Ph.D. students

S. L. Dhingara

Year of completion: 1981

Thesis title:Simulation of Routing and Scheduling of City Bus Transit Network.

Thesis supervisors: Prof. B. R. Marwahand and Prof. S. P. Palaniswamy

S. B. Patnaik

Year of completion: 1983

Thesis title:Programming for Optimal Design of an Urban Transit Network System.

Thesis supervisor: Prof. B. R. Marwah

Somnath Bandopadhayay

Year of completion: 1984

Thesis title:Simulation of Traffic on a Metropolitan Road System in India.

Thesis supervisor: Prof. B. R. Marwah

B. S. N. Reddy

Year of completion: 1984

Thesis title:Travel Forecasting Models for Indian Urban Structure.

Thesis supervisor: Prof. B. R. Marwah

M. V. Chalapathi

Year of completion: 1988

Thesis title:Simulation of Multilane Unidirectional Traffic.

Thesis supervisor: Prof. S. P. Palaniswamy

Smt. C. Valsala

Year of completion: 1993

Thesis title:Behaviour Modelling of Mode Choice.

Thesis supervisor: Prof. S. P. Palaniswamy

K. Harikishan Reddy

Year of completion: 1998

Thesis title:Development of Marginal Trip Total Based Model and a Link VolumeCount Based

Model for Origin Destination Matrix Estimation.

Thesis supervisor: Dr. Partha Chakroborty

Farhan Ahmad Kidwai

Year of completion: 1998

Thesis title:Optimal Design of Bus Transit Network: A Genetic Algorithm BasedApproach.

Thesis supervisors: Prof. B. R. Marwah and Prof. K. Deb

Bhuvanesh Singh

Year of completion: 1999

Thesis title:Simulation and Animation of Heterogeneous Traffic on Urban Roads.

Thesis supervisor: Prof. B. R. Marwah

Raman Parti

Year of completion: 2002

Thesis title:Bus Transit Planning for a Large City and Decision Support Systemof Feeder Bus

Routes for Rail Transit Network.

Thesis supervisors: Prof. B. R. Marwahand and Prof. P. K. Kalra

Amit Goel

Year of completion: 2011

Thesis title: Analysis of pavement using non-destructive testing method.

Thesis supervisors: Dr. Animesh Das and Dr. Partha Chakroborty

Durgesh Vikram

Year of completion: 2015

Thesis title: A two dimensional continuum model of traffic flow.

Thesis supervisors: Dr. Partha Chakroborty and Dr. Sanjay Mittal

Ruchika Agarwala

Year of completion: 2018

Thesis Topic: Relationship between mobility and traffic safety at region-wide level for India

Thesis supervisor: Dr. Vinod Vasudevan

Ripunjoy Gogoi

Year of completion: 2018

Thesis Topic: Optimal rehabilitation strategy for asphalt pavement

Thesis supervisors: Dr. Animesh Das and Dr. Partha Chakroborty

M.Tech students

Satyanarayana B Reddy

Thesis Topic: Computer simulation of a signalised intersection with mixed vehicular traffic

Thesis Supervisor: Dr. B R Marwah

Devendra Singh

Thesis Topic: Analysis of road accidents in Kanpur

Thesis Supervisor: Dr. B R Marwah

Devarshi Shukla

Thesis Topic: Distribution of rickshaw trips in kanpur

Thesis Supervisor: Dr. B R Marwah

Ramakrishna Tadi Reddy

Thesis Topic: Optimal freight train size for indian railways

Thesis Supervisor: Dr. S P Palaniswamy

Rakesh Bajpai

Thesis Topic: Optimisation of mass transit operations in a city corridor

Thesis Supervisor: Dr. S P Palaniswamy

Y N Pradhan

Thesis Topic: Attractiveness of bus system studied with information integration theory

Thesis Supervisors: Dr. S P Palaniswamy and Dr. Ramadhar Singh

S Gangopadhyay

Thesis Topic: Technological forecasting in transportation a delphi study

Thesis Supervisor: Dr. S P Palaniswamy

Pradeep Tiwari

Thesis Topic: Implementation of vti traffic simulation model on dec-10 system and its modificaitons for Indian traffic conditions

Thesis Supervisor: Dr. B R Marwah

Mukesh Kumar

Thesis Topic: Simulation of mixed vehicular traffic on single lane highway

Thesis Supervisor: Dr. B R Marwah

Prakash Chander Gupta

Thesis Topic: Study of the world bank highway design and maintenance model and modifications for indian conditions

Thesis Supervisor: Dr. B R Marwah

Shantiprasad Namballa

Thesis Topic: Impact of new bus lines on ORK trips a case study for Nagpur

Thesis Supervisor: Dr. B R Marwah

Umrigar S Farokh

Thesis Topic: Modelling for simultaneous selection of optimal bus routes and their frequencies a case study for Ahmedabad

Thesis Supervisor: Dr. B R Marwah

Vidyadhar Kulkarni

Thesis Topic: Simulation model for urban traffic flow

Thesis Supervisor: Dr. B R Marwah

Ashok Kumar Mishra

Thesis Topic: Simulation of vehicle performance and fuel consumption for free flow traffic

Thesis Supervisor: Dr. S P Palaniswamy

P S R K Sudhakar

Thesis Topic: Stochastic modelling of traffic on two lane rural roads using markov process

Thesis Supervisor: Dr. S P Palaniswamy

Rahim Abedinzadeh

Thesis Topic: An optimization model for expansion of road network - a case study for the state of khuzistan in Iran

Thesis Supervisor: Dr. B R Marwah

Thomas Varghese

Thesis Topic: Highway design model for Indian conditions

Thesis Supervisor: Dr. S P Palaniswamy

Shrikant Jain

Thesis Topic: Traffic simulation experiments on two lane and four lane Indian highways

Thesis Supervisor: Dr. B R Marwah

Motamarri Saradhi

Thesis Topic: A disaggregated simulation approach to travel forecasting

Thesis Supervisor: Dr. B R Marwah

N N Prasad

Thesis Topic: Implementation of vehicle stopping logic in the Indo-Swedish road traffic simulation model

Thesis Supervisor: Dr. S P Palaniswamy

Vijay Agarwal

Thesis Topic: Simulation of traffic flow through unsignalized t-intersetion

Thesis Supervisor: Dr. S P Palaniswamy

Varghese George

Thesis Topic: An interactive computer aided model system for optimal scheduling of buses in a transit network

Thesis Supervisor: Dr. B R Marwah

Pradeep Kumar Upadhyay

Thesis Topic: Computer aided analysis of highway alignment location

Thesis Supervisor: Dr. S P Palaniswamy

Arun Kumar Dwivedi

Thesis Topic: A discrete event simulation model for the passenger terminal operations of indira gandhi international airport, New Delhi

Thesis Supervisor: Dr. S P Palaniswamy

Anil Kumar Mukhija

Thesis Topic: Prediction of accidents on two lane rural highways using Indo-Swedish traffic simulation model

Thesis Supervisor: Dr. S P Palaniswamy

A Raghuram Reddy

Thesis Topic: Traffic simulation modelling for highway systems

Thesis Supervisor: Dr. B R Marwah

K Saravana Kumar

Thesis Topic: Performance evaluation of coordinated signalized intersections with transyt -7f model

Thesis Supervisor: Dr. B R Marwah

Avinash Mahadevrao Potdar

Thesis Topic: Determinants of trip production by household a case study of Kanpur city

Thesis Supervisor: Dr. S P Palaniswamy

A Nageswara Rao

Thesis Topic: Traffic flow simulation and estimation of road user cost on Indian road network

Thesis Supervisor: Dr. S P Palaniswamy

R Sathikumar

Thesis Topic: A land use transport interaction model for the Kanpur metropolitan area

Thesis Supervisor: Dr. S P Palaniswamy

Kunam Harischandra Reddy

Thesis Topic: An expert system development using turbo prolog for design of highway intersections

Thesis Supervisor: Dr. S P Palaniswamy

Nishoo Gupta

Thesis Topic: A discrete event simulation model for prediction of delays at railway and highway level crossings

Thesis Supervisor: Dr. S P Palaniswamy

Sudip Kumar Roy

Thesis Topic: A methodology for restructuring of public transport network: a case study of Calcutta

Thesis Supervisor: Dr. S P Palaniswamy

H P Suresh

Thesis Topic: Extended traffic simulation model with graphic facilities

Thesis Supervisor: Dr. B R Marwah

Prabhu Manyem

Thesis Topic: Algorithms for two commodity flows

Thesis Supervisor: Dr. S P Palaniswamy

Bhargab Maitra

Thesis Topic: Computer aided traffic assignment model

Thesis Supervisor: Dr. S P Palaniswamy

Durga P V V Ramesh

Thesis Topic: Simulation and graphic display of traffic flow on highways with intersections

Thesis Supervisor: Dr. B R Marwah

Mahesh Dashora

Thesis Topic: Development of an interactive graphic package for design and operation of bus transit system

Thesis Supervisor: Dr. B R Marwah

Bhuvanesh Singh

Thesis Topic: Computer aided design of expressway interchanges

Thesis Supervisor: Dr. S P Palaniswamy

Anoop Kumar Saxena

Thesis Topic: Development of an interactive graphic package for design of highway geometrics

Thesis Supervisor: Dr. B R Marwah

Mithilesh Kumar Jha

Thesis Topic: Development of a geographic information system for the national highway network

Thesis Supervisor: Dr. S P Palaniswamy

Vishwa Nath Jagid

Thesis Topic: Study of overtaking behaviour on two lane highways

Thesis Supervisor: Dr. B R Marwah

Abhijit Bhattacharjee

Thesis Topic: Calibration and validation of free speed submodel of Indo-Swedish traffic simulation model

Thesis Supervisor: Dr. S P Palaniswamy

Vijay Pratap Sharma

Thesis Topic: Applications of artivicial neural network concepts in traffic engineering pattern recognition of traffic elemens

Thesis Supervisor: Dr. S P Palaniswamy

O Shailaja

Thesis Topic: Study of crossing impedance of traffic on narrow roads and implementation of Indo Swedish traffic simulation model

Thesis Supervisor: Dr. S P Palaniswamy

Surendra Kumar K S Bajpai

Thesis Topic: Study of motorised commercial vehicles in Kanpur and development of various improvement measures

Thesis Supervisor: Dr. B R Marwah

Rajesh Kumar Singh

Thesis Topic: Simulation of traffic at intersections

Thesis Supervisor: Dr. S P Palaniswamy

Rupakula Harish Sriramamurty

Thesis Topic: Influence of wastewater type on loading and performance of an anaerobic process

Thesis Supervisor: Dr. S P Palaniswamy

C Ramesh

Thesis Topic: Capacity and level of service analysis of bidirectional single lane roads in level terrain

Thesis Supervisor: Dr. S P Palaniswamy

Pulugurtha Srinivas Subrahmanyam

Thesis Topic: Transit system scheduling use of genetic algorithms

Thesis Supervisor: Dr. Partha Chakroborty

Mohammad Ashfaque

Thesis Topic: Capacity and level of service analysis of intermediate lane roads on level terrain

Thesis Supervisor: Dr. S P Palaniswamy

Dipak Ghosh

Thesis Topic: Planning of feeder bus network for MRTS through interactive graphics

Thesis Supervisor: Dr. B R Marwah

K Sekhar

Thesis Topic: Interactive design of inter city bus system

Thesis Supervisor: Dr. B R Marwah

Bandaru Srinivas

Thesis Topic: Network - wide transit system scheduling using genetic algorithms

Thesis Supervisor: Dr. Partha Chakroborty

Ireddy Ravinder Reddy

Thesis Topic: Simulation of heterogeneous traffic on narrow roads

Thesis Supervisor: Dr. S P Palaniswamy

Firdaus Anjum Khalil

Thesis Topic: A pc based software for detailed vehicle movement data analysis using labwindows/cvi

Thesis Supervisor: Dr. S P Palaniswamy

W Krishna Mohan Reddy

Thesis Topic: Sensitivity analysis of model parameters and applications of Indo-Swedish traffic simulation model

Thesis Supervisor: Dr. S P Palaniswamy

Avadhesh Kumar

Thesis Topic: Development of an interactive graphic package for time tabling of a large bus transit network

Thesis Supervisor: Dr. B R Marwah

Yeguvapalli Sreenivasulu Reddy

Thesis Topic: Transit system scheduling under stochastic arrival under stochastic arrival times

Thesis Supervisor: Dr. Partha Chakroborty and Dr. Kalyanmoy Deb

Shanti Kumar V V

Thesis Topic Simulation model for dynamic scheduling of buses on a corridor-a case study for Delhi ring road

Thesis Supervisor: Dr. B R Marwah

K Malini

Thesis Topic: Analysis of black boc data for vehicle motion and incident detection using labwindows/cvi

Thesis Supervisor: Dr. S P Palaniswamy

Ravi Agrawal

Thesis Topic: Transit system scheduling with limited vehicle capacity

Thesis Supervisor: Dr. Partha Chakroborty

1998 Batch

G. P. Kulkarni

Thesis title: Model Based Vehicle Tracking in Traffic Scenes Using Image Processing.

Thesis supervisor: Prof. S. P. Palaniswamy

G. Sayee Ram

Thesis title: A Model for Dynamic Scheduling of Buses on aCorridorand Sensitivity Analysis

for Generator of Primary Bus Route.

Thesis supervisor: Prof. B. R. Marwah

Kothapalli Sriniwas

Thesis title: Simulation of Unsignalized Intersections for Indian Road Conditions.

Thesis supervisor: Dr. Partha Chakroborty

Pankaj Kumar Tiwari

Thesis title: Simulation of Rail-Highway Grade Crossing under Indian Conditions.

Thesis supervisor: Dr. Partha Chakroborty

Raj Kumar Sharma

Thesis title: Optimal Resources Allocation and Scheduling of Transit System using

Genetic Algorithms.

Thesis supervisor: Dr. Partha Chakroborty

Shipra Mathur

Thesis title: Simulation of Traffic Flow on Two Lane Highways with AuxiliaryLanes/Hill

Climbing Lanes.

Thesis supervisor: Prof. S. P. Palaniswamy

T. Deepak Singh

Thesis title: Graphic Display System for Simulated Traffic Flow.

Thesis supervisor: Prof. B. R. Marwah

1999 Batch

Babu V. F.

Thesis title: Travel Demand Forecasting of State Roads in West Bengal.

Thesis supervisor: Prof. S. P. Palaniswamy

J. N. S. Srinivas

Thesis title: Interactive Graphical Information System for Best Route Selection in a Bus

Transit Network.

Thesis supervisor: Prof. B. R. Marwah

Kyatham Vasishta

Thesis title: Preliminary Explorations into Modelling of Driver Behaviour.

Thesis supervisor: Dr. Partha Chakroborty

M. Ravi Kumar

Thesis title: Development of an Interactive Hub and Spoke Model for Bus TransitNetwork.

. Thesis supervisor: Prof. B. R. Marwah

P. K. C. Dev Reddy

Thesis title: Simulation of Heterogeneous Traffic at a Signalized Intersection.

Thesis supervisor: Prof. B. R. Marwah

Rajesh K. Jindal

Thesis title: GIS Based Highway Route Alignment.

Thesis supervisor: Prof. S. P. Palaniswamy

S. R. Sureddi

Thesis title: Simulation of Traffic at Rotary Intersections.

Thesis supervisor: Prof. S. P. Palaniswamy

2000 Batch

L. C. Rane

Thesis title: Cellular Auto Data and Simulation of Traffic Flow on Road Network.

Thesis supervisor: Prof. S. P. Palaniswamy

S. K. Agarwal

Thesis title: Modelling of Driver Behaviour in the Presence of Other Moving Vehicles.

Thesis supervisor: Dr. Partha Chakroborty

Tathagat Dwivedi

Thesis title: A Genetic Algorithm Based Method for Design of Routes for Urban Transit


Thesis supervisor: Dr. Partha Chakroborty

2001 Batch

B. Praveen Kumar

Thesis title: Optimization of Signal Parameters of Coordinated Signalized Intersection Corridor.

Thesis supervisor: Prof. S. P. Palaniswamy

2002 Batch

Arijit Mandal

Thesis title: A Genetic Algorithm Based Fast and Generalized Optimization Method for Large

Single Vehicle Routing Problems.

Thesis supervisor: Dr. Partha Chakroborty

B. V. R. K. Swamy

Thesis title: A Genetic Algorithm Based Method for Design of Routes for Large Urban

Transit Networks.

Thesis supervisor: Dr. Partha Chakroborty

Pijush Gosh

Thesis title: Development of Alternative Gradation and Modification of Mix Design

Approach for Bituminous Concrete (BC)from Fatigue Life Consideration.

Thesis supervisor: Dr. Animesh Das

S. Gopendra Singh

Thesis title:Planning of Rural Road Network - Case Study for Manipur State.

Thesis supervisor: Prof. B. R. Marwah

Sunil Sharma

Thesis title:Backcalculation of Pavement Layer Moduli from Falling Weight Deflectometer

Data using Artificial Neural Networks.

Thesis supervisor: Dr. Animesh Das

2003 Batch

Ramakant Dwivedi

Thesis title: Fatigue Performance of Bituminous Mixes

Thesis supervisor: Dr. Animesh Das

Shankar Kumar

Thesis title:Analysis of multi layered flexible pavement using FEM.

Thesis supervisor: Dr. Animesh Das

2004 Batch

Avijit Maji

Thesis title: Reliability Considerations of Bituminous Pavement Design by

Mechanistic-Empirical Approach.

Thesis supervisor: Dr. Animesh Das

Anubhav Tiwari

Thesis title: Estimation of Volumetric of Bituminous Mix by Image Processing

Thesis supervisors: Dr. Animesh Das and Dr. Onkar Dikshit

Gautham A.K.Karri

Thesis title: A GIS Based Traveler Information System

Thesis supervisors: Dr. Partha Chakroborty and Dr. Onkar Dikshit

Prasant Kumar Sahu

Thesis title: Recycling of bituminous mix

Thesis supervisor: Dr. Animesh Das

Sivaram Prasad Ancha

Thesis title: Parking Demand Profile in Shopping Centres of Kanpur.

Thesis supervisor: Dr. Partha Chakroborty

Sutapa Samanta

Thesis title: Multiple vehicle routing using Genetic Algorithm

Thesis supervisor: Dr. Partha Chakroborty

2005 Batch

Aravind Krishnaswamy

Thesis title:Mix Design for Central Plant Recycling of Hot Mix Asphalt.

Thesis supervisor: Dr. Animesh Das

Durgesh Vikram

Thesis title: Optimal Platform Allocation to Trains Under Full and Partial Schedule Compliance

Thesis supervisor: Dr. Partha Chakroborty

Chinta Neeraja

Thesis title: A Study on Impact of Humps (Bumps) on Vehicular Movement.

Thesis supervisor: Dr. Partha Chakroborty

Pradyumn Kumar Shukla

Thesis title: Modeling and Simulation of Pedestrian Flow.

Thesis supervisors: Dr. Partha Chakroborty and Dr. D. Helbing

Ranja Bandyopadhyaya

Thesis title: Micromechanical Analysis of Asphalt Mix.

Thesis supervisors: Dr. Animesh Das and Dr. Sumit Basu and ME Dept.

2006 Batch

Kalhan Mitra

Thesis Topic: Experimental and Numerical Study on Mechanical Behaviour of Asphalt Mix.

Thesis Supervisor: Dr. Animesh Das Co-Supervisor: Dr. Sumit Basu, ME Dept.

Tammana Janardana Sandeep

Thesis Topic: Simulation of Head-on Queues: Case of Rail-Highway Grade Crossings.

Thesis Supervisor: Dr. Partha Chakroborty

2007 Batch

Ashok Singh

Thesis Topic: Fracture studies on bituminous mix.

Thesis Supervisor: Dr. Animesh Das

Bhimavarapu K. Teja

Thesis Topic: Development of GenTAS: A generic animation software.

Thesis Supervisor: Dr. Partha Chakroborty

Pravin Shivaji Kolhe

Thesis Topic: Experimental study on use of cemented material for pavements.

Thesis Supervisor: Dr. Animesh Das

B. Ravi Chandra

Thesis Topic: Evaluation of interface bond condition between two bituminous layers.

Thesis Supervisor: Dr. Animesh Das

2008 Batch

B. Rami Reddy Bhavanam

Thesis Topic: Mechanistic - empirical pavement design.

Thesis Supervisor: Dr. Animesh Das

Amol A. Deshmukh

Thesis Topic: To study the impact of road geometry on driver behaviour.

Thesis Supervisor: Dr. Partha Chakroborty

Dushyant Kumar Singh

Thesis Topic: Analysis of dowel bar.

Thesis Supervisor: Dr. Animesh Das

Parthasarathi Mishra

Thesis Topic: Analysis and design of composite pavement.

Thesis Supervisor: Dr. Animesh Das

2009 Batch

Arpan Ghosh

Thesis Topic: Some studies on rheological properties of paving bitumen.

Thesis Supervisor: Dr. Animesh Das

Prateek Surana

Thesis Topic: Study on queuing pattern at a toll facility.

Thesis Supervisor: Dr. Partha Chakroborty

Pradeep Panwar

Thesis Topic: Study on driver behavior using acceleration noise.

Thesis Supervisor: Dr. Partha Chakroborty

Raja Shekhar Bangaru

Thesis Topic: Some studies on the shape characterization of aggregates.

Thesis Supervisor: Dr. Animesh Das

2010 Batch

Avinash Dubedi

Thesis Topic: Study on queue at toll booths.

Thesis Supervisor: Dr. Partha Chakroborty

Anubhai Bhargava

Thesis Topic: Estimation of the permeability of porous asphalt mix.

Thesis Supervisor: Dr. Animesh Das

Heena Dhasmana

Thesis Topic: Moisture sensitivity of bituminous mix.

Thesis Supervisor: Dr. Animesh Das

Priyanka Khan

Thesis Topic: Estimation of travel time.

Thesis Supervisor: Dr. Partha Chakroborty

S. P. Sarvani

Thesis Topic: Study on departure time choices of an Indian trip maker.

Thesis Supervisor: Dr. Partha Chakroborty

Islaq Khan

Thesis Topic: A mix design approach to cement grouted bituminous macadam.

Thesis Supervisor: Dr. Animesh Das

2011 Batch

Sudhir N Varma

Thesis Topic: Analytical and numerical studies on shake-down.

Thesis Supervisor: Dr. Animesh Das

Subrata Mondal

Thesis Topic: Understanding bonding between aggregate and bitumen.

Thesis Supervisor: Dr. Animesh Das and Dr. Animangsu Ghatak

Shivam Gupta

Thesis Topic: Exploring the facility location problem.

Thesis Supervisor: Dr. Partha Chakroborty

Rahul Gill

Thesis Topic: Study on the selection of number of toll booths in a toll plaza.

Thesis Supervisor: Dr. Partha Chakroborty

Devendra K Singh

Thesis Topic: Design and analysis of porous pavement.

Thesis Supervisor: Dr. Animesh Das

2012 Batch

Aashis Agarwal

Thesis Topic: Effect of angle of repose of aggregates on strength of bituminous mix.

Thesis Supervisor: Dr. Animesh Das

Preeti Singh

Thesis Topic: Development of panel models to evaluate traffic risks in regions with limited data

Thesis Supervisor: Dr. Vinod Vasudevan

Sarojeet Dash

Thesis Topic: Disaggregate modelling of vehicle ownership behaviour of Indian households

Thesis Supervisor: Dr. Vinod Vasudevan

Sandhya Jayaprakash

Thesis Topic: A study on influence of some fillers in bituminous mixes

Thesis Supervisor: Dr. Animesh Das

Vivek Agarwal

Thesis Topic: Analysis of duration of heavy vehicle induced occlusion of overhead and sideway signs

Thesis data: Detailed PD Tables

Thesis Supervisor: Dr. Partha Chakroborty

2013 Batch

Jishnu Narayan S.

Thesis Topic: Optimal route network design and fleet size allocation for transit systems using genetic algorithm

Thesis Supervisor: Dr. Partha Chakroborty

Samyajit Basu

Thesis Topic: Potential impact of bicycle friendly roadway infrastructure on bicycling activities in urban India

Thesis Supervisor: Dr. Vinod Vasudevan

Shobhit Jain

Thesis Topic: Effectiveness of restricting unauthorized shared tempo system: A user perspective

Thesis Supervisor: Dr. Vinod Vasudevan

Hemangini Parmar

Thesis Topic: Modelling driver's toll-lane choice using mixed logit model

Thesis Supervisor: Dr. Partha Chakroborty

2014 Batch

Parva Goyal

Thesis Topic: A linear integer programming formulation for the optimum rake assignment problem

Thesis data:Click here

Thesis Supervisor: Dr. Partha Chakroborty

Keshav Lunani

Thesis Topic: Willingness to pay for improvement in service quality of public transit System

Thesis Supervisor: Dr. Vinod Vasudevan

Nitish Goenka

Thesis Topic: Pathways to project delivery success and failure in road PPPs

Thesis Supervisor: Dr. Vinod Vasudevan

Aman Bapna

Thesis Topic: Reliability study on an Indian road using entropy

Thesis Supervisor: Dr. Vinod Vasudevan

Tatravathi Hemanth Kumar

Thesis Topic: Study on bond strength between aggregates with sandwiched discontinuous bitumen film

Thesis Supervisor: Dr. Animesh Das

Sharath M.N.

Thesis Topic: Experimental studies on aggregate durability

Thesis Supervisor: Dr. Animesh Das

Pranamesh Chakraborty

Thesis Topic: Estimation of annual average daily traffic (AADT) for Indian highways

Thesis Supervisor: Dr. Partha Chakroborty

Aniket Koyande

Thesis Topic: Modelling user's route choice behaviour in a unimodal public transit network

Thesis Supervisor: Dr. Partha Chakroborty

Syed Abu Rehan

Thesis Topic: Experimental study on estimation of angle of repose of aggregates from a single source and its effect on strength of bituminous mix

Thesis Supervisor: Dr. Animesh Das

2015 Batch

Hemant Gehlot

Thesis Topic: Formulations to obtain optimum batch mixes with reliability, cost and resource considerations

Review of Easa and Can's "Stochastic Priority Model for Aggregate Blending":Click here

Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Partha Chakroborty and Dr. Animesh Das

Akhil Yadav

Thesis Topic: Optimal road network configuration with service related constraints

Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Partha Chakroborty and Dr. Vinod Vasudevan

Mayur Mehta

Thesis Topic: Understanding pedestrian temporal gap acceptance at unsignalised intersection

Thesis Supervisor: Dr. Vinod Vasudevan

Tanuj Patel

Thesis Topic: Effect of speed humps on bicyclists

Thesis Supervisor: Dr. Vinod Vasudevan

Biswajit Sahu

Thesis Topic: Risk analysis and valuation of BOT projects

Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Vinod Vasudevan and Dr. Puneet Prakash

Brijendra Gautam

Thesis Topic: Rehabilitation strategy of asphalt pavement using reliability approach

Thesis Supervisor: Dr. Animesh Das

Vishal Katariya

Thesis Topic: Thermal stress in concrete pavement with partial separation from underlying layer for day time conditions

Thesis Supervisor: Dr. Animesh Das

Sayantan Chakraborty

Thesis Topic: Impact of mositure intrusion on durability of lime stabilised sub-grades

Thesis Supervisor: Dr. Syam Nair

Kancham Reddy Janardhana Reddy

Thesis Topic: Characterization of shape of aggregates using surface area and volume

Thesis Supervisor: Dr. Animesh Das

Satyendra Kumar Patel

Thesis Topic: Comparison between Winkler foundation and elastic solid foundation for concrete pavement analysis

Thesis Supervisor: Dr. Animesh Das

Rajneesh Bahari

Thesis Topic: Comparative study on laboratory and field ageing of bitumen

Thesis Supervisor: Dr. Syam Nair

Ankit Godara

Thesis Topic: An approach to reduce post stabilization expansion in fly ash - soil mixes

Thesis Supervisor: Dr. Syam Nair

Vaibhav Gupta

Thesis Topic: Effect of bitumen characteristics on pollutant interaction

Thesis Supervisor: Dr. Syam Nair

Vaibhav Sheel

Thesis Topic: Predicting transient temperature response of pavements

Thesis Supervisor: Dr. Syam Nair

2016 Batch

Varun Tomar

Thesis Topic: A Diffusion Network based study on Adoption of a Transportation Policy

Thesis Supervisor: Dr. Vinod Vasudevan

Haseeb Muhammad

Thesis Topic: Recyclability of Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement Materials

Thesis Supervisor: Dr. Syam Nair

Alok Mohanty

Thesis Topic: Evaluating the efficacy of construction demolition waste materials as base layers in pavements

Thesis Supervisor: Dr. Syam Nair

Mohit Shukla

Thesis Topic: Vehicle Tracking Using Point Cloud Clustering and State Estimation

Thesis Supervisor: Dr. Vinod Vasudevan

Nishant Singh

Thesis Topic: Multilevel Multinomial Logit Model based Exploratory Analysis of Mode Choice Decisions in Children's Commute to School

Thesis Supervisor: Dr. Vinod Vasudevan

Ravi Choudhary

Thesis Topic: Study on Skid Resistance of Asphalt Pavement Surface along Different Directions

Thesis Supervisor: Dr. Animesh Das

Ravichandra R Deshpande

Thesis Topic: Volumetric and microscopic study of asphalt binder adsorption by aggregates

Thesis Supervisor: Dr. Animesh Das

Abhishek Chaudhary

Thesis Topic: Modelling Unidirectional Pedestrian Streams with Social Groups

Thesis Supervisor: Dr. Partha Chakroborty

Akhil Tiwari

Thesis Topic: A study on Pedestrian-Vehicle Interaction at Midblock Crossings Using LiDAR Data

Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Vinod Vasudevan and Dr. Partha Chakroborty

Aniruddha Rajurkar

Thesis Topic: Role of UV radiation in long-term ageing of bituminous pavements

Thesis Supervisor: Dr. Syam Nair

Parikshit Sharma

Thesis Topic: Optimum design of parking lots with multiple vehicle types, parking fees and service classes

Thesis Supervisor: Dr. Partha Chakroborty

Rahul Soni

Thesis Topic: Analysis of overtaking patterns of Indian drivers with data collected using LiDAR

Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Vinod Vasudevan and Dr. Partha Chakroborty

2017 Batch

Avinash Gandhi

Thesis Topic: A Preliminary Analysis to Determine Level of Service at Toll Plazas

Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Partha Chakroborty and Amol A Deshmukh

Vishal Tyagi

Thesis Topic: A Study of the Overtaking Behaviour of Drivers Using the Principles of Game Theory

Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Vinod Vasudevan and Dr. Vimal Kumar

Amritesh Kumar

Thesis Topic: A study of the bicycle lateral passing gap on streets under highly heterogeneous traffic conditions

Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Vinod Vasudevan and Dr. Mohammad Arshad Rahman

Prakhar Singh

Thesis Topic: Object detection using a fusion of LiDAR and camera

Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Vinod Vasudevan and Dr. Salil Goel

2018 Batch

Sumit Bashera

Thesis Topic: Use of coarse reclaimed asphalt pavement material (RAPM) in construction of rigid pavements

Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Syam Nair

Jitender Singh

Thesis Topic: Evaluating the role of natural antioxidants (lignin) in retarding ageing of bitumen

Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Syam Nair

Jayant Meena

Thesis Topic: An ordered response model to determine the perceived level of service at toll plazas

Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Partha Chakroborty

Amarjeet Tiwari

Thesis Topic: Design of pavement with non-uniform surfacing thickness for bituminous and concrete pavement with rehabilitation

Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Animesh Das and Dr. Manik Barman

Ayush Dugar

Thesis Topic: Three-dimensional reconstruction of pavement surface using photometric stereo technique

Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Animesh Das

2019 Batch

Jitendra Kumar Meena

Thesis Topic: Utility of processed reclaimed asphalt pavement material (rapm) in cement concrete: a pilot study

Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Syam Nair

SK Nasim Akhtar

Thesis Topic: Analysing influence of vehicle appearance characteristics on its detection performance.

Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Partha Chakroborty and Dr. Pranamesh Chakraborty

Keshav Jangra

Thesis Topic: Explorations into a possible decomposition of a driving cycle

Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Partha Chakroborty and Dr. Suparno Mukhopadhyay

Ashish Hanumant Chavan

Thesis Topic: Performance evaluation of public transit routes in a data-starved environment

Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Partha Chakroborty

Shivom Bhargava

Thesis Topic: Enhancing vehicle detection accuracy under low light conditions using infrared images

Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Pranamesh Chakraborty

Abhishek Jain

Thesis Topic: A numerical study on equivalent stiffness of porous media using fractured rock analogy

Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Animesh Das and Dr. Arghya Das

2020 Batch

Abhinash Dev Pandey

Thesis Topic: Development of a Framework for Asphalt Pavement Design Incorporating Loading Sequence and Healing in Calculation of Cumulative Fatigue Damage

Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Animesh Das

Ajay Kumar Meena

Thesis Topic: Identification of saturated surface dry (SSD) condition for small aggregates

Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Animesh Das

Chirag Bharat Jaiswal

Thesis Topic: Identifying and classifying turning movements using Naturalistic Driving Study Data

Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Pranamesh Chakraborty

Dhiraj Narsingrao Chandawar

Thesis Topic: Evaluation of Antioxidation Property of Lignin in Bitumen Binder

Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Syam Nair

Dinesh Ahlawat

Thesis Topic: Perceived Waiting Time by Pedestrians Crossing a Road

Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Partha Chakroborty

Mohit Batola

Thesis Topic: Investigating the impact of pavement roughness on road safety using causal inference techniques

Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Aditya Medury

Prajwal Chauhan

Thesis Topic: Understanding the mechanism of lane changing process and dynamics using microscopic traffic data

Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Venkatesan Kanagaraj

Sahil Jaiswal

Thesis Topic: Traffic intersection vehicle movement counts using temporal and visual similarity-based re-identification

Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Pranamesh Chakraborty

2021 Batch

Deepak Singh

Thesis Topic: Impact of Organic matter in soil on the strength properties of stabilised material

Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Syam Nair

Jaswant Singh

Thesis Topic: Optimal recovery scheduling of road networks considering day-to-day flow evolution

Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Hemant Gehlot

Manmohan Singh Bisht

Thesis Topic: Evaluation of Skid Resistance using Images under Controlled Illumination

Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Animesh Das and Dr. K S Venkatesh

Shambhu Singh

Thesis Topic: Analysis of left-turning motorbikes trajectories at traffic intersections

Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Pranamesh Chakraborty

2022 Batch

Aditya Mishra

Thesis Topic: Reinforcement learning based car-following model for stop-and-go traffic

Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Pranamesh Chakraborty and Dr. Subrahmanya Swamy Peruru


Thesis Topic: Optimal Patient Allocation considering Traffic Congestion and Hospital Capacities

Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Hemant Gehlot

Bhargavi Dadi

Thesis Topic: Comparison of Survival Analysis and Classification Methods for Pavement Overlay Crack Initiation Modeling

Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Aditya Medury

Gorla Harshavardhan Reddy

Thesis Topic: Analysis of traffic hysteresis and fundamental diagrams using trajectory data

Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Venkatesan Kanagaraj


Thesis Topic: Quality assessment of pavement condition monitoring data of an Indian highway

Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Aditya Medury

Rigzin Angmo

Thesis Topic: Automated extraction of horizontal curvature attributes using geospatial data

Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Aditya Medury

Rohit Kumar

Thesis Topic: Studies on Perception of Waiting Time by Pedestrians

Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Partha Chakroborty

Satish Kumar

Thesis Topic: Stop-and-Go Trajectory Data of Disordered Traffic Using a Swarm of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Venkatesan Kanagaraj

Shiva Singh

Thesis Topic: Influence of Camera Position and Fusion of Multiple Cameras for Improved Driver Gaze Estimation

Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Pranamesh Chakraborty

Shivam Singh

Thesis Topic: Development of a Semi-automatic System for Identification of Saturated Surface Dry (SSD) Condition for Fine Aggregates Under Controlled Environment

Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Animesh Das and Dr. Aditya Medury

Shuja at Ali

Thesis Topic: Development of Hydrophobic Bitumen Emulsion for Bituminous Road in Sub-Zero Temperature Regions

Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Prabin Kumar Ashish

Sivasankar A

Thesis Topic: Traffic State Estimation using Physics Informed Deep Learning

Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Venkatesan Kanagaraj