Students who are interested in joining a Joint Degree Program (JDP) at the doctoral level will first take approval for the same from their supervisor. They will then identify a faculty at a partner university who is willing to be a co-supervisor for the student. Once both the supervisor and the co-supervisor agree, the student will contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
. The office will then advise the student regarding the forms to be completed for final enrollment in the JDP.
Each of our partnerships for JDP specify slightly different terms and conditions. Students are requested to contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
to confirm whether their department is eligible for the JDP.
In JDPs where the Partner University does not provide travel support, IITK will provide travel assistance to JDP students in the form of one-time return economy airfare (as per the Government of India travel rules).
This varies from program to program. Kindly check with OIR for further details.
The time period that a student can spend at the Partner University varies from program to program, with a minimum of 6 months to a maximum of up to three years. Kindly check with OIR for further details.
JDP students will pay tuition fee only to their Home Institution, even during the time they are visiting the Partner University.
Students can apply for a JDP program if all their coursework is complete and they have passed their comprehensive examination.