- Mr. Debasish Ghorui (Roll No: 17100263, Supervisor: Dr. R. Bhowmik) published a set of drawings and paintings on the theme of COVID-19 in So’Ham, a cultural media platform under the banner of the National Gallery of Modern Art, Govt. Of India, on July 2020. PFA the images in the dropbox folder link given below.
- Ms. Gargi Ghosh (Roll No: 19200262, Supervisor: Dr. R. Bhowmik), under the guidance of Dr. R. Bhowmik, produced a series of three creative paintings on the theme of the human suffering of the COVID-19 pandemic. PFA the images in the dropbox folder link given below.
- Ms. Pronita Mondal (Roll No: 16200262, Supervisor: Dr. R. Bhowmik) created a set of creative drawings and paintings on the theme of COVID-19 and the pandemic. PFA the images in the dropbox folder link given below.
- Mr. Manash Pratim Sharma (Roll No: 20200263, Supervisor: Dr. R. Bhowmik), participants from India in the workshop 'Learning Paradigms Today,' organized by FICA (The Foundation for Indian Contemporary Art) and AAA (Asia Art Archive). It was a specially designed workshop on Art Education during the pandemic. He worked in a group to produce artworks and forms new teaching methodologies. PFA the Poster, and the Art-PDF here. Dropbox folder link to download files: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/qafkievcqwhiyqx/AACu3hEkDhvJ58nl2uoMyWW5a?dl=0
- Bhushan, Braj. Pedagogy for positive affectivity in virtual classes (28 December, 2020), Talk in a webinar organized by Amity Institute of Psychology & Allied Sciences, Amity University, Noida.
- Bhushan, Braj. The Teacher & The Taught in the Context of Mental Health (10 October, 2020). Talk in a webinar organized by Amity Institute of Education, Noida.
- Bhushan, Braj. Mental Health in Present Scenario (10 October, 2020), Talk in a webinar organized by Sri Agrasen Kanya PG College, Varanasi.
- Bhushan, Braj. वर्तमान महामारी काल: बदलते सामाजिक मनोवैज्ञानिक पहलू (Current pandemic: Changing social-psychological aspects). Talk organized by Mahamana School of Thoughts (July 11, 2020).
- Bhushan, Braj. Developments during Covid-19: The message for social scientists (June 3, 2020). Talk in a webinar organized by Mahila Vidyalaya Degree College, Lucknow.
- Bhushan, Braj. The current pandemic and lessons for psychologists (May 29, 2020). Talk in a webinar organized by Amity Institute of Psychology & Allied Sciences, Amity University, Noida.
- Saraswat, Lalit. Conference Paper presented on 'Epistemology of the Virus: Life, Processes, and Organismality' at ICPR, MHRD supported LWPS Conference- 'COVID-19 Philosophy: Ethical, Linguistic and Epistemic Concerns' (30-31st May 2020).
- Saraswat, Lalit.An invited talk 'Human Knowledge, Rationality, and Values under Pandemic Crisis' at the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, SRMGPC, Lucknow on 27th November.
- Saraswat, Lalit. Invited panelist on three talks/webinar discussion conducted by BMLF, Bhopal having Philosophical underpinnings on 'Pandemic situation, Life, and Related issues'
- Minds, Isolation, and Depression (28th June 2020),
- Online Teaching and Learning: Problems and Promises (12th July 2020),
- Emotional Intelligence (26th July 2020)
- Hassan, S. F. Invited panelist, 'Contagion Narratives: Society, Culture and Ecology of the Global South', Vellore Institute of Technology (VIT), August 25-26, 2020, https://vit.ac.in/Contagion-Narratives/index.html
- Bhushan, Braj. Mental Health and Corona: Better Late, Than Never (published in Hardnews 15 April, 2020)
https://hnfp.in/corona-and-psychology-lets-be-late-than-never/ - Bhushan, Braj. Libido, Violence, and Lockdown (published in Hardnews 21 April, 2020)
https://hnfp.in/livelihood-libido-and-lockdown-the-psychology-of-violence/ - Bhushan, Braj. High time police become responsible, reflect and change (published in The Correspondent 4 May, 2020)
https://thecorrespondent.in/nation/chandigarh/high-time-police-become-reflect-and-change/ - Bhushan, Braj. Faith and disease: Understanding, behaviour during lockdown (published in Hardnews 1 June, 2020)
https://hnfp.in/faith-and-disease-understanding-behaviour-during-lockdown/ - Bhushan, Braj. क्वारंटाइन, लॉकडाउन और भय का मनोिवज्ञान (Quatantine, Lockdown, and the Psychology of Fear), न्यूज़ टाइम्स पोस्ट (01-15 नवम्बर, 2020), वर्ष: 05, अंक: 11
- Puttaswamy, Chaithra. “The Language of Covid-19” in Indian Express on 1st June 2020.
- Bhowmik, Ritwij. “The COVID-19 Pandemic and Indian Art.” Black and White Current Affair Magazine. November 1, 2020. Web URL: https://blackandwhitenews.live/2020/11/01/thecovid-19pandemic-and-indian-art/
- Bhushan, Braj. (2020). Covid-19 and prohibiting spitting in public: The challenge psychologists should accept. Commentary, Sambhasan, 1:3, 118-122. University of Mumbai.
- Joshi, Bhavna and Swarnakar, Pradip (2021) Staying away, staying alive: Exploring risk and stigma of COVID-19 in the context of beliefs, actors and hierarchies in India, Current Sociology
- Adhikari, A. (2021). Technology Driven Aids for Heritage Languages: A Case Study of Kumaun Vani. In Jakelin Troy & Mujahid Torwali (Eds.), Proceedings of FEL XXIII 2019. University of Sydney: Sydney University Press. (To be published)
Welcome Message
The Department of Humanities and Social Sciences (HSS) was established in 1960 along with other departments of Science and Engineering. With an intent to sharpen the creative talents of the students and to help them evolve as better leaders and decision- makers, the institute allocated more than fifteen percent of the total UG course credits to HSS courses.
The Department has twenty-nine faculty members who teach a range of courses in English, Fine Arts, Philosophy, Psychology and Sociology. Many faculty members of HSS actively participate in the interdisciplinary postgraduate programme in Design (M. Des.) and co-supervise students of other departments as well. Besides teaching, the faculty members are involved in thesis supervision of Ph.D. scholars working in different areas...
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-Prof. Mini Chandran
Head, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences