Physical Metallurgy
The MSE department at IIT Kanpur has always been in the forefront of the research and development in Physical Metallurgy.
The research areas span from archeo-metallurgy to new steel development for Railways applications; from nuclear reactor materials to state-of-the art material technology in aerospace applications and from nano-structured alloys to human implant materials. The department is currently working on many nationally important projects sponsored by esteemed organizations including ISRO, DRDO, Railways and BARC. At the same time, there are many significant projects running in the department, which are sponsored by industry.
Ti71Fe25.15Sn3.85 suction cast alloy cylinder showing ultrafine eutectic between b-Ti and intermetallic TiFe with primary dendrites of soft b-Ti (grey) and hard Ti3Sn (white).

Precipitate free zone in the vicinity of grain boundaries observed in a Ti-Fe alloy

Ti71Fe25.15Sn3.85 suction cast alloy cylinder showing ultrafine eutectic between b-Ti and intermetallic TiFe with primary dendrites of soft b-Ti (grey) and hard Ti3Sn (white)

Joining of Steel to Cu-based alloys