Mathematics & Statistics

Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur

Mathematics and scientific computing template for students upto y21
MTH101AA [3 1 0 11] (IC) MTH102AA [3 1 0 11] (IC) MTH201A [3 1 0 11] (IC) MTH204A [3 1 0 11] (IC) MTH305A [3 1 0 11] (IC) MTH308B [3 0 1 10] (PRF) OE-3[09] (OE) HSS-5 (LEVEL-2) [09](HS2)
PHY103AA [3 1 0 11] (IC) PHY102AA [3 1 0 11] (IC) MTH302A [3 1 0 11] (IC) MTH301A [3 1 0 11] (IC) MTH403A [3 1 0 11] (IC) MTH421A [3 1 0 11] (PRF) DE-2[09] (DE) DE-3[09] (OE)
CHM101AA [0 0 0 3] (IC) PHY101AA [0 0 3 3] (IC) COM200 [1 0 2 5] (IC) HSS-2 (LEVEL -1) [11](HS1) ESO207A [3 0 3 12] (ESO/SO) HSS-4 (LEVEL-2) [09](HS2) MTH424A [3 1 0 11] (PRF) OE-4[09] (OE)
ESC101AA [3 1 3 14] (IC) LIF101AA [2 0 0 6] (IC) ESO[10] (ESO/SO) / SO-1[10] (ESO/SO) MSO201A [3 1 0 11] (ESO/SO) HSS-3 (LEVEL-2) [09](HS2) OE-1[09] (OE) MTH430A [3 0 1 10] (PRF) OE-5[09] (OE)
HSS1(Level-1) [11](HS1) CHM102AA [2 1 0 8] (IC) ESC201A [3 1 3 14] (IC) ESO[10] (ESO/SO) / SO-2[10] (ESO/SO) DE-1[09] (DE) OE-2[09] (OE) UGP-3 (MTH393A) [09](UGP- 3) / DE[9] (DE) / OE-6[09] (OE)
PE101AA [0 0 0 3] (IC) PE102AA [0 0 0 3] (IC) TA201A [1 0 3 6] (IC) TA202A [1 0 3 6] (IC) MTH399A [0 0 0 2] (IC) UGP-2 (MTH392A) [09](UGP- 1) / DE[09] (DE) / OE[9](OE) UGP-4 (MTH394A) (EXTRA CREDIT)) [09](UGP-
  TA101AA [2 0 3 9] (IC)     UGP-1 (MTH391A) (EXTRA CREDIT) [04](UGP- OE[09](OE)   1)
53.0 51.0 57.0 60.0 54.0 - 56.01) 57.0 - 58.0 47.0 - 48.0 45.0 - 54.0
Minimum credit requirement for graduation:

Institute Core (IC) : 124 Credits
Department Compulsory (DC) : 110 Credits
Department Elective (DE) : 27 Credits
Open Elective (OE) : 54 Credits
UGP-2/UGP-3?DE/OE : 18 Credits
*ESO/SO : 40 Credits
HSS (Level-I) : 22 Credits
HSS (Level-II) : 27 Credits
Total : 422 Credits

  1. *MSO202A and MSO203B cannot be taken by MTH students to fulfill ESO/SO credits.
  2. UGP-2 and UGP-3 may be counted either as OE or DE credits.
  3. UGP-1 and UGP-4 are optional and does not count towards DE/OE credits.
Objective Of The Program
  • To cultivate a mathematical attitude and nurture the interest,
  • To motivate for research in mathematical and statistical sciences,
  • To train computational scientists who can work on real life challenging problems
Structure Of The Programme

Year I

Semester ISemester II
MTH101AA (Single Variable Calculus) MTH102AA (Linear Algebra & Ordinary Differential Equations) ˆ PHY102AA (Physics I)
PHY103AA (Physics II) PHY101AA (Physics Lab)
CHM101AA (Chemistry Lab) LIF101AA (Introduction to Biology)
ESC101AA (Fundamentals of Computing) CHM102AA (General Chemistry)
HSS1 (Humanities & Social Sciences (Level 1)) PE102AA (Physical Education 2)
PE101AA (Physical Education 1) TA101AA (Engineering Graphics)

Year II

Semester IIISemester IV
MTH201A (Linear Algebra) MTH204A (Algebra I)
MTH302A (Set Theory & Mathematical Logic) MTH301A (Analysis I)
COM200 (Communication Skills) HSS-2 (Humanities & Social Sciences (Level 1))
ESO/SO-1 MSO201A (Probability and Statistics)
ESC201A (Introduction To Electronics) ESO/SO-2
TA201A (Manufacturing Processes I) TA202A (Manufacturing Processes II)

Year III

Semester VSemester VI
MTH305A (Several Variable Calculus & Differential Geometry) ˆ MTH403A (Complex Analysis) MTH308B (Numerical Analysis & Scientific Computing I) ˆ MTH421A (Ordinary Differential Equations)
ESO207A (Data Structure & Algorithms) HSS-4 (Humanities & Social Sciences (Level 2)) ˆ OE-1 (Open Elective)
HSS-3 (Humanities & Social Sciences (Level 2)) OE-2 (Open Elective)
DE-1 (Departmental Elective) UGP-2 (MTH392A)
MTH399A (Communication Skills) OE (Open Elective)
UGP-1 (MTH391A)  

Year IV

Semester VIISemester VIII
OE-3 (Open Elective) HSS-5 (Humanities & Social Sciences (Level 2)) ˆ DE-3 (Departmental Elective)
DE-2 (Departmental Elective) OE-4 (Open Elective)
MTH424A (Partial Differential Equations) OE-5 (Open Elective)
MTH430A (Numerical Analysis & Scientific Computing II) ˆ UGP-3 (MTH393A) OE-6 (Open Elective)
OE (Open Elective) UGP-4 (MTH394A)

**PE: Physical Education; HSS: Humanities and Social Sciences; SO: Science Option; ESO: Engineering Science Option; UGP: UG Project; OE: Open Elective; DE: Department Elective