Welcome Message
The Women's Association (WA) of IIT Kanpur is an informal organization representing all women of IIT Kanpur campus. The WA of IITK seeks to give women on IITK campus an opportunity to interact with others on campus, and celebrate and develop their professional skills. It provides social platform to the campus community and addresses the issues where women can make a difference.
- Cultural Evening (jointly organized by the Faculty Club & Women's Association) will be held on 27th April New
- Women's Day and Holi Celebration 2025 New
- Institute Flower Show, February 22-23, 2025 New
- Kalakriti 2025, Kids art competition New
- WA's Badminton Tournament - February 14 to 16, 2025 New
- Lohri and Makar Sankranti celebration, 12th January, 2025
- Winter Fair 2024
- Bal Mela, November 10th, 2024
- Diwali Mela, October 26-27, 2024
- Karwachauth, October 19th, 2024
- Dandiya Nights, Friday, October 4, 2024
- WA Members Trip to the New Fitness Center at IIT Kanpur, Sunday, 25th August, at 11:00 AM.
- Women’s Association GBM 2024, on August 31, 2024 (Saturday)
- INSTITUTE LECTURE - Myths and Facts about Cancer: What Every Person Must Know
- Teej Celebaration, Sunday, August 4, 2024
- Women's Association, IIT Kanpur : Health and Wellness Series
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The Women's Association (WA) of IIT Kanpur is an informal organisation representing all women of IIT Kanpur campus. Started as a social club when the IITK was set up in the sixties, it has evolved into a platform for interactions and discussions with other residents, a place to nurture talent and enterprise, and a forum to discuss issues that concerns the community. WA has played a pivotal role in building the social fabric of the campus, celebrating Diwali, Holi and other festivals together, organising fetes and picnics, networking women and spending time together in fun activities. The association operates from House No 605, popularly known as the Faculty Club.
Constitution of Women’s Association
- Name The name of the organization is "The Women’s Association of I I T Kanpur" referred as WA.
- Mission The WA of IITK seeks to give women on IITK campus an opportunity to interact with others on campus, celebrate and develop their professional skills. Our mission is to provide the much needed social platform to the campus community and to address issues that makes us a sensitive and sensible community. By organising exhibitions and activities, WA provides its members platform to share their interests and skills with others.
- Members
- Eligibility: Those persons who are eligible for membership in the Association shall be the women in the community of I I T Kanpur. This shall include all female faculty members and staff; spouses of faculty, staff and married students.
- Honorary Members: Those person whom the Association considers an honor to have as members may be nominated by the Secretary with the approval of the general body of active members. They will not hold voting privileges and they will not be eligible to hold office.
- Patron: The association will be headed by the Patron, who will be the wife of the Head of IIT Kanpur. Her role will be ensure smooth functioning of the association including election of the executive committee
- Selection of the Secretary: The Secretary is elected in the most democratic way. Call for new Secretary will be made through email and posts on the facebook. A General Body Meeting shall be held and the names will be proposed in the presence of Patron or her nominee, who will be the chair. If there are no objections and majority supports the person, then she shall be elected as the Secretary. In case of more than one person is nominated then the decision can be taken based on the majority of votes for each person.
- Elected Committee (EC) of the WA: The elected officers of the Association shall be in the following designations:
- Secretary
- Joint Secretary
- Treasurer
- Minimum 6 members who will be selected by the Secretary
- It is mandatory to include the previous year Secretary as the ex-officio in the EC
- The number of members in the Executive committee should not exceed beyond 12 The Secretary/ Joint Secretary have the full authority and power to choose the members of their EC and they will hold voting privileges within the affairs of the Executive Committee
- All major decisions can be implemented only after getting the vote from at least 7 members of the committee. Decisions regarding financial planning, scheduling events or organizing exhibitions etc should be taken with the consensus of the major members of the committee
- The duration or term of the EC is for one year and the term starts according to the first month of the year that is from January to December.
- Roles and Responsibilities The Secretary
- The Secretary of the Association is a voting member of the Executive Committee
- The Secretary is the recorder of the minutes of all meetings of the Association and of meetings of the Executive Committee. And the minutes of the meeting should be circulated from time to time through email to all the members.
- The Secretary must also maintain a file of such minutes, as approved, in good order and for transfer to the next elected secretary for continuity of the affairs of the Association.
- regarding any new schedule of events in the Association.
- It is the responsibility of the Secretary to maintain a list of the active members of the Association. In co-ordination with the Treasurer the Secretary announces new members at each meeting when such announcement is applicable.
- The Secretary is required to maintain copies of the rules and regulations, the amendments there to with appropriate dates, the reports of committees, and other papers of the Association. The Secretary must maintain these files in good order until the election of the next Secretary is made known and should be handed over to the next team.
- Make all disbursements connected with the organization by seeking the necessary receipts.
- Prepare the annual report for each year, obtain the approval of the EC members and submit it to the members in the GBM.
- Prepare the budget for the whole year and plan the events that have to be organized and present it to the members in the first GBM.
- The Joint Secretary of the Association is a voting member of the Executive Committee. The Joint Secretary shall assist the Secretary in carrying out her duties effectively, and shall take over these duties completely in the absence of the Secretary.
- The Treasurer of the Association is a voting member of the Executive Committee. The Treasurer is responsible to maintain the accounts, income and expenditures, of the Association. Responsibilities of the Treasurer:-
- The Treasurer shall have power to collect membership fee, subscriptions, donations, rents and such other moneys as may be, due to the organization and deposit the same in the Bank Account of the organization.
- Keep accounts of income and expenditure and place them before the Governing body at its meeting.
- Maintain all vouchers properly prepared and signed, supported by the sanction and by the counter – signature of the chairman.
- Be responsible for the expenditure incurred with all money and maintain accounts and other documents connected therewith. (v)The treasurer shall after obtaining the authorization of the Governing body, open a current or savings account in the name of the organization in a scheduled bank having its office, and entitled to operate the same provided that the amount shall be withdrawn from the bank by cheque or otherwise and such cheques or other instruments of withdrawal be either in favour of the Treasurer / General Secretary.
- The Treasurer has to invest funds of the organization in fixed deposits or saving deposits in the Bank as decided by the Governing Body from time to time. The Treasurer is responsible to collect the membership dues and to send notices to any member for the same purpose in collaboration with the Secretary. The annual meeting is the occasion for the Treasurer to present an annual report and submit accounts. At any other time, the Treasurer should be prepared to present a current report as may be requested A simple profit and loss statement should be maintained and it has to be circulated to the members before handing over charges to the new team after the tenure.
- General Body Meeting (GBM): Every committee should organize atleast 2 general body meetings in a year to discuss about their plan of events or to share the progress of their earlier plans. After the GBM the minutes of the meeting should be drafted and circulated to all the members through email The elective office bearers shall be free to seek the guidance of any regular members of the Association but such advisers shall not hold the right to vote within the Executive Committee. The Secretary will call meetings of the Executive Committee and preside at these meetings.
- Financial Status: The Women’s Association merely thrives on the membership money collected from people. The present membership rate is 1100 rupees per person. The EC can revise the membership rates from time to time. EC can generate funds by conducting activities and charging for that, and charging for the activities conducted. The rules and regulations of such things should be declared to all members and adhered to.
- Books The EC shall maintain the following books and keep them updated end of every month. (i) Activity Register – this shall provide the Rules and Regulations for holding activities in the Faculty Club, and Agreement forms with person(s) conducting activity. It will be mandatory to list names of students and their details in this register, including the funds collected for conducting the activity, and fees charged by WA. (ii) Membership Register – this shall contain names and details of all members and the funds they have deposited for membership. (iii) Accounts register – shall contain all vouchers and receipts of the expenditures and incomes of EC. The Profit and Loss statements shall be prepared at the time of GBM and presented to members.
- Protocol for taking charge by new EC The new EC shall take charge soon after it is elected in GBM. The old EC shall present the following documents to the Secretary of new EC at the time of handing over and get the signatures. (i) All books (accounts, activity, membership) (ii) Bank books (pass book and cheque book) (iii) Any FD made on the name of WA (iv) Cash in hand (v) Make the new Secretary administrator of Facebook account of WA (vi) Provide login and password for the WA website
- Amendments to the Constitution: The executive committee is advised to deliberate with the general body and reach a consensus regrading percentage of members of the general body in favour of the amendment in the constitution