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Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering
Environmental Engineering
Research Interest
Environmental geochemistry of heavy metals and inorganic contaminants, Investigate physical and chemical processes such as adsorption, precipitation, and reduction-oxidation occurring at mineral-water-microbial interfaces, and relate them to larger scales, Predict inorganic contaminant fate and transport through surface complexation and flow-through reactor modeling, Develop tools to target contaminant remediation in natural as well as engineered environments
Ph.D., Washington University in Saint Louis, U.S.A., 2010
Singh A., Catalano J.G., Ulrich K.-U., and Giammar D.E. (2012) Molecular-scale structure of uranium(VI) immobilized with goethite and phosphate. Environmental Science & Technology 46(12), 6594-6603.
Singh A., Ulrich K.-U., and Giammar D. E. (2010) Impact of phosphate on U(VI) immobilization in the presence of goethite. GeochimicaetCosmochimicaActa 74(22), 6324-6343.
Zeng H., Singh A., Basak S., Ulrich K.-U., Sahu M., Biswas P., Catalano J.G., and Giammar D.E. (2009) Nanoscale size effects on uranium(VI) adsorption to hematite. Environmental Science & Technology 43(5), 1373-1378.
Ulrich K.U., Singh A., Schofield E.J., Bargar J.R., Veeramani H., Sharp J., Bernier-Latmani R., and Giammar D.E. (2008) Dissolution of biogenic and synthetic UO2 under varied reducing conditions. Environmental Science & Technology 42(15), 5600-5606.