Chemical Engineering Design; Process Dynamics and Control; Advanced Process Dynamics and Control; Thermodynamics; Unit Operations and Controls Laboratory.
- Debasis Maity, Rahul Jagtap and Nitin Kaistha, "Systematic top-down economic plant wide control of the cumene process", J. Proc. Cont., 23 (10), 1426-1440 (2013).
- Rahul Jagtap, Nitin Kaistha and W.L. Luyben, "External reset feedback for constrained economic process operation", Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 52 (28), 9654-9664 (2013).
- Rahul Jagtap, Nitin Kaistha and Sigurd Skogestad, "Economic plantwide control over a wide throughput range: A systematic design procedure", AIChE. Jou., 59 (7), 2407-2426 (2013).
- Rahul Jagtap, Ashok S. Pathak and Nitin Kaistha, "Economic plantwide control of the Ethyl Benzene Process", AIChE. Jou., 59 (6), 1996-2014 (2013).
- M.V. Pavan Kumar and Nitin Kaistha, "Role of multiplicity in reactive distillation control system design", Jou. Pro. Cont., 18, 692-706 (2008).
- R. Jagtap, N. Kaistha and S. Skogestad, "Economic plantwide control over a wide throughput range: A systematic design procedure", AlChE. Jou., 59(7), 2407-2426 (2013).
- L. Agarwal, V. Pavani, D.P. Rao and N. Kaistha, "Process intensification in HiGee absorption and distillation: Design procedure and applications", Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 49, 10046-10058 (2010).
- R.S. Thakur, N. Kaistha, and D.P. Rao, "Process intensification in duplex pressure swing adsorption", Comp. Chem. Eng., 35, 975-983 (2011).
- B.P. Singh, R. Singh, M.V. Pavan Kumar, and N. Kaistha, "Steady state analysis of reactive distillation columns using homotopy continuation", Chem. Eng. Res. & Des., 83 (A8), 959-958 (2005).
- Rahul Jagtap, Nitin Kaistha and W.L. Luyben, "External reset feedback for constrained economic process operation", Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 52(28), 9654-9664 (2013).
- Faculty, Department of Chemical Engineering, IIT Kanpur, INDIA, Sep 02-Present.
- Visiting Assistant Professor, Chemical and Biomedical Engineering, Singapore, Jul 12-Jul 14.
- Research Scientist, Unilever Research, Bangalore, INDIA, Jun 01-Aug 02.
- Post Doctoral Fellow, Chemical Engineering, University of Tennessee, Knoxville TN, USA, Jan 00-May 01.
- Research Assistant, Chemical Engineering, University of Tennessee, Knoxville TN, USA, Aug 96-Dec 99.
- P.K. Kelkar Research Fellowship, IIT Kanpur (2009-2012).
- Erasmus Mundus Fellowship, NTNU, Norway (2009).
- Best Session Paper Award at CHEMCON 2004, Mumbai, India.
- Outstanding Session Paper Award, June 2001 American Control Conference, Arlington VA.
- Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society Member from 1997-1999 at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville TN.
- Economic plantwide control, Simulation and optimization, Chemical process modeling, Process integration and intensification
- Erasmus Mundus External Cooperation Window Lot 13 Fellowship to NTNU, Norway
- Best Session Paper Award at CHEMCON 2004, Mumbai, India
- Outstanding Session Paper Award, June 2001 American Control Conference, Arlington VA
- Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society Member from 1997-1999 at the Univ of Tenn, Knoxville
- Organized an industrial short course especially targeted at the practicing engineers in the industry on "Chemical Process Design, Operation and Control", 1-5 June 2014 at IIT Kanpur.
- Proposed a technique for slop-cut elimination in the pipeline transfer of fuels to HPCL. Acknowledged saving per pipeline is Rs 6 crore per annum. HPCL keenly interested in implementing the technique subject to an agreement with IITK.
- Organized an intensive short course especially targeted at the practicing engineers in the industry on "Practical Chemical Process Control", 7-11 May 2007 at IIT Kanpur.
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