Biological Sciences and Bioengineering

Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur

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Set up by Mr. Ajit S. Gill (BT/EE/1969), and named after his parents, the objective of this Endowment is to support a number of activities in the Biological Sciences and Bioengineering Department at IIT Kanpur. The endowment supports the Joy Gill Chair, four UG scholarships, summer internships and summer research opportunities for the students, and a Business Plan Competition. Mr. Gill holds a B. Tech. degree in Electrical Engineering from IITK, an M.S. from the University of Nebraska, and an M.B.A. from the University of Western Ontario, Canada. Current Mr. Gill is serving as President & CEO, Nektar Therapeutics, Santa Carlos, California.

In Mr. Gill words, "setting up this endowment was very important to me as a way of thanking my parents and my family. Doing it at IITK, the institution that gave me my educational foundation was critical as a way of helping IITK continue to maintain its tradition of excellence while giving other students the opportunity to get a great education."

This Endowment Fund covers several scholarship, internship and prize money for the undergraduate students of BSBE, besides a Chair Professor. These are:

  • Baljit and Nirmal Dhindsa UG Scholarship for 2 students
    Scholarship for 2nd year undergraduate students based on their CPI in 1st year.
  • Mona and Paramjit Singh UG Scholarship for 2 students
    Scholarship for 3rd year undergraduate students based on their CPI in 2nd year.
  • Bio innovation summer research internship for UG students
    Summer innovation award for UG students of the 7th Semester. To be awarded to 6 students for summer training at Industry/Institute/Research in India/Abroad
  • Manmohan Gill BioBusiness Competition
    Competitions are being conducted as part of the Techkriti
  • Joy Gill Professor of Biological Sciences and Bioengineering (Faculty Chair)
    Chair position for outstanding young investigators under the age of 45 years in any area of Biological Sciences and Bioengineering. Current incumbent: Dr. Jayandharan G. Rao
Prof. Arabindo Nath Bose Endowed Lecture Series on Bioentrepreneurship

Made possible by a generous endowment from Dr. Arindam Bose (B. Tech/ChE/1975), currently the Vice-President, External Affairs & Strategy, Biotherapeutics Pharmaceutical Sciences, Pfizer, Inc, USA, in memory of his father, Prof. Arabindo Nath Bose.
Prof. Arabindo Nath Bose received his PhD in Nutrition and Food Science from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Upon returning to India in the early 1950's, he established the department of Food Technology at Jadavpur University, Calcutta. He later served as the Director of the Central Institute of Fisheries Technology in Kerala. Prof. Bose returned to Jadavpur University in the early 1970's and was thereafter appointed Vice-Chancellor during a period of great political turmoil - he was instrumental in restoring order on campus. He continued his research in aquaculture engineering and was the founding Editor of the Journal of Aquaculture in the Tropics. Upon his retirement, Prof. Bose devoted his attention to establishing a primary school based on Vedic principles for children from families of modest means. Enrollment at Shri Ritam Vidyapith, which he founded, has now grown to over 750 students and encompasses Kindergarten to Grade X. Prof. Bose passed away on 19 March, 2003.

Past speakers include:

Prof. Balram Bhargava, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi.
Prof. Rakesh K. Jain, Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts General Hospital, USA.
Dr. Ramesh Hariharan, CEO and Co-founder, Strand Life Sciences Pvt. Ltd, Bangalore.
Prof. D. Balasubramanian, Director of Research, L. V. Prasad Eye Institute, Hyderabad.
Prof. M. S. Valiathan, Former VC, Manipal University, Manipal.
Prof. S. K. Brahmachari, Former DG, CSIR, New Delhi.
Dr. Kamal K. Sharma, Vice Chairman, Lupin Limited, Mumbai.
Dr. Balganesh, former VP, AstraZeneca India.
Dr. Venu Gopinathan, Texas Instruments.
Dr. R. Ramaswamy, InStem, Bangalore.
Mr. Ajit Gill, President & CEO, Nektar Therapeutics, California.
Dr. M. K. Bhan, Secretary, DBT, Government of India.
Prof. K. Vijay Raghavan, Director, NCBS, Bangalore.
Dr. Pradip Bhatnagar, VP, Ranbaxy Laboratories.
Prof. Anand Chakraborty, Univ. of Illinois.

Other Donor Scholarships

Third year students of B.Tech/B.Tech-M.Tech (dual degree). Based on merit-cum-means.

1st year B.Tech Students. Based on SPI at the end of 1st semester.

B.Tech 4th year students of BSBE. Based on merit-cum-means. Preference to be given to a student working on cancer related project.

Third year Female students for B.Tech./ B.Tech-M.Tech. Dual Degree students of BSBE or CSE. Based on merit-cum-means.

2nd year UG girl students of ME or BSBE. Based on merit-cum-means, with minimum CPI of 7.5.