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Sumit Basu

Ph.D (I. I. Sc-Bangalore)

Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering

Research Interest



  • PhD I. I. Sc-Bangalore 1999
  • M.E. I. I. Sc-Bangalore 1994 Distinction
  • B.E. Jadavpur University 1991 Honours



  • Jatin, Sudarkodi V., Sumit Basu (2013) Investigations into the origins of plastic flow and strain
    hardening in amorphous glassy polymers. In press International Journal of Plasticity
  • Prabhat K Agnihotri, Kamal KKar, Sumit Basu, (2011) Effect of Carbon Nanotube Length and
    Density on the Carbon Nanotube Coated Carbon fiber / Polyester Composites. Carbon, v49,
  • Dhiraj K Mahajan, Rafael Estevez and Sumit Basu, (2010) Ageing and rejuvenation in glassy
    amorphous polymers, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, v 58, n 10, p 1474-88, Oct.
  • Majumder, Manoj K.; Ramkumar, S.; Mahajan, Dhiraj K.; Basu, Sumit, (2010) Coarse-graining
    scheme for simulating uniaxial stress-strain response of glassy polymers through molecular dynamics,
    Physical Review E: Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics, v81, n1, 011803.
  • Parimal Maity, P.Venkitnarayanan, Sumit Basu, Nandini Gupta (2007), Degradation of Polymer
    Dielectrics with Nanometric Metal-oxide Fillers due to Surface Discharges, IEEE Transactions on
    Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, v15, pp52-62



Department of Mechanical Engineering
IIT Kanpur,
Kanpur 208016

Office Phone: 0512-2597506

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