Kanpur, he was a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Waterloo. Before that, he was at Indiana University, Bloomington, where he obtained his Ph.D. Adithya's main research lies in Privacy Enhancement and Applied Cryptography. Our lives are becoming increasingly digital, especially with initiatives like Digital India, which have helped bring efficiency and comfort. However, at the same time, risks of data breaches and privacy violations are now imminent as bad actors are trying to gain access to citizens' private and sensitive data. He works on mitigating these threats while not compromising on the benefits of digitization. His work has appeared in top Privacy and Security venues like ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security, IEEE Security and Privacy, USENIX Security, and Proceedings on Privacy Enhancing Technologies.

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