Prepreg Manufacturing Machine: A prepreg manufacturing machine, designed at aerospace engineering, IIT Kanpur

Technical Specification:
Length of the drum= 2 feet 85 inches.
Diameter of the drum =6 feet 8 inches.
It has an oil bath circulator for heating the epoxy resin mixture , double walled, inner made of thick gauge
Stainless steel sheet and outer made of Thick gauge Mild steel sheet duly powder coated. Heavy
Glass wool insulation is filled between the walls to prevent thermal losses. Temperature range from
50 deg C to 150 deg C, Tank Capacity 10 ltr. Fitted with vertical circulating pump cum stirrer unit
to stirrer the tank oil and to circulate the same into external system with flow rate of 4-6 ltrs/min.
Temperature is controlled y a microprocessor based auto tuned dual digital display PID Temperature
controller.. Control Box consist of Mains MCB, Indicator lights, PID Controller, safety fuse connecting
cord and plug top, suitable for 230V AC Working.