Self Warming Boot
MedTech IIT Kanpur
Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering and Design, IIT J. Ramkumar devised this special shoe which is based on 12 volt battery, temperature control unit and thermocouple sensor technology. The current from the battery is conducted through wires to a thin sheet of wire inside the rubber sole. This sheet is made from nichrome wire. Nichrome wire contains 80 percent nickel and 20 percent chromium. This increases the temperature of the entire shoe along with the sole in a short time and heats the feet of the wearer of the shoe. Professor J., who directed the process of shoe manufacturing. According to Ramkumar, jawans usually use boots weighing up to 1.5 kg on the glacier, which are quite heavy, but the weight of the shoes made by IIT will be less than half a kilogram. The battery in it will give energy for four to five hours. After this it can be charged or another battery can be used. Most of the jawans do duty on the glacier only for so long at a time.

MedTech IIT Kanpur
A 'Microcliate Storage/ Sabjikothi' which is a low-cost storage and transportation solution that can be utilized for the storage of horticultural produce ranging from 10 to 40 days depending upon the particular crop. It is one of its kind solution that only require a litre of water per day and 20 watts of electricity either on-grid or off-grid. For the capacity of upto 500 KG the cost is around 10000 rupees only. The storage is self- adaptable and sustainable as it doesn't require cooling neither chemical to extend the shelf-life of fruits and vegetables and is a green solution. The extremely short shelf life of horticultural and floricultural produce results in a big chunk of the produce not making it to the market at all and ends up getting wasted. 70% of fruit and vegetable output is wasted, accounting for 40% of the total cost. As a result, fruit and vegetable prices are twice what they would be otherwise. Sabjikothi addresses the issue of the perishability of horticultural commodities and works on reducing waste by the provision of affordable technology directly to individual farmers, cooperatives, and traders to ensure better post-harvest outcomes.

MedTech IIT Kanpur
Anti-bacterial and anti-viral, 'Swasa' face mask is made of ultra soft fabric, which allows for easy breathing, provides adjustable ear loop and is claimed to be effective for 100 hours of usage.

MedTech IIT Kanpur
The Sanjeevani Oxygen concentrator was developed by MedTech, IIT Kanpur and the technology was transferred to a Bangalore-based company, Joey Abbott. This medical device was developed during the second COVID wave to address the need for oxygen concentrators. The members of the facility took special permission from the Director of IIT Kanpur to come to the facility and work on this technology. The team had to work day and night to perfect the technology. The challenge to the team was to provide oxygen with a purity of 90% and at a rate of 5 LPM. But the team with their focused efforts brought out an alpha prototype with the rate of 8 LPM and a purity of 92%. Since the facility was aiming to get ISO 13485:2016 certification, the quality management system was established as prescribed in the standard. The team members followed the stringent procedures as laid down in the standard to make sure that the prototype was up to the regulations. During this time some of the members had also contracted COVID. But, rest of the team worked tirelessly and came with the final prototype which is now in the market. And this concentrator had a purity of 92 % with the oxygen rate of 10 LPM. This was a proud moment to the MedTech, IIT Kanpur facility.