About Us

The Transportation Engineering (TE) programme in the Department of Civil Engineering at IIT Kanpur is one of the oldest programmes of its kind in the country, tracing the inception of its teaching activities and postgraduate programme in 1960s and 1975, respectively. Over the years, TE programme has become one of the finest places for research and education related to transportation engineering. It currently consists of eight faculty members, and several staff members and students. A wide variety of research activities related to intelligent transportation systems, road safety and management, traffic engineering, transportation networks, materials engineering and pavement engineering are the foci of TE programme. The emphasis of TE programme has always been on the analysis side of the engineering spectrum due to its focus on areas such as optimization of transport systems, modelling of behavioral aspects, chemistry of granular layers, mechanics of pavement layers, etc. Many of these activities are carried out with the support of several state-of-the-art research facilities. The objective of TE programme is to continue its legacy of providing high-quality technical expertise and knowledge creation to academic institutions, R&D organizations and industry.

Featured facilities

Thesis progress seminar on 4th September 2024 in Lecture Hall 8 at 3:30 P.M.

  • Speaker: Saurav Bhattacharjee
    Title: Impact of carbonation and leaching on lime-treated high PI subgrade (clayey) soils.
  • Speaker: Suryakapa Jaipal Reddy
    Topic: Laboratory mixing procedure for the mix design process of cold recycled mixtures