Mathematics & Statistics

Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur

Template for 3rd to 8th semester for BSM program in Mathematics and Scientific Computing
Semester 3 Semester 4 Semester 5 Semester 6 Semester 7 Semester 8
SCHEME-2 EME (9-11) SCHEME-3 HSS-I (9-11) SCHEME-4 HSS-II (9) MTH305 (11) SCHEME-5 HSS-II (9) SCHEME-6 HSS-II (9)
MTH201 (11) ESC201 (14) MTH421 (11) MTH424 (11) OE-1 (9) OE-3 (9)
MTH302 (11) MTH204 (11) MTH403 (11) MTH430 (10) OE-2 (9) MTB-4 (9)
E/SO-1: MSO205 (11) MTH301 (11) E/SO-3: ESO207 (12) DE-2 (9) MTB-1 (9) MTB-5 (9)
E/SO-2 (9-11) MTH308 (10) DE-1 (9) DE-3 (9) MTB-2 (9) MTB-6 (9)
        MTB-3 (9)  
51-55 55-57 52 50 54 45


  • Students need to do 6 courses from the management track basket (MTB), instead of 3 DE and 3 OE courses required for usual BS Mathematics and Scientific computing program.