Biological Sciences and Bioengineering

Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur







Welcome Message

Welcome to BSBE! The department was established in the year 2001 with the vision of conducting cutting-edge research and providing quality teaching and research training in basic biology, biomedical and bioengineering fields. Our faculty and students come from a range of science and engineering disciplines and work in challenging problems that transcend the boundaries of science, engineering and medicine. For more information, please explore the website!

-Prof. Amitabha Bandyopadhyay
Head, Department of Biological sciences and Bioengineering

Updated soon...

Faculty Members

Faculty positions are open for candidates with a demonstrated potential for imaginative research in all frontier areas of modern biology and bioengineering.
For details, click here.

Postdoctoral Fellows

BSBE offers postdoctoral positions for aspiring young PhD degree holders to pursue independent research.
For details, click here.