The Mehta Family Centre for Engineering in Medicine

Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur

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Multiple network properties overcome random connectivity to enable stereotypic sensory responses.

Mittal AM, Gupta D, Singh A, Lin AC, Gupta N.

Nature communications. 2020 Feb 24;11(1):1-5.

Do different individuals perceive the same thing the same way—this seemingly intractable question continues to remain largely unresolved. Prof. Nitin Gupta and team set out to look for answers using the insect olfactory system.
It is known that connections between neuronal populations may be genetically hardwired, or these could be random. For instance, in the insect olfactory system, projection neurons of the antennal lobe connect randomly to Kenyon cells of the mushroom body. Intriguingly, while the odor responses of the projection neurons are stereotyped across individuals, the responses of the Kenyon cells are variable. Despite this, strikingly, downstream of Kenyon cells, mushroom body output neurons once again display stereotypy in their responses.

Prof Nitin Gupta and team, uncovered that stereotypy in the output neurons is enabled by the convergence of inputs from many Kenyon cells onto a single output neuron, and did not require learning. The stereotypy thus emerges in the total response of the Kenyon cell population using multiple odor-specific features of the projection neuron responses, benefits from the nonlinearity in the transfer function, depends on the convergence:randomness ratio, and is constrained by sparseness.

In conversation with

Ankita Das

on her recent study:

Das A, Nikhil A, Kumar A. Preparation of thermo-responsive polymer encapsulated exosomes and its role as a therapeutic agent for blood clot lysis. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces. 2022 May 18:112580.

MFCEM: Congratulations Ankita to you and all authors of the study. Let me start by asking you, what gap does this study fill with respect to known and standard methods for thrombus degradation?
Ankita Das:
First of all, on behalf of all the authors, I would like to thank MFCEM for appreciating our work and thanks for the opportunity to discuss on the key aspects of the study.

To tackle the problem of arteries getting blocked by a clot, clinically the first line of defense is systemic injections of tissue plasminogen activators like streptokinase and urokinase. But this strategy has a downside in aspects of various side effects including bleeding and bruising at the injection site, blurred vision, fast heart rate, bleeding from the nose and gums, among others. So, such treatment has to be used with caution with other medications that alter platelet function and increase the risk of bleeding. Our group wanted to propose an effective solution for this problem with enhanced efficiency to fill the limitations of standard methods for thrombus degradation. So, in our study we selected a combinatorial injectable therapy where the treatment was provided locally to the clot, in comparison to the conventional systemic approach applied in the in vivo system. In this approach exosomes isolated from a cell line reported to have urokinase releasing activity have been utilized to check the thrombolytic effects and a thermo-responsive polymer was used as the delivery vehicle for exosomes. When exosome laden thermo-responsive polymer will be injected over the clot, polymer would undergo phase-change in situ and encapsulate the clot and there will be sustained release of the exosomes which will eventually lead to clot lysis. The sustained release approach has been adapted to avoid the risk of thrombo-embolism, which might occur if clot is detached from its site by direct treatment of exosome. Hence, the proposed treatment system will enable clot dissolution without associated limitations.

MFCEM: The study is very exhaustive, and I see that it spreads from harvesting exosomes from cell lines, to standardizing the polymer for encapsulation & release. What was the most challenging part of the study?
Ankita Das:
Yes, the study is quite extensive but has shown very interesting results. In this study, we have utilized different exosome concentrations and compared their activity with commercial tissue plasminogen activator (tPA) streptokinase. From the clot lysis activity assays which are routinely carried out for fibrinolytic drugs, we were able to deduce that these exosomes had the potential to serve as a replacement for streptokinase. Since, the activity of exosomes matched to that of streptokinase applied at a much higher concentration than the test tube equivalent (when a blood clot is placed in a static milieu), thereby showing the potential and application of these exosomes. The polymer solution was also optimized at a concentration where the released exosome will be sufficient enough in terms of concentration to carry out clot lysis. Challenge was to make a strategy that will be at par with the current clinical treatment strategies and study has to be designed such that its application will be clinically possible after its evaluation in pre-clinical trials. The ideology for this strategy was instigated by my mentor, Prof. Ashok Kumar, and our collective team effort yielded fruitful results.

MFCEM: Do you have any plans to test these polymer-encapsulated-exosomes for their efficacy in clot removal in animal models?
Ankita Das:
Yes, we are planning to test the efficacy of these polymer-encapsulated exosomes in animal model, where we will be generating a localized thrombus using chemical reagents and our combinatorial therapy will be utilized for clot degradation. The work will be carried out on a collaborative basis, and we are in the process of finalizing it.

MFCEM: What was the most satisfying aspect of this study?
Ankita Das:
Exosomes or extracellular vesicles (on a broader perspective) from stem cells have been utilized extensively for regenerative and therapeutic applications. In the present study, we wanted to explore the role of exosomes for thrombus degradation by taking into consideration previous literature reports about their plasminogen converting activity. We were able to satisfactorily lyse blood clots with these exosomes and also the use of a thermo-responsive polymer proved to be beneficial in encapsulating the blood clots so that the retained exosomes would be able to function better. Also, we were able to show that the exosome-based therapy is showing clot lysis effect similar to the clinically used drugs like streptokinase which has enhanced the scope and potential of the study many folds. This work was accompanied with high-risk, although the outcome came out as a high reward to us, and has also opened a new avenue in this field of research.

In conversation with first author, Sakhi Goel.
Transcriptional network involving ERG and AR orchestrates Distal-less homeobox-1 mediated prostate cancer progression.

Goel S, Bhatia V, Kundu S, Biswas T, Carskadon S, Gupta N, Asim M, Morrissey C, Palanisamy N, Ateeq B.

Nature communications. 2021 Sep 7;12(1):1-22.

Congratulations Sakshi to you and all authors for this wonderful study. What is the major gap in understanding of Prostate cancer that your study addresses?
Sakshi Goel: Distal-less homeobox-1 (DLX1) is widely recognized as a biomarker which is used to detect prostate cancer (PCa) owing to its higher expression in PCa patients. But the major gap existed that how the level of DLX1 is increased in PCa and what role does it play. Our study addressed these two important questions and established the role of DLX1 in promoting cancer growth and it’s spread to other organs. We also identified the role of well-known PCa promoting proteins AR and ERG in regulating DLX1. Further we demonstrate the treatment strategies which could help in reducing DLX1 expression, thereby regressing the tumor growth.

What was the most challenging part of the study?
Sakshi Goel: DLX1 is a homeobox gene which is known to play important role in development of jaws, neurons, and bone. It is not known to play any role during the development of prostate gland and hence is not expressed there. Additionally, not much was known about the role of DLX1 in PCa. Thus, the most challenging part was to identify the mechanism of DLX1 upregulation and its functional significance in the cancer type of an unrelated organ.

Where do you see the application of this study, particularly in the Indian context?
Sakshi Goel: Our study has identified that DLX1 and its tumor promoting ability can be targeted with the use of Bromodomain and extraterminal protein inhibitors either alone or coupled with the drugs against androgen receptor signaling. There are several commercially available urine-based diagnostics tests for detecting DLX1 levels in PCa patients. In western countries, these kits are used to detect PCa. If the DLX1 diagnostic test is utilized in India as well, the disease could be identified at the early stage, and it would be relatively easy to categorize PCa patients with higher DLX1 levels. This would further assist to predict the patients who could respond to suggested treatment strategy. Hence, the present study would be immensely helpful for better disease management of PCa patients with higher DLX1 levels.

How did the collaboration with other research group help?
Sakshi: The collaborations with other research groups provide a broader perspective to the study. Additionally, it helps in widening the biological tools to validate the findings thus providing a significant contribution in the research. In the present study our collaborations gave us access to the larger cohorts of both primary and advanced stage PCa patients. Using which we were able to identify that ~60% of PCa patients shows higher expression of DLX1. Further, we also validated the positive association between AR, ERG and DLX1 in the PCa patient samples.

MFCEM Inauguration: The Mehta Family Centre for Engineering in Medicine was inaugurated on the 6th of November, marked by a two-day inaugural research symposium. The Inaugural was graced by presence of Shri Rahul Mehta, Smt Jyoti Mehta and Dr. Shankar Subramaniam, UCSD. Dr. Abhay Karandikar, Secretary, Department of Science & Technology was the chief guest. Dr. Karandikar and Dr. K. Radhakrishnan, Chairman BoG addressed the audience on this special occasion.

Inauguration Day Images

Infosys Prize 2023: The Infosys Prize 2023 in Life Sciences has been awarded to Prof. Arun Kumar Shukla, for his pathbreaking contributions to the field of G-protein coupled receptor (GPCR) biology. Dr Shukla’s research has provided valuable understanding of GPCRs, which are one of the most important classes of drug targets and offers immense possibilities for designing novel and effective therapeutics.

Fellow of the Indian National Science Academy. Prof. Subramaniam Ganesh has been elected Fellow of the Indian National Science Academy. Effective from January 1st 2023.

Fellow of the Indian National Science Academy. Prof. Arun Kumar Shukla has been elected Fellow of the Indian National Science Academy. Effective from January 1st 2023.

Gold Medal by The Society for Materials Chemistry. Prof. Sandeep Verma has been awarded Gold Medal by The Society for Materials Chemistry, BARC, Mumbai. Conferred during 9th Interdisciplinary Symposium on Materials Chemistry (ISMC-2022), Dec 7-10, 2022.

Rajeeva and Sangeeta Lahri Chair Professorship. Prof. Dhirendra Katti has been awarded the Rajeeva and Sangeeta Lahri Chair Professorship (2022-2025).

Guha Research Conference (GRC) Association. Prof Bushra Ateeq has been elected Member of the Guha Research Conference (GRC) Association. 2022.

Joy Gill Chair (April 2022) for academic excellence. Prof Bushra Ateeq has been conferred the Joy Gill Chair for academic excellence. April 2022 - March 2025.

The Anjali Joshi New Faculty Fellowship award. Prof. Pragathi Balasubramani, has been awarded The Anjali Joshi New Faculty Fellowship. March 2022 - Feb. 2025

C.N.R. Rao Faculty Award, 2020. Prof. Nitin Gupta has been awarded the C.N.R. Rao Faculty Award, 2020 in recognition for his outstanding research performance and his study: Multiple network properties overcome random connectivity to enable stereotypic sensory responses. Mittal AM et al., Nature communications. 2020 Feb 24;11(1):1-5. May 5th, 2022.

Patent. Patent granted to inventors, Dr. Bushra Ateeq, Vipul Bhatia, Anjali Yadav. (BSBE), for “Medicament and Diagnosis for SPINK1 Positive Cancer”. IPA IN 201611016564/392861.: March 24th, 2022.

Patent. Patent granted to inventors, Dr. Ashwani Kumar Thakur, Nobodita Sinha (BSBE), for “A Fullerene C60 nanoformulation for accelerated Tissue repair. Patent no. 388661. March 2022.

75 under 50: Scientists Shaping Today's India. Prof Bushra Ateeq, has been featured in the “75 under 50: Scientists Shaping Today's India”, a compendium released by the Department of Science and Technology, Ministry of Science and Technology. February 28th 2022.

JC Bose fellowship, 2021. Prof. Subramaniam Ganesh has been awarded The prestigious JC Bose fellowship, SERB, DST, Govt. of in India, in recognition for their outstanding performance in science and research. February 16th 2022.

The Sun Pharma Science Foundation Research Award-2021. Prof Bushra Ateeq has been selected for the Sun Pharma Science Foundation Research Award-2021 in the Medical Sciences: Basic Research category. January 17th, 2022.

Fellows of the Indian Academy of Sciences, Bangalore. Prof Bushra Ateeq and Prof. Arun Shukla have been elected as Fellows of the Indian Academy of Sciences, Bangalore. January 4th, 2022.

DBT/Wellcome Trust India Alliance Fellowship, 2021. Prof. Sai Prasad Pydi has been selected for the DBT/Wellcome Trust India Alliance Intermediate Fellowship. January 2022.

Elected to The National Academy of Sciences, India.Prof. Bushra Ateeq and Prof. Arun Kumar Shukla, have been elected as fellows to the National Academy of Sciences, India (NASI). November 29, 2021.

OPPI Scientist Award 2021.Prof Bushra Ateeq has been selected for the Organization of Pharmaceutical Producers of India (OPPI) Scientist Award for the year 2021, for her contribution to improvement of healthcare. November 25, 2021.

Swarnajayanti Fellowship, 2021.Prof Nitin Gupta has been awarded the Swarnajayanti Fellowship, in Life Science category, for the year 2021, for his outstanding contributions in the field of insect olfaction, by the Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of India. November 5, 2021.

The National Academy of Sciences (NASI) Young Scientist Platinum Jubilee Award, 2021. Dr. Punita Kumari, a former PhD student of Prof. Arun K Shukla, was awarded the NASI) Young Scientist Platinum Jubilee Award. November 3, 2021.

Indian National Science Academy (INSA) Medal for Young Scientists, 2021. Dr. Ritika Tiwari, a former PhD student of Prof. Bushra Ateeq received the prestigious INSA Medal for Young Scientists, 2021. October 7, 2021.

Indian National Science Academy (INSA) Medal for Young Scientists, 2021. Dr. Eshan Ghosh, a former PhD student of Prof. Arun K Shukla received the INSA medal for young scientist. October 7, 2021.

Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar Prize 2021.Prof. Arun Shukla has been selected for the award of the prestigious Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar Prize, 2021, in Biological Sciences, for outstanding contributions towards the current understanding of G protein-coupled receptors. September 6, 2021.

Patent.Patent granted to inventors, Dr Vivek Verma (MSE), Ms. Suhela Tyeb (BSBE), Mr. Nitesh Kumar (EE), Dr. Ashok Kumar (BSBE), have been awarded patent for: A Hydrogel Dressing for Chronic Wound and Infection and A Process of Preparation Thereof. IPA: 202011013856. Patent: 377520. Grant Date: 22.09.2021.

Excellence-in-Teaching Award, IIT Kanpur, 2021.Prof. S. Ganesh has been awarded Excellence-in-Teaching Award. September 5, 2021.

Patent.Patent granted to inventors, Dr. Dhirendra S. Katti (BSBE), Ms. Garima Lohiya (BSBE), for, Nanoparticle-based Drug Delivery System for Niclosamide and a Combination Thereof. IPA: 202011033005. Patent: 373162. Grant Date: 29.07.2021

Patent.Patent granted, to, inventors, Dr. Ashok Kumar (BSBE), Mr. Parvaiz Ahmad Shiekh (BSBE) for, Oxygen Releasing Antioxidant Scaffold for Tissue Engineering. IPA: 201711040202. Patent: 367313. Grant Date: 22.05.2021.

Ramalingaswami Re-entry Fellowship.Prof. Sai Prasad Pydi received the Ramalingaswami Re-entry Fellowship, 2021, from Department of Biotechnology, Government of India. April 4, 2021

Patent.Patent granted to inventors Dr. Ashok Kumar (BSBE) Mr. Parvaiz Ahmad Sheikh (BSBE) for Elastomeric Biodegradable Antioxidant Polymer and Polymeric Film as Cardiac Tissue Patch and Thereof. IPA: 201711041706. Patent: 360966. Grant Date: 12.03.2021

Patent.Patent granted to inventors, Dr. Dhirendra. S. Katti (BSBE), Mr. Nadim Ahmad (BSBE), for, Improved Method for Extraction of Lipopolysaccharide. IPA: 201611004883. Patent: 363583. Grant Date: 30.03.2021.

Ramachandran-National Bioscience Award, 2021. Prof. Bushra Ateeq has been awarded the S. Ramachandran-National Bioscience Award for career Development 2020-21 for the research contributions towards “Molecular characterization of Indian prostate cancer, development of effective therapeutic interventions and strategies to overcome drug resistance in cancer” by the Department of Biotechnology (DBT), Government of India. February 25, 2021.

Patent.Patent granted to inventors, Dr. Ashwani Kumar Thakur (BSBE) & Mr. Virender Singh (BSBE), for, Arginine Derivatives as Polyglutamine Aggregation Inhibitors. IPA: 201611003335. Patent: 357676 Grant Date: 03.02.2021.

Bioinspired Injectable Hydrogels Dynamically Stiffen and Contract to Promote Mechanosensing-Mediated Chondrogenic Commitment of Stem Cells.

Mahajan A, Singh A, Datta D, Katti DS.

ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. 2022 Feb 4;14(6):7531-50.

The articular cartilage is a load-bearing tissue that acts as a shock absorber and ensures smooth movement of joints. Thus, not surprisingly, articular cartilages are highly prone to acute and chronic injuries, leading to joint impairment and disability. Further, due to limited number of tissues specific progenitor cells, compounded by lack of vasculature, cartilage has a limited capacity to repair or regenerate. Owing to which there is a dire need to develop strategies that can address the wear and tear of cartilage. Most of current tissue engineering strategies involving hydrogel-based scaffolding systems, that while promising, offer poor mechanical strength due to high-water content. In this study conducted by Prof. Katti and team, they display, a triplenetwork injectable hydrogel system, engineered using Bombyx mori silk fibroin, carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC), and gelatin that displayed a simultaneous increase in both stiffness and contraction over time, thereby imparting a four dimensional (4D) evolving niche to the cells. While resilience was provided by CMC, the dynamic alterations in the hydrogel matrix were attributed to the formation of β-sheets in silk. The engineered contraction facilitated condensation of cells that mimicked an important step during cartilage development. Subsequently, this led to downregulation of YAP signaling and enhanced chondrogenic commitment of stem cells. More importantly, the in vivo study showed that the ectopically regenerated cartilage was mature and closely resembled native articular cartilage. The study could prove to be a major step forward in area of cartilage biology and repair.

The Bhupat & Jyoti Mehta Family Foundation

MFCEM at the Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur is generously supported by the Mehta Family Foundation.

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