Mathematics & Statistics

Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur

At present there are 76 Ph.D scholars enrolled in the Mathematics and Statistics department.

  • Faculty recruitment: The Department of Mathematics and Statistics, invites applications for faculty positions from bright and promising candidates in all areas of mathematics and statistics. Applicants with areas of interest that are related to the research groups here are strongly encouraged to apply.

The recruitment process involves discusssion of the appropriateness of the application to the research groups here, along with an assessment of the candidate's publications by the different groups. If the candidate's application is found suitable then he/she is invited for a talk along with interaction with the faculty here. Only after there has been positive feedback from the department, is the candidate's application processed further for discussion at the institute level. The applicants are then short-listed for an interview based on the recommendations of the department and the institute level committee. The final selecetion is made by a selection committee consisting of experts.

The department has 49 faculty, 12 post-docs and 2 inspire faculty currently.