Major Institute Responsibilities Institute Level
- Deputy Director (April 2002-July2005, July 2005 - Sept 2008)
Dean, Students Affairs (1994-96).
- Chairman, Senate Students Affairs Committee (1993-96).
- Chairman, Foreign Language Programme Committee, (1993-96).
- Chief Counselor, Students Gymkhana, (1993-96).
- Head, Industrial and Management Engineering Department (1989-92, 2001-2002).
- Head, Counselling Service (1992-94).
- Vice Chairman, GATE (1986-87, 1987-88).
- Head, Data Processing Centre (1979-82, 1986-89, 1993-96).
- Coordinator, Office Automation (2004- till date)
- Convener, Institute Advisory Committee (1990-92, 2001-2002).
- Warden, Hall of Residence No. V, (1979-82). Warden-in-Charge (1981-82).
- Chairman, Motor and transport User Committee (1986-87, 1993-97).
- Member, Institute Manpower Planning Committee (1979-82).
- Member (nominated) Academic Senate (1979-80, 1986-87).
- Chairman, TECHKRITI '97, the Annual Technological Exhibition and Students Competition at IIT Kanpur.