My topic of research is reduced order modeling of high dimensional frictional hysteretic systems. Hysteresis is a history-dependent, approximately rate-independent, irreversible phenomenon observed in e.g., material stress-strain relationships, magnetism. Hysteresis in material behavior is high dimensional and deeply nonlinear. In my first work (PRSA, 2014), we have derived a six-state hysteresis model from a high dimensional frictional system. The low dimensional system captures a wide range hysteretic behavior for variety of temporally complex forcing histories. In a follow up work to the first work (RSOS, 2015), we have studied a more intuitively appealing system from which we have derived a tow-state model with only six parameters. We have demonstrated parameter fitting to match different specified hysteresis loops.
M.Tech in Aerospace Engineering (IIT Kanpur)
B.E. in Civil Engineering (Bengal Engineering and Science University, Shibpur)
S. Biswas and A. Chatterjee, 'A reduced-order model from high-dimensional frictional hysteresis', Proceedings of the Royal Society A, 470:20130817, 2014.
S. Biswas and A. Chatterjee, 'A two-state hysteresis model from high-dimensional friction', Royal Society Open Science, 2:150188, 2015.