
Prabha and Ramadhar Singh Distinguished Lecture Series

Prof. Ramadhar Singh worked in the department of Humanities and Social Sciences, IIT Kanpur from November 1973 to June 1979. Humbly acknowledging the significance of IIT Kanpur in his life and work, he has been publicly stating that his career might not have unfolded in such a way had he not started his post-doctoral career at IITK in 1973.

Sri Manish Singh, the son of Mrs. Prabha Singh and Prof. Ramadhar Singh, established an Endowment Fund to support an annual Prabha and Ramadhar Singh Distinguished Lecture Series in Psychology in the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences at IIT Kanpur. By doing so, Sri Manish Singh wishes to celebrate the sustained contributions of his parents to the advancement of psychology and management as Science in India, and acknowledge a significant role of IITK in developing his father, Prof.Ramadhar Singh, as an eminent social scientist in the discipline of psychology.
During his short tenure of about six years at IITK , Prof. Ramadhar Singh led the doctoral program in psychology and taught psychology courses to undergraduate engineering students. His publications in international journals of psychology created a new standard of excellence in research at IIT Kanpur then and remains an unbroken record today at either IITK or any other national institute in the country.
Over an illustrious 53-year career, Prof. Ramadhar Singh has taught at Patna University ( 1968-73), IIT Kanpur (1973-79), IIM Ahmedabad (1979-1988), National University of Singapore ( 1988-2010) and IIM Bangalore ( 2010-16).

Prof. Ramadhar Singh has been a Distinguished University Professor at Ahmedabad University since July 2016. In recognition of his exceptional and outstanding contributions to the Science and practice of Psychology, he has been selected as the Fellow of the following associations listed below:

  • Fellow , British Psychological Society ( 1992)
  • Fellow, American Psychological Association (1993)
  • Fellow, Association for Psychological Science (1993)
  • Fellow, Singapore Psychological Society ( 1993)
  • Fellow, Society of Personality and Social Psychology ( 1993)
  • Fellow, National Academy of Psychology ( India) ( 2008).