Minor in Mechanical Engineering
The department offers minor in Mechanical Engineering, which are designed in order to impart knowledge on advanced topic of the field. Following two minor programs are listed below.
The department offers two minor programs - Manufacturing Sciences and Computational Techniques in Mechanical Engineering. The course requirements for these programs are as follows:
Minor 1: Manufacturing Sciences (Any 3 of the following courses, minimum credit required: 27)
ME661A [09] (Prerequisite – TA202A)
ME662A [09] (Prerequisite – TA202A)
ME663A [09] (Prerequisite – ESO202A, MSO203B)
ME664A [09] (Prerequisite – TA202A, ESO204A or equivalent heat transfer course)
ME665A [09] (Prerequisite – TA202A)
ME774A [09]: (Prerequisites – TA202A, MSO203B)
ME751A [09]: (Prerequisite – TA101A)
ME761A [09]: (Prerequisite – TA202A)
Minor 2: Computational Techniques in Mechanical Engineering (Any 3 of the following courses, minimum credit required: 27)
ME623A [09]: (Prerequisites – ESO202, MSO203B)
ME 630A [09]: (Prerequisites – ESO201, ESO204, MSO203B)
ME685A [09]: (Prerequisite – No backlog in core courses)
ME751A [09]: (Prerequisite – TA101)
MEXXXA [09]: Nonlinear Finite Element Techniques in Solid Mechanics
MEXXXA [09]: Atomistic Simulations in Engineering
B. Tech. students of departments other than ME who have completed two years in their program can apply for Minor in Mechanical Engineering. The criteria for the selection in the minor program are given below.
The students admitted to the minors must satisfy the prerequisites criteria for the courses of their choices while opting for the minor.
Criteria for selection: CPI based after the prerequisite criteria are satisfied.
Maximum Number of Students: 20 for each minor for the year
In the event of a tie the department wishes to carry out an interview and the final decision will be made by the DUGC.