
Prof. Jainendra K. Jain


Prof. Jainendra K. Jain is the Erwin W. Mueller Professor of Physics at Pennsylvania State University. He is a condensed matter theorist with interests in the area of strongly interacting electronic systems in low dimensions. Born in 1960 in Rajasthan, India, he received his Bachelor's degree from Maharaja College, Jaipur and a Master's from the Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur. In 1985, he completed his Ph.D in Physics at the Stony Brook University.


Prof. Jainendra K. Jain holds the titles of Erwin W. Mueller Professor of Physics, Eberly Chair in Physics, and Evan Pugh University Professor at Pennsylvania State University. Born in 1960 in Rajasthan, India, he received his bachelor's degree from Maharaja College, Jaipur and master's degree from the Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur. In 1985, he completed his PhD in Physics at the Stony Brook University. Prof.Jain worked as a post-doctoral researcher at the University of Maryland from 1986 to 1988 and at Yale University from 1988 to 1989. He then joined SUNY, Stony Brook where he served as Assistant, Associate and Full Professor before moving to the Pennsylvania State University in 1998.

Prof. Jain is a condensed matter theorist with interests in strongly correlated quantum matter in low dimensions. His most important contribution has been the introduction of the particles that he named "composite fermions,� which constitute the basis for the understanding of the Nobel Prize winning phenomenon called the fractional quantum Hall effect. His writings include more than 250 scientific articles and a monograph Composite Fermions, published by Cambridge University Press, 2007. He is a recipient of the Distinguished Alumnus Award, 2010 from IIT Kanpur. He is a member of the US National Academy of Sciences, Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and recipient of Oliver E. Buckley Prize of the American Physical Society.

Achievements and Honors

  • Member of US National Academy of Sciences, 2021
  • Infosys Visiting Chair Professor, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, 2016.
  • Sir J.C. Bose Visiting Chair Professor, Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Pune, 2015.
  • DST-IISc Centenary Visiting Chair Professor, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, 2013
  • Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science, 2012.
  • Recipient of Distinguished Alumnus Award, 2010 by IIT Kanpur.
  • Fellow, American Academy of Arts and Sciences, 2008.
  • Distinguished Postdoctoral Alumnus Award, University of Maryland, 2004.
  • Excellence in Teaching Award, Society of Physics Students, 2002
  • Oliver E. Buckley Prize, American Physical Society, 2002.
  • Erwin W. Mueller Professor, Penn State University, 1998.
  • Fellow, American Physical Society, 1997.