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Earth Sciences

Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur

Distribution of credits in BS-MS Program

I Semester II Semester
S: MTH 101 3-1-0-0 (11) S:MTH 102 3-1-0-0 (11)
S: PHY 102/PHY 103 3-1-0-0 (11) S: PHY 103/PHY 102 3-1-0-0 (11)
S: PHY 101/CHM 101 (Lab) 0-0-3-0 (02) S: CHEM 101/PHY 101 (Lab) 0-0-3-0 (03)
TA: TA 101 2-0-3-0 (09) ES: ESC 101 3-1-3-0 (14)
S: LIF 101 2-0-0-0 (06) S: CHM 102 2-1-0-0 (08)
HSS: ENG 112/HSS-1 (Level 1) 3-1-0-0 (11) MPCFL: PE 102 0-0-3-0 (03)
MPCFL: PE 101 0-0-3-0 (03)    
Total 54 Total 50
III Semester IV Semester
ES: ESC 201: Electronics 3-1-3-0 (14) HSS: HSS-2 (Level 1) 3-1-0-0 (11)
ES: SO-1: Introduction to Earth Sciences 3-0-0-0 (09) S: SO-2: Probability & Statistics 3-1-0-0 (11)
ES: ESO-2: Fluid Mechanics 3-1-0-0 (11) DC-3: Geomorphology & Earth Surface Processes 3-0-0-0 (09)
DC-1: Mineralogy and Crystallography 3-0-2-0 (11) DC-4: Fundamentals of Geophysics 3-0-0-0 (09)
TA: TA 201 (MSE) 1-0-3-0 (06) DC-5: Igneous & Metamorphic Petrology 3-0-2-0 (11)
MPCFL: Composition (web) 0-0-2-0 (02) TA: TA 202 (ME) 1-0-3-0 (06)
DC-2: Field Geology I 0-0-3-0 (03)    
Total 56 Total 57
V Semester VI Semester
ES: ESO-3: ESO202: Thermodynamics 3-1-0-0 (11) DC-10: Geological Remote Sensing 2-0-2-0 (08
DC-6: Structural Geology 2-0-3-0 (09) DC-11: Hydrological system analysis/Engineering Hydrology (CE361) 2-0-0-0 (06)
DC-7: Sedimentary processes & stratigraphic principles 2-0-2-0 (08) DC-12: Exploration Geophysics 2-0-2-0 (08)
DC-8: Geochemistry 2-0-0-0 (06) HSS: HSS-3 (Level 2) 3-0-0-0 (09)
DC-9: Field Geology II 0-0-6-0 (06) OE-1: Open Elective 3-0-0-0 (09)
DE-1: Departmental Elective (Eco. Geology) (08-11) OE-2 : Open Elective 3-0-0-0 (09)
MPCFL: Communication Skill 0-0-2-0 (02)    
Total 50-53 Total 49
VII Semester VIII Semester
DC-13: Tectonics and Evolution of Indian Plate 2-0-0-0 (06) DE-4/UGP-3 (8-11)
DE- 2: Departmental Elective (08-11) OE-5: Open Elective 3-0-0-0 (09)
DE -3: Departmental Elective (08-11) OE-6: Open Elective 3-0-0-0 (09)
OE-3/UGP-2 3-0-0-0 (09) HSS: HSS-5 (Level 2) 3-0-0-0 (09)
OE-4: Open Elective 3-0-0-0 (09) DE-5: Departmental Elective (08-11)
HSS: HSS-4 (Level 2) 3-0-0-0 (09)    
DC-14: Field Geology III 0-0-4-0 (04)    
Total 53-59 Total 43-49
IX Semester X semester
DE-6: Departmental Elective (08-11) MS Thesis (63)
DE-7: Departmental Elective (08-11)
DE-8: Departmental Elective (08-11)
DE-9: Departmental Elective (08-11)
DE-10: Departmental Elective (08-11)
MS Thesis (09)
Total 49-64 Total 63

Notes: A student will be allowed UGP-3 only if he has done UGP-2.

Distribution of courses and credits (BS PROGRAMME)

Course Group Group Code Total credits
% of total credits ARC recommendation
(% of total credits)
HSS (excluding Management, comm. skills etc) HSS 49 11.9 10
Science (including electives)1 S 75 18.2 20
Engineering Science (Esc, ESO etc.) ES 59 14.3 10
Technical Arts TA 21 5.1 5
Management + PE + Communication Skills + Foreign Language MPCFL 10 2.4 5
Core courses (Mandatory) DC 104 25.2 25
Electives2 DE 40 9.7 10
Open Electives2 OE 54 13.1 15
Total   412 100 100

1. Minimum credits; may increase depending on the courses chosen by the student.

List of departmental electives and specializations (BS-MS PROGRAMME)

(a) Applied Geology Structure Credits
Geology of Fuels 2-0-2-0 08
Economic Geology (DE-1) 3-1-0-0 11
Mineral Exploration Methods 3-0-0-0 09
Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology 2-0-2-0 08
(b) Water and climate    
Ecohydrology (CE619)    
Earth, Life and Sustainability 3-0-0-0 09
Global Climate Change (ES646) 3-0-0-0 09
Atmospheric Physics and Chemistry (EEM613)    
(c) Applied Geophysics    
Geophysical Field Theory 2-1-0-0 08
Seismic Exploration & Subsurface Imaging 2-1-0-0 08
Inverse Theory & Data Assimilation 2-1-0-0 08
Well logging 2-1-0-0 08
(d) Solid Earth Geology    
Rheology of Earth 3-0-0-0 09
Analytical methods in Earth Science 2-0-3-0 09
Isotope geochemistry 3-0-0-0 09
Geodynamics 3-0-0-0 09
(e) Natural Hazards    
Quaternary geology and tectonic geomorphology 3-0-0-0 09
Disaster Mental Health (PSY 794)    
GPS and Geodesy (CE674)    
Disaster Management and Risk Mitigation 3-0-0-0 09

In addition, the students will be encouraged to take electives from outside the department as and when available.