
Nilesh Badwe (PhD, Arizona State University, USA)

Specialization : Mechanical properties of materials, Microelectronics packaging
Areas of Interest : Nanoporous metals, Electrodeposition of nanocrystalline alloys, Interconnect materials
Email: nbadwe@iitk.ac.in
Website: http://home.iitk.ac.in/~nbadwe
Office: Faculty Building 412 B | Phone: +91 512 259 2205
Lab 1: NA | Phone: +91 512 259

Kantesh Balani (PhD, Florida International University, Miami, USA)

Specialization : Biomaterials, Computational Modeling, CNT Reinforced Nanocomposites, Nanomechanics & Tribology
Areas of Interest : Bone Implant Materials, Molecular Modeling of Interfaces, Nano-composites, Multi Length Scale Abridgment
Email: kbalani@iitk.ac.in
Website: http://home.iitk.ac.in/~kbalani
Office: Laboratory of Biomaterials | Phone: +91 512 259 6194
Lab 1: Biomaterials Processing and Characterization Laboratory | Phone: +91 512 259 7920

Somnath Bhowmick (PhD, IISc. Bangalore)

Specialization : Computational Materials Science
Areas of Interest : Size dependent properties of nanomaterials, Ab-initiophase stability, Electronic structure calculations, Multiscale modeling
Email: bsomnath@iitk.ac.in
Website: https://sites.google.com/view/cmslabmseiitk/home
Office: Faculty Building, 410 | Phone: +91 512 259 7161
Lab 1: Western Labs- 312A | Phone: +91 512 259 6703

Krishanu Biswas (PhD, IISc. Bangalore)

Specialization : Nanomaterials, Phase Transformation, Electron microscopy, Alloy Design
Areas of Interest : Alloy Nanoparticles, Multicomponent Alloys, Deformation Behavior of High Entropy Alloys
Email: kbiswas@iitk.ac.in
Website: http://home.iitk.ac.in/~kbiswas
Office: Western Labs 210 | Phone: +91 512 259 6184
Lab 1: Western Labs 210 | Phone: +91 512 259 7720

Niraj Mohan Chawake (PhD, IIT Madras)

Specialization : Creep, Mechanical Behavior of Materials, Solid-State Sintering
Areas of Interest : High-temperature alloys, Severe plastic deformation, Alloy design, in-situ deformation, structure-property correlation
Email: nchawake@iitk.ac.in
Website: http://home.iitk.ac.in/~nchawake
Office: Faculty Building 417 | Phone: +91 512 259 2181

Anshu Gaur (PhD, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA)

Specialization : Electronic Materials, Nano-Materials, Device Physics and Device Characterization
Areas of Interest : Materials for electronic devices, carbon based nanostructures, Device physics and simulation, computational materials science
Email: agaur@iitk.ac.in
Website: http://home.iitk.ac.in/~agaur
Office: Faculty Building 405 | Phone: +91 512 259 7600
Lab 1: Western Labs 312 | Phone: +91 512 259 6771

Srinu Gangolu (PhD, IIT Bombay, India)

Specialization : Structure-property correlation and High temperature deformation
Areas of Interest : Grain refinement, Severe plastic deformation, Thermo-Mechanical Processing, Mechanical behaviour of Materials i.e. Creep and Superplasticity
Email: srinu@iitk.ac.in
Website: http://home.iitk.ac.in/~srinu
Office: WL306A | Phone: +91 512 259 2317
Lab 1: Deformation Processing Laboratory (Biomaterials Extension 101) | Phone: +91 512 259 6129

Nilesh Prakash Gurao (PhD, IISc. Bangalore)

Specialization : Crystallographic Texture, Thermomechanical Processing and Mechanical Behaviour of Materials
Areas of Interest : Length and time scale effects in plasticity, in-situ deformation studies, Micro-Laue diffraction using synchrotron, crystal plasticity simulations
Email: npgurao@iitk.ac.in
Website: https://home.iitk.ac.in/~npgurao/
Office: Faculty Building 408 | Phone: +91 512 259 6688
Lab 1: Western Labs 209 A | Phone: +91 512 259 7757

Sarang Ingole (PhD, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona, USA)

Specialization : Semiconductor materials, Micro and Nano-fabrication, Electrical Characterization of Materials
Areas of Interest : Materials for photovoltaic applications and energy storage, Self and directed assembly of nanomaterials, Electrochemical synthesis and deposition of materials
Email: sarang@iitk.ac.in
Website: http://home.iitk.ac.in/~sarang
Office: Faculty Building 406 | Phone: +91 512 259 7089
Lab 1: Western Labs 204 | Phone: +91 512 259 7974

Shikhar Krishn Jha (Ph.D, University of Colorado, Boulder, USA)

Specialization: Advance material processing under externally applied fields and its effect on electrical, optical, and chemical properties of the materials
Areas of Interest : Thermodynamics of phase transformations, Structure of material, Interfaces, and Solid state physics
Email: skjha@iitk.ac.in
Website: http://home.iitk.ac.in/~skjha
Office: WL-303D | Phone: +91 512 259 2094
Lab 1: CeramicWorks Laboratory (Western Lab 303 C) | Phone: +91 512 259

Monica Katiyar (PhD, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA)

Specialization : Opto-Electronic Materials and Devices
Areas of Interest : Electronic Materials and Devices, Organic Electronics, Thin Film Transistors, Memory Devices, Solid State Lighting, Sensors, Printable Electronics, Spintronic Materials
Email: mk@iitk.ac.in
Website: https://home.iitk.ac.in/~mk/
Office: Western Labs 113B | Phone: +91 512 259 7941
Lab 1: Western Labs 105 | Phone: +91 512 259 7935
Lab 2: Western Labs 204E | Phone: +91 512 259 7915

Kaustubh Kulkarni (PhD, Purdue University, West Lafayette, USA)

Specialization : Multicomponent Diffusion, Thermodynamics, Physical Metallurgy
Areas of Interest : Diffusional & Thermodynamic Interaction in Multi Component Systems & their Applications for Alloy Design, Light Weight Alloys for Automobile & Aerospace Applications, Joining of Dissimilar Metals
Email: kkaustub@iitk.ac.in
Website: http://home.iitk.ac.in/~kkaustub/
Office: Western Labs-302A | Phone: +91 512 259 6102
Lab 1: Western Labs-209A | Phone: +91 512 259 6060

Tanmoy Maiti (PhD, Pennsylvania State University, USA)

Specialization : Electronic Materials & Devices Nanophotonics
Areas of Interest : Clean Energy, Thermoelectrics, Perovskite Solar Cell, Plasmonics, Oxide Electronics, Pyroelectronics, Ferroelectrics, Semiconductors, Memory Devices
Email: tmaiti@iitk.ac.in
Website: http://home.iitk.ac.in/~tmaiti/
Office: Western Labs 302B | Phone: +91 512 259 6599 / 6994
Lab 1: Western Labs 204A | Phone: +91 512 259 6802

Arunabh Meshram (PhD, Indian Institute of Technology (BHU), Varanasi, India)

Specialization : Non-Ferrous Extractive Metallurgy
Areas of Interest : Recovery of valuable products, Industrial Waste Management, Electronic waste recycling
Email: arunabhm@iitk.ac.in
Website: http://home.iitk.ac.in/~arunabhm
Office: Faculty Building 409 | Phone: +91 512 259 2268
Lab 1: NA | Phone: +91 512 259

Shikhar Misra (PhD, Purdue University, West Lafayette, USA)

Specialization : Functional thin films, epitaxy, ceramic nanocomposites, optical metamaterials
Areas of Interest : Ceramic Nanocomposite Designs, Processing and Characterizations for Microelectronics, Optics, and Energy applications, Machine learning for Materials Database Mining and Structural Refinin
Email: shikharm@iitk.ac.in
Website: http://home.iitk.ac.in/~shikharm
Office: Faculty Building 411 | Phone: +91 512 259 2257
Lab 1: NA | Phone: +91 512 259

Kallol Mondal (PhD, IIT Kharagpur)

Specialization : Physical Metallurgy, Glassy Alloys
Areas of Interest : Glassy Alloys, Nanocrystalline Alloys, Coating
Email: kallol@iitk.ac.in
Website: http://home.iitk.ac.in/~kallol/
Office: Western Labs 113A | Phone: +91 512 259 6156
Lab 1: Western Labs 205 | Phone: +91 512 259 7648

Rajdip Mukherjee (PhD, I.I.Sc. Bangalore)

Specialization : Microstructure Modelling and Simulation
Areas of Interest : Phase-field Modelling, Multiscale Modelling, Phase Transformations
Email: rajdipm@iitk.ac.in
Website: http://home.iitk.ac.in/~rajdipm
Office: Faculty Building 407 | Phone: +91 512 259 6449
Lab 1: Western Labs-312B | Phone: +91 512 259 6903

Shobit Omar (PhD, University of Florida)

Specialization : Ionic Conductors, Ceramic Processing, Solid Oxide Fuel Cells, Thermal Barrier Coatings
Areas of Interest : Electroceramics, Oxide and Protonic Ceramic Conductors, Structural Ceramics
Email: somar@iitk.ac.in
Website: http://home.iitk.ac.in/~somar
Office: ACMS 203E | Phone: +91 512 259 7427
Lab 1: Western Labs 109 | Phone: +91 512 259 6750
Lab 2: | Phone: +91 512 259 6752

Sandeep Sangal (PhD, University of Manitoba, Canada)

Specialization : Physical and Mechanical Metallurgy
Areas of Interest : Structure-Property Correlations, Microstructural Characterization, Stereology, Image Processing, Development of Web-Based Educational Aids
Email: sangals@iitk.ac.in
Website: http://home.iitk.ac.in/~sangals
Office: Western Lab Extension 114 | Phone: +91 512 259 7167
Lab 1: Western Lab Extension 116 | Phone: +91 512 259 7975

Rahul Sarkar (PhD, Metallurgical Engineering, The University of Utah, USA)

Specialization : Oxygen steel making, Alternative iron making, Refractory-metal-slag interactions, High temperature chemical processing
Areas of Interest : Process Metallurgy, Transport phenomena in Materials Engineering, Process modelling, Diffusion in solids
Email: rsarkar@iitk.ac.in
Website: http://home.iitk.ac.in/~rsarkar
Office: Faculty Building FB-403 | Phone: +91 512 259 2242
Lab 1: N.A | Phone: +91 512 259

Rajiv Shekhar (PhD, University of California, Berkeley, USA)

Specialization : Electrochemical Materials Processing
Areas of Interest : Molten Salt Electrolysis, Electrodeposition
Email: vidtan@iitk.ac.in
Website: http://home.iitk.ac.in/~vidtan
Office: Faculty Building 416 | Phone: +91 512 259 7016
Lab 1: Western Labs 103A | Phone: +91 512 259 7694
Lab 2: Western Labs 103E | Phone: +91 512 259 7001

Shashank Shekhar (PhD, Purdue University, West Lafayette, USA)

Specialization : Severe Plastic Deformation Grain Boundaries, Triple Junctions
Areas of Interest : Thermomechanical Processing, Grain Boundary Engineering, Machining, Surface Engineering
Email: shashank@iitk.ac.in
Website: http://home.iitk.ac.in/~shashank
Office: Western Labs-304 A | Phone: +91 512 259 6528
Lab 1: Western Labs-104 D | Phone: +91 512 259 7278
Lab 2: Western Labs-304 B | Phone: +91 512 259 6479

Amarendra Kumar Singh (PhD, IIT Kanpur)

Specialization : Process Modelling & Simulations
Areas of Interest : Steel Refining and Casting, Extractive Metallurgy, Integrated Computational Materials Engineering, Solidification Processing, Sustainable Manufacturing
Email: amarendra@iitk.ac.in
Website: http://home.iitk.ac.in/~amarendra
Office: Western Labs-101 | Phone: +91 512 259 6810
Lab 1: Western Labs-101 C | Phone: +91 512 259 6277

Sudhanshu Shekhar Singh (PhD, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona, USA)

Specialization : 3D/4D Materials Science, Mechanical Metallurgy
Areas of Interest : Nanoindentation, Micro-mechanical testing, Lightweight alloys, Deformation behavior of alloys, Laser processing of materials
Email: sudhanss@iitk.ac.in
Website: http://home.iitk.ac.in/~sudhanss
Office: Western Labs-303 A | Phone: +91 512 259 6908
Lab 1: Western Labs-303 B | Phone: +91 512 259 6480

Soumya Sridar (PhD, IIT Madras)

Specialization : Computational materials thermodynamics and kinetics, Materials design and process optimization
Areas of Interest : CALPHAD database development for phase diagrams and thermophysical properties, Thermodynamic property prediction using ab initio techniques, CALPHAD-based ICME framework with key experiments for alloy and post-processing design for additive manufacturing.
Email: ssridar@iitk.ac.in
Website: http://home.iitk.ac.in/~ssridar
Office: ESB-3 510 | Phone: +91 512 259 2596

Shivam Tripathi (PhD, Purdue University, West Lafayette, USA)

Specialization : Atomistic Simulations, Thermodynamics, Physical Metallurgy
Areas of Interest : Shape memory alloys, High entropy alloys, Thermal transport, Optical Materials, Catalysis
Email: shivamt@iitk.ac.in
Website: http://home.iitk.ac.in/~shivamt
Office: Faculty Building 412 A | Phone: +91 512 259 2426
Lab 1: N.A | Phone: +91 512 259

Anish Upadhyaya (PhD, Penn State, USA)

Specialization : Powder Metallurgy, Sintering of Ferrous & Non-Ferrous Alloys & Composites
Areas of Interest : Materials Processing, Powder Metallurgy, Sintered Particulate Alloys & Composites, Microwave Processing
Email: anishu@iitk.ac.in
Website: http://home.iitk.ac.in/~anishu
Office: Faculty Building 419 | Phone: +91 512 259 7672
Lab 1: Western Labs 208 | Phone: +91 512 259 7342

Vivek Verma (PhD, Pennsylvania State University, USA)

Specialization : Biomaterials, Biodegradable Polymers
Areas of Interest : Protein Patterning, Wound Dressing Material , Drug Delivery, biodegradable Plastics, Water Remediation
Email: vverma@iitk.ac.in
Website: http://home.iitk.ac.in/~vverma
Office: Faculty Building 418 | Phone: +91 512 259 6527
Lab 1: Western Labs-206 | Phone: +91 512 259 6949
Lab 2: CESE-201 | Phone: +91 512 259 6261

Raghupathy Yuvaraj (PhD, IISc Bengaluru, India)

Specialization : Microbially Induced Corrosion, Corrosion Engineering, Nanomaterials and Surface Coatings, Material-Microbe Interactions
Areas of Interest : Structure-electrochemical property relationships in metastable and nanocrystalline materials, development of materials for extreme corrosive environments, coatings for corrosion control, material-microbe interactions leading to bio-fouling and microbially induced corrosion, and biohydrometallurgy for recycling industrial wastes
Email: raghu@iitk.ac.in
Website: http://home.iitk.ac.in/~raghu
Office: Diamond Jublee Complex 503 H-D | Phone: +91 512 259 2316
Lab: NA | Phone: NA

Professor Emeritus

Dipak Mazumdar (PhD, McGill University, Montreal, Canada)

Specialization : Steelmaking, Modeling
Areas of Interest : Process Metallurgy
Email: dipak@iitk.ac.in
Website: http://home.iitk.ac.in/~dipak
Office: Western Labs 101 | Phone: +91 512 259 7328
Lab 1: Western Labs 101A | Phone: +91 512 259 7977

Distinguished Honorary Professor

Pulickel M Ajayan (Professor of Materials Science and Nano Engineering, Rice University)

Benjamin M. and Mary Greenwood Anderson Professor of Engineering
Department of Materials Science and Nano Engineering,
MEB 219, Rice University, 6100 Main Street,
Houston, Texas 77005

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