Mathematics & Statistics

Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur

STRUCTURE OF THE PROGRAM (Y22 and later batches)
Semester I Semester II Semester III Semester IV
Course L-T-P-A [C] Course L-T-P-A [C] Course L-T-P-A [C] Course L-T-P-A[C]
MTH201 3-1-0-0 [11] MTH204 3-1-0-0 [11] MTH403 3-1-0-0 [11] OE-2 3-0-0-0 [09]
MTH202 3-1-0-0 [11] MTH424 3-1-0-0 [11] DE-1 3-0-0-0 [09] OE-3 3-0-0-0 [09]
MTH301 3-1-0-0 [11] MTH308 3-0-1-0 [10] OE-1 3-0-0-0 [09] OE-4 3-0-0-0 [09]
MTH409 2-1-1-0 [09] MTH305 3-1-0-0 [11] DE-2 3-0-0-0 [09] DE-4 3-0-0-0 [09]
MTH421 3-1-0-0 [11] MTH304 3-1-0-0 [11] DE-3/ MTH598 3-0-0-0 [09] DE-5/ MTH599 3-0-0-0 [09]
ELC112 2-1-0-1 [09]            
  62   54   47   45

DC : 118 DE : 45 OE : 36 ELC : 09 TOTAL : 208

  1. ELC112 : English language and communication (intermediate)
  2. MTH201 : Linear algebra
  3. MTH202 : Set theory and discrete mathematics
  4. MTH204 : Abstract algebra
  5. MTH301 : Analysis I
  6. MTH304 : Topology
  7. MTH305 : Several variable calculus and differential geometry
  8. MTH308 : Numerical analysis and scientific computing I
  9. MTH403 : Complex analysis
  10. MTH409 : Computer programming and data structures
  11. MTH421 : Ordinary differential equations
  12. MTH424 : Partial differential equations
  13. MTH598 : Project I
  14. MTH599 : Project II