Parthasarathi Sensarma

Ph.D (IISc Bangalore)

Professor Departement of Electrical Engineering


Research Interest



  • Ph.D.: IISc Bangalore, 2001
  • M.Tech.:‐ IIT kharagpur , 1992
  • B.E.: Jadavpur University, 1990



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  • Poonam Chaudhary and Parthasarathi Sensarma, "Front-End Buck Rectifier With Reduced Filter Size and Single-Loop Control," IEEE Transactions onIndustrial Electronics, vol.60, no.10, pp.4359-4368, Oct. 2013.
  • Anindya Dasgupta and Parthasarathi Sensarma, "Low frequency dynamic modeling and control of Matrix Converter for power system applications," Power Electronics IET, vol.5, no.3, pp 304-314, March 2012
  • Rakesh Kumar Sinha and Parthasarathi Sensarma, "A pre-filter based PLL for three-phase grid connected applications," Electric Power systems Research, vol 81, Issue 1, pp 129- 137, January 2011.
  • Shahil Shah and Parthasarathi Sensarma, "Three Degree of Freedom Robust Voltage Controller for Instantaneous Current Sharing Among Voltage Source Inverters in Parallel," IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics , vol.25, no.12, pp.3003-3014, December 2010.
  • Samir Hazra and Parthasarathi Sensarma, "Self-excitation and control of an induction generator in a stand-alone wind energy conversion system," Renewable Power Generation, IET , vol.4, no.4, pp.383-393, July 2010.


Department of Electrical Engineering,
Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur
UP, India-208016

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