Training Program course on Smart Grid Technologies has started at IIT Kanpur today to provide knowledge about smart electrical grid to various industry people, such as delegates from KESCo, BSES Rajdhani Power Limited, UPSLDC, EESL, Siemens, JPDCL, Synergy Systems & Solutions. The course is of the duration of 5 days and will end on 19th Sept 2021. The course is being coordinated by Prof. Ankush Sharma and Prof. Alok Ranjan Verma from the Electrical Engineering Department of IIT Kanpur. With the inauguration of the training program Engineer’s day was also celebrated and dignitaries available for the inaugural function were Prof. S. Ganesh (Deputy Director, IIT Kanpur), Prof. A. R. Harish (Dean of Research and Development), Prof. S. C. Srivastava (Director, IITK-LTU Research Academy), Dr. Ankush Sharma (training coordinator) and Dr. Alok Ranjan Verma (training co-coordinator). The main objective of this course is to familiarize the participants from utilities and industries about different concepts and developments in the Smart Grid Technology (SGT). This will help them to understand the role of modern Information and Communication Technology (ICT) infrastructure in helping the monitor and control of the power systems more effectively. With the increase in penetration of SGT in power systems, there has been a growing demand of real time visualization, monitoring, and control of the power system. Further, the present day electricity sector is witnessing increased share of renewables, storage, EV charging stations, microgrids, intelligent sensors and controllers, automation, and smart metering at different levels in the network. This leads to transmission & distribution networks requiring cyber-secure Advanced Energy Management System (AEMS) and Advanced Distribution Management System (ADMS) tools. The large penetration of renewables, being intermittent in nature, will pose system stability and power quality concerns, which will require proper compensation and controls. The above challenges faced by the power system network will be discussed in detail in this course. |