Nature and Properties of Materials
2L-0T-0P-0A (6 Credits)
This compulsory course is designed to give the undergraduate students a broad understanding of common materials related to mechanical engineering with an emphasis on the fundamentals of structure-property-application relationships in metals, polymers, and ceramics. The course will also introduce the students to a few advanced materials in engineering applications. Essentially, this course will lay the foundation for all courses in Mechanical Engineering.
Course content
Introduction to Materials, Materials Testing and Properties, Mechanical Properties of Materials, Material Selection for Mechanical Design, Crystal Structures, Metals and Metallic Alloys, High strength and High temperature Superalloys, Engineering Ceramics, Polymers, Composite Materials: Polymeric, Ceramic and Metal Matrix Composites, Smart Materials.
Total number of lectures: 26
Lecturewise breakup
1. Material Structure: 6 Lectures
2. Mechanical Behaviour of Materials: 8 Lectures
3. Classes of Materials: 10 Lectures
4. Special topics: 2 Lectures
Recommended books
Materials Science and Engineering: An introduction, William D. Callister, John Wiley and Sons
Engineering Materials 1: An Introduction to Properties, Applications and Design Michael F. Ashby, Elsevier
Reference Books
Mechanical Metallurgy, George E. Dieter, McGraw-Hill
Materials Science and Engineering, V. Raghavan, Prentice Hall
Proposing instructors: C. Chandraprakash, Manjesh K. Singh, Ushasi Roy, and Bishakh Bhattacharya