A. Guha, C. R. Mechoso, C. S. Konor and R. P. Heikes, "Modeling Rossby wave breaking in the Southern Spring Stratosphere", Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences (submitted). [pdf]
A. Guha and G. A. Lawrence, "A wave interaction approach to studying non-modal homogeneous and stratified shear instabilities", Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 755, 336-364 (2014).[pdf]
A. Guha and G. A. Lawrence, "Estuary classification revisited", Journal of Physical Oceanography, 43, pp. 1566-1571 (2013). [pdf]
A. Guha, M. Rahmani and G. A. Lawrence, "Evolution of a barotropic shear layer into elliptical vortices." Physical Review E., 87, 013020, (2013). [pdf]
A. Guha and I. A. Frigaard, "On the stability of plane Couette-Poiseuille flow with uniform crossflow." Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 656, pp. 417-447, (2010). [pdf]