Young faculty Research Fellowships

Young faculty Research Fellowships have been created by the institute for those young Faculty members who are below the age of 40 years. Similar to Faculty Chair, Research Faculty Fellowship is conferred upon a Young faculty member for a period of three years which may be renewed based on the performance and age criteria. Faculty Research Fellowships are set up with the generous support in the form of donation from our alumni and well-wishers. The Fellowship may be named after the donor or name of the Batch.

There is a need to increase the numbers to honour more outstanding young faculty members in the institute.Faculty Fellowships are awarded for a period of three years under two categories Young Faculty Research Fellowships to those who are below the age of 40 years and have made outstanding contribution in their research areas.

Endowment required Rs. 45,00,000 (for paying a monthly honorarium of Rs. 15,000) New Faculty Fellowships to the newly joined young faculty members as special incentives for research and development, setting up laboratories and experimental facilities, buying expensive books, etc. Endowment required Rs. 75,00,000 (for paying a monthly honorarium of Rs. 25,000)
To view the current occupants please visit:

To view the current occupants please visit: