Deepak Dhingra, Associate Professor
PhD, Brown University, USA, 2014
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Room No. 218, ESB-3 Building
- Geological Studies of the Lunar Crust
- Characterization of Enceladus' Plume
- Impact Cratering
- Sodha G.and D. Dhingra (2025) Novel geological framework to understand the origin and diversity of orthopyroxene, olivine, spinel (OOS) lithologies on the Moon, Scientific Reports, 15, 2426,
- Luna J., W. Iqbal, H. Bernhardt, H. El Bilali, S. Krasilnikov, A. Krasilnikov, C. van der Bogert, M. Pondrelli, A. Frigeri, M. Massironi, Mikhail Ivanov, A. Basilevsky, P. Senthil Kumar, D. Dhingra, T. Ruj, L. Xiao, J. Ji, O. Aharonson, D. Rothery, H. Hiesinger, J. Skinner, Jr., J. Head, Richard Ernst and Gordon Osinski (2024) Planetary Geologic Maps: Essential Tools for Scientific Inquiry and Space Exploration, AGU Commentary, JGR Planets,
- Ghosh S., I. Sharma and D. Dhingra (2024) Modelling granular size-segregation on small bodies due to impact-induced seismic shaking. Proc. Royal Society A, 48020230715,
- Ruj T., G. Komatsu, K. Kawai, H. Okuda, Z. Xiao and D. Dhingra (2022) Recent boulder falls within the Finsen crater on the lunar far side: An assessment of the possible triggering rationale, Icarus,
- Bhuva K., P. Patadiya, H. Julsana, S. Purohit, M. Bhatt, D. Dhingra and U. Mall (2021) A machine learning framework for data filtering: A case study on Chandrayaan-1 SIR-2 Data, 2021 IEEE International India Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (InGARSS), 2021, pp. 483-487,
- Ghosh S., I. Sharma and D. Dhingra (2021) Granular segregation on the rubble-pile asteroid Itokawa, Powders and Grains 2021, EPJ Web of Conferences 249, 03042,
- Dhingra D. (2018) The New Moon: Major Advances in Lunar Science enabled by compositional remote sensing from recent missions (Invited Review), Geosciences, 8(12), 498;
- Hedman M. M., D. Dhingra, P. D. Nicholson, C. J. Hansen, G. Portyankina, S. Ye and Y. Dong (2018) Spatial variations in the dust to gas ratio of Enceladus Plume, Icarus, 305, 123-138
- Bhatt M., Wohler C., D. Dhingra, G. Thangjam, D. Rommel, U. Mall, A. Bhardwaj and A. Grumpe (2018) Compositional studies of Mare Moscoviense: New perspectives from Chandrayaan-1 VIS-NIR data, Icarus, 303, 149-165
- Dhingra D., Matthew M. Hedman, Roger N. Clark. Phillip D. Nicholson (2017) Spatially resolved near-infrared observations of Enceladus' tiger stripe eruptions from Cassini VIMS, Icarus, 292, 1-12
- Dhingra D., J. W. Head and C.M. Pieters (2017) Geological mapping of impact melt deposits at lunar complex craters: New insights into morphological diversity, distribution and the cratering process, Icarus, 283, 268-281,
- Dhingra D., C. M. Pieters and J.W. Head (2015) Multiple origins of olivine at Copernicus crater, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 420, 95-101
- Pieters C.M. K.D. Hanna, L. Cheek, D. Dhingra, T. Prissel, C. Jackson, D. Moriarty, S. Parman and L.A. Taylor (2014) The distribution of Mg-Spinel across the Moon and constraints on crustal origin, American Mineralogist, 99, 1893–1910
- Prissel T.C., S.W. Parman, C.R.M. Jackson, M.J. Rutherford, P.C. Hess, J.W. Head, L. Cheek, D. Dhingra, and C.M. Pieters (2014) Pink Moon: The petrogenesis of pink spinel anorthosites and implications concerning Mg-suite magmatism, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 403, 144-156
- Dhingra D., C.M. Pieters, J.W. Head, P.J. Isaacson (2013) Large mineralogically-distinct Impact melt feature at crater Copernicus: Evidence for retention of compositional heterogeneity, Geophys. Res. Lett., 40, 1-6, doi: 10.1002/grl.50255
- Dhingra D., C.M. Pieters, J.W. Boardman, J.W. Head, P.J. Isaccson and L.A. Taylor (2011) Compositional diversity at Theophilus crater: Understanding the geological context of Mg-Spinel bearing central peaks, Geophys. Res. Lett., 38, L11201, doi: 10.1029/2011GL047314
- Kramer G.Y., S. Besse, D. Dhingra and 10 others (2011) M3 spectral analysis of lunar Swirls and the link between optical maturation & surface hydroxyl formation at magnetic anomalies, J. Geophys. Res., 116, E00G18,
- Pieters, C. M., S. Besse , J. Boardman , B. Buratti, L. Cheek , R.N. Clark , J. P. Combe, D. Dhingra and 19 others (2011) Mg-spinel lithology: A new rock type on the lunar farside, J. Geophys. Res., 116, E00G08,
- Nettles, J. W., M. Staid, S. Besse, J. Boardman, R. N. Clark, D. Dhingra, P. Isaacson, R. Klima, G. Kramer, C. M. Pieters, and L. A.Taylor (2011) Optical maturity variation in lunar spectra as measured by Moon Mineralogy Mapper data, J. Geophys. Res., 116, E00G17,
- Staid, M. I., C. M. Pieters, S. Besse, J. Boardman, D. Dhingra, R. O. Green, J. W. Head, P. Isaacson, R. Klima, G. Y. Kramer, J. F. Mustard, C. Runyon, J. M. Sunshine, and L. A. Taylor (2011) The mineralogy of late stage lunar volcanism as observed by the Moon Mineralogy Mapper on Chandrayaan-1, J. Geophys. Res., 116, E00G10,
- Green, R. O., C. M. Pieters, P. Mouroulis, M. Eastwood, J. W. Boardman, T. Glavich, P. J. Isaacson, M. Annadurai, S. Besse, D. C .Barr, B. J. Buratti, D. Cate, A. Chatterjee, R. N. Clark, L. C. Cheek, J. P. Combe, D. Dhingra and 37 others (2011) The Moon Mineralogy Mapper (M3) imaging spectrometer for lunar science: Instrument description, calibration, on-orbit measurements, science data calibration and on-orbit validation, J. Geophys. Res., 116,
- Dhingra D. (2008) Exploring links between crater floor mineralogy and layered lunar crust, Adv. in Space Res., 42, 275 – 280
- Dhingra D., N. Bhandari, P.N. Shukla, S. V. S. Murty, R. R. Mahajan, G. M. Ballabh (2004) Spectacular fall of the Kendrapara H5 chondrite, Meteor. & Planet. Sci., 39(8), Supplement, A121-A132
- Bhandari N., V. Adimurthy, D. Banerjee, N. Srivastava and D. Dhingra (2004) Chandrayaan-1 Lunar polar orbiter: Science goals and payloads, Proc. International Lunar Conference 2003 / ILEWG 5, Hawaii, 33-42
- Dhingra D. and G.J. Chakrapani (2004) Estimation of silicate weathering in the upper Ganga river basin in the Himalayas, India, Himalayan Geology, 25 (2), 139-144.