S. Sundar Kumar Iyer
Ph.D (University of California, USA)
sskiyer@iitk.ac.inThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Office Phone: 0512-2597820
Professor Departement of Electrical Engineering
Organic Solar Cells
Research Interest
Organic solar cells , Photovoltaic systems ,Printable electronics,VLSI technology, devices and circuits
- Ph.D.: Electrical Engineering, University of California at
Berkeley, USA 1998
- M.S. EE, IIT Madras, India, 1993
- B.Tech. Electronics and Communication Engineering,
IIT Madras, India, 1990
- C. Kothandaraman, Sundar K. Iyer, and Subramanian S. Iyer, "Electrically Programmable Fuse (eFUSE) using Electromigration in Silicides," IEEE Electron Device Letters, vol. 23, no.9,pp. 523-25, Sept. 2002
- Iyer S.S.K., Xiang Lu, Jingbao Liu, Jing Min, Zhineng Fan, Chu P.K., Chenming Hu, and Cheung N.W., "Separation by plasma implantation of oxygen (SPIMOX) operational phase space," IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, Volume: 25; 5 ,pp. 1128 -1135, Oct. 1997
- Suman Banerjee, Anukul Prasad Parhi, S. Sundar Kumar Iyer, and Satyendra Kumar, "Method of determining the exciton diffusion length using optical interference effect in Schottky diode," Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 94, p. 223303, 2009
- Anukul Prasad Parhia and S. Sundar Kumar Iyer, "Static electric field enhanced recrystallization of copper phthalocyanine thin film during annealing," Journal of Crystal Growth, Volume 380, pp.123–129, 1 October 2013
- AnirbanBagui and S. Sundar Kumar Iyer, "Effect of Solvent Annealing in the Presence of Electric Field on P3HT:PCBM Films Used in Organic Solar Cells," IEEE Transactions of Electron Devices, Vol. 58, No. 11, pp. 4061-4066, November 2011
- Distinguished Teacher Award - 2010 from Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur on 05.09.2010 Teacher's day function
- One team award for eFUSE Development and Implementation at IBM Corp., February, 2004
- Fourth Plateau Invention Achievement Award at IBM Corp., November, 2002
- Moolgaonkar Award 1993 from J.N. Tata Foundation S. Sundar Kumar Iyer
- University of California Regents Fellowship for the academic year 1992-93
WL 122, Department of Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur UP, India-208016
Office Phone: 0512-2597820
Email: sskiyer@iitk.ac.in