Prof. Ashish Goel serves as a Professor at Stanford University. He received his bachelor's degree in Computer Science & Engineering from Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur in 1994. He subsequently went on to earn his doctorate also in Computer Science from Stanford in 1999. He is a recipient of Distinguished Alumnus Award in 2023
The research group he leads has developed two widely deployed decision making platforms: the Stanford Participatory Budgeting Platform and the Stanford Online Deliberation Platform.
He served as technical advisor and research fellow at Twitter from 2010 to 2014 where he designed and prototyped their early personalization and monetization algorithms. His research interests lie in the design, analysis, and applications of algorithms, with a focus on social networks, social choice, and market design. Prof. Goel, along with Rajeev Motwani and Gagan Aggarwal, conducted the first comprehensive analysis on how Google’s auction mechanism for pricing search keywords can be made truthful. This groundbreaking work was co-awarded the prestigious ACM SIGECOM Test of Time Award in 2018. Additionally, he is a member of Stanford's Institute of Computational and Mathematical Engineering and a faculty affiliate at the Institute for Human-centred Artificial Intelligence.