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    Check List
    Conduct & Discipline
    Counselling Service
    Eligibility Criteria
    Fee Refund Rules
    Fee Structure
    Hostel Facilities
    How to reach
    Inadequate Academic Performance
  zero Institute Campus
    Institute Hostel
    Seat Matrix
    Where and when to report




Conduct & Discipline

1 Code of Conduct

Each student shall conduct himself/herself in a manner befitting his/her association with an Institute of national importance. He/she is expected not to indulge in any activity which is likely to bring down the prestige of the Institute. He/She should also show due respect and courtesy to the teachers, administrators, officers and employees of the Institute, and good neighbourly behaviour to fellow students. Due attention and courtesy is to be paid to visitors to the Institute and residents of the Campus.

Lack of courtesy and decorum, unbecoming conduct (both within and outside the Institute), wilful damage and/or removal of Institute property or belongings of fellow students, disturbing others in their studies, adoption of unfair means during examinations, breach of rules and regulations of the Institute, noisy and unseemly behaviour and similar other undesirable activities shall constitute violation of the Code of Conduct for students. Ragging in any form is strictly prohibited and considered a serious offence.

2 Disciplinary Actions and Related Matter

Violation of the Code of Conduct shall invite disciplinary action which may include punishment such as reprimand, disciplinary probation, fine, debarring from examinations, withdrawal of scholarship and/ or placement services, withholding of grades and/or degrees, cancellation of registration and even expulsion from the Institute.

The Instructor-in-Charge of a course shall have the power to debar a student from the examination in which he/she is detected to be using unfair means. The Instructor/Tutor shall have the power to take appropriate action against a student who misbehaves in his/ her class .

The Warden-in-Charge of a Hostel has the power to reprimand, impose fine or take any other suitable measure against a resident who violates either the Code of Conduct or rules and regulations pertaining to the Hostel . Involvement of a student in ragging may lead to his/ her expulsion from the Institute.

The Senate Student Affairs Committee (SSAC) investigates alleged mis-demeanours, complaints, etc. and recommends a suitable course of action. Violation of the Code of Conduct by an individual or of a group of students can be referred to this committee by a student, teacher or other functionary of the Institute. Further, in very exceptional circumstances, the Chairman, Senate may appoint a special committee to investigate and/or recommend appropriate action for any act of gross indiscipline involving an individual or a number of students, which, in his/her view, may tarnish the image of the Institute.

The recommendation for any action, including expulsion of a student from the Institute, shall be referred to the Senate for its final decision .

A student who feels aggrieved with the punishment awarded may, however, appeal to the Chairman, Senate stating clearly the case and explaining his/ her position, seeking reconsideration of the decision..

The Senate may not recommend a student, who is found guilty of some major offence, to the Board of Governors for the award of a degree/diploma/certificate even if he/she has satisfactorily completed all the academic requirements.