Email: tapankp[AT]
Office Phone: 0512-259-6163 / 7227
Research Topic
Micro fluidics, Droplet hydrodynamics, Marangoni convection, Protein crystallization.
Tapan K Pradhan and Pradipta K Panigrahi, Deposition pattern of interacting droplets, Colloids and Surfaces A 482, 562-567(2015).
T. Pradhan, M. Asfer and P. K. Panigrahi, Droplet hydrodynamics during lysozyme protein crystallization, Physical Review E 86, 051602(2012).
FIRST PRIZE in 'International Robots got Talent' -Techkriti 2013
FIRST PRIZE in 'Eagle' -Techkriti 2013
FIRST PRIZE in 'ASME SDE' -Student design competition of Kshitij -2013
THIRD PRIZE in 'Laws of Motion' -RC flying event of Kshitij -2013
SECOND PRIZE in 'Endeavor' event of TECHKRITI -2012
FIRST PRIZE in 'Eagle' event of TECHKRITI -2011
Microfluidics and sensor lab,, Department of Mechanical Engineering IIT Kanpur, Kanpur 208016
Office Phone: 0512-259-6163 / 7227 (O)