Dr. Margaret Katherine Banks, Vice Chancellor & Dean of Engineering (TAMU, United States) visited IIT Kanpur on 14 October 2015 along with Dr. Vikram Kinra, Director of Gradute Programs (TAMU). This visit by Dr. Banks was in continuation of these efforts and to take already flourishing collaboration to the next level.
The discussion during the meeting arrived in the following points of collaboration:
- Exploring the avenues for internship of PG students similar to the ongoing program for UG students.
- Starting exchange of Non-degree students say for 1-2 semesters.
- It was felt that there is also a need of starting visiting faculty program between the two institutes which will ultimately result in research collaboration. This can also result in submission of joint research proposal.
- There are a few courses which can be designed around the unique facilities in either institute. For example the Flight Lab facility of IIT Kanpur can be utilized for running such unique courses for the students from TAMU.
- IITK has already joint degree program with a few Universities. The same is proposed to be held between TAMU and IITK. Under this programme a student will be registered in both institutes and will receive a joint degree, while being supervised jointly by the experts from these two institutes.
- Currently the scope of student exchange is more in the area of engineering. However, efforts will be made to extend this to other programs e.g. humanities or sciences.
- The expertise from TAMU and IITK can join efforts to organize certain short courses, workshops and conferences by complimenting each other’s strengths.
Besides the above discussion Dr. Banks and Dr. Kinra also visited different laboratories at IIT Kanpur e.g. in Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Advanced Centre for Material Science, Aerospace Engineering/ National Wind Tunnel Facility and Flight Lab.