Sameer Chavan

PhD (University of Pune)

Department of Mathematics and Statistics

Research Interest



  • PhD (University of Pune)



  • Sectorial Forms and Unbounded Subnormals (with A. Athavale), Math Proc Cambridge Phil Soc, 143 (2007), 685-702
  • On Operators Cauchy Dual to 2-hyperexpansive Operators: The Unbounded Case, Studia Math, 203 (2011), 129-162
  • Operators Cauchy Dual to 2-hyperexpansive Operators: The Multivariable Case (With R. Curto), Integral Equations and Operator Theory, 73 (2012), 481-516
  • Spherical Tuples of Hilbert Space Operators (With D. Yakubovich), Indiana University Mathematics Journal.



Department of Mathematics and Statistics
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