Ashis Mandal

PhD (ISI Kolkata)

Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics and Statistics


Research interests



  • PhD, Mathematics, 2008, Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata.
    Versal deformations of Leibniz algebras
    Prof. Goutam Mukherjee
  • M.Sc., Pure Mathematics, 2002, University of Calcutta.
  • B. Sc., Mathematics, 2000, University of Calcutta.


  • Algebra, Geometry, Topology, Real and Complex Analysis

  • Ashis Mandal and Satyendra Kumar Mishra: Deformation of hom-Lie-Rinehart algebras, DOI: 10.1080/00927872.2019.1698588; Communications in Algebra, 2019

  • Ashis Mandal and Satyendra Kumar Mishra: Hom-Gerstenhaber algebras and hom-Lie algebroids, Journal of Geometry and Physics, 133: 287-- 302, 2018.

  • Ashis Mandal and Satyendra Kumar Mishra: Hom-Lie-Rinehart algebras, Communications in Algebra, 46, no.9, 3722 -- 3744, 2018

  • Ashis Mandal: On Exact Courant Algebras, Communications in Algebra, 44, no. 5, 2058 --2066, 2016.

  • Alice Fialowski, Louis Magnin and Ashis Mandal: About Leibniz cohomology and deformations of Lie algebras, Journal of Algebra, 383: 63-77, 2013.

  • David Khudaverdyan, Ashis Mandal and Norbert Poncin: Higher categoried algebras versus bounded homotopy algebras, Theory and Applications of Categories, 25(10): 251{275, 2011

  • Alice Fialowski, Ashis Mandal and Goutam Mukherjee: Versal deformations of Leibniz algebras, Journal of K-Theory, 3(2): 327-- 358, 2009.

  • Ashis Mandal and Goutam Mukherjee: Deformation of Leibniz algebra morphisms over commutative local algebra base, Communications in algebra, 37(7): 2246-- 2266, 2009

  • Alice Fialowski and Ashis Mandal: Leibniz algebra deformations of a Lie algebra, Journal of Mathematical Physics, 49, 093511, 2008.

  • Ashis Mandal: An example of constructing Versal deformations for Leibniz algebras, Communications in Algebra, 36 (6): 2233-2253, 2008.

  • Ashis Mandal: Deformation of Leibniz algebra morphisms, Homology, Homotopy and Applications, 9 (1): 439-- 450, 2007.


  • Lie algebroids over algebraic spaces: Ashis Mandal and Abhishek Sarkar

  • Higher structures: Ashis Mandal and Apurba Das

  • Quadratic Lie and Leibniz algebras: Alice Fialowski and Ashis Mandal

  • Hom-Algebraic structures: Ashis Mandal and Satyendra Kumar Mishra

  • April 2012 -- April 2013: Visiting Scientist; Statistics and Mathematics Unit, Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata, India.

  • March 2010 -- March 2012: Postdoctoral researcher, Mathematics Research Unit, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg.

  • July 2009 -- February 2010: Visiting faculty; School of Mathematical Sciences, National Institute of Science Education and Research, (N.I.S.E.R) Bhubaneswar, Orissa, India.

  • April 2009 -- July 2009: Research Associate under C.S.I.R. fellowship; Statistics and Mathematics Unit, Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata India.

  • January 2009 -- March 2009: Visiting Scientist; Statistics and Mathematics Unit, Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata, India.


  • MATRICS -Research grant for three years by SERB, DST in 2019.

  • AFR postdoctoral fellowship grant PDR-09062 in 2010.

  • N.B.H.M. Postdoctoral Fellowships in Mathematics in 2009.

  • C.S.I.R. Research Associateship in Mathematical Sciences in 2009.

  • Junior Research Fellowship in Mathematics of Indian Statistical Institute in 2003

  • Joint C.S.I.R-U.G.C. Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) in Mathematical Sciences and Eligibility for Lectureship in 2002.

  • Reviewer for Mathscinet (AMS) and referee for some of the Mathematics journals.


FB 523
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur
Kanpur- 208016

Office Phone: 0512-259-6783 (O)

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Lie algebroids over algebraic spaces, Hom-algebraic structures, Cohomology and Deformation theory of algebraic structures.


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