

Technical Themes

Invited Talk

Panel Discussion



Advisory Committee
DoRD (Chair)
ADRD (Convener)
Prof. Vinod Singh
Prof. S.C. Srivastava

Organizing Committee
Prof. Jitendra Bera
Prof. Yogesh Chauhan
Prof. Shilpi Gupta
Prof. Nitin Saxena (Chair)

IITK Research Challenges Symposium (REACH) 2020

27-29 March 2020

Hotel Ramada, Lucknow



Invited Talk


Talk Title: Indian Human Spaceflight Programme- Challenges and Opportunities

Speaker: Dr Unnikrishnan Nair S.,Director, Human Space Flight Centre, ISRO, Bangalore

ISRO had initiated technology development for re-entry vehicles way back in early 2000. The first such experiment was space capsule recovery experiment (SRE) and this was followed by other missions like CARE and PAT. With the approval of Gaganyaan, the technologies for both engineering and human centric systems are rapidly progressing. The crew selection process for the manned mission has been initiated with participation of Indian airforce. The talk will cover the history of re-entry experiments in ISRO, challenges and opportunities in human spaceflight missions and the future directions.