Sudhir K. Jain
PhD (California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, USA)
Email: skjain[AT]iitk.ac.in
Office Phone: 0512-259-7867
Professor, Departement of Civil Engineering
Research Interest
Structural Engineering
- PhD, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, USA, 1983
- M.S., California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, USA, 1980
- B.E., University of Roorkee, India, 1979
GoutamMondal, AmitPrashant, Sudhir K Jain, 2012, Simplified seismic analysis of soil–well–pier system for bridges, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, Volume (32), Issue (1), pp 42-55, Elsevier.
Sudhir K Jain, Keya Mitra, Manish Kumar, Mehul Shah, 2010, A proposed rapid visual screening procedure for seismic evaluation of RC-frame buildings in India, Earthquake Spectra, Volume (26), Issue (3), pp 709-729, Earthquake Engineering Research Institute.
Hemant B Kaushik, Durgesh C Rai, Sudhir K Jain, 2007, Stress-strain characteristics of clay brick masonry under uniaxial compression, Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, Volume (19), Issue (9), pp 728-739, American Society of Civil Engineering.
Sudhir K Jain, Rahul Navin, 1995, Seismic overstrength in reinforced concrete frames, Journal of Structural Engineering, Vol. 121, Issue 3, pp 580-585,, American Society of Civil Engineering.
Sudhir K Jain, Paul C Jennings, 1985, Analytical models for low‐rise buildings with flexible floor diaphragms, Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics, Volume (13), Issue (2), pp. 225-241, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Life Member, The New Zealand Society for Earthquake Engineering (2013)
President-Elect, International Association for Earthquake Engineering (2012)
Fellow, Indian National Academy of Engineering (Elected 2003)
Robert A Millikan Fellowship (Caltech, 1982-83)
Chancellor's Gold Medal (for Best Student in B.E. and B.Arch.), University of Roorkee (1979)
Room: 112A Western Laboratory Extension IIT Kanpur, Kanpur 208016
Office Phone: 0512-259-7867 (O)
Email: skjain[AT]iitk.ac.in