Mathematics & Statistics

Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur

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Template for 3rd to 8th semester for BSM program in Mathematics and Scientific Computing
Semester 3 Semester 4 Semester 5 Semester 6 Semester 7 Semester 8
SCHEME-2 EME (9-11) SCHEME-3 HSS-I (9-11) SCHEME-4 HSS-II (9) MTH305 (11) SCHEME-5 HSS-II (9) SCHEME-6 HSS-II (9)
MTH201 (11) ESC201 (14) MTH421 (11) MTH424 (11) OE-1 (9) OE-3 (9)
MTH302 (11) MTH204 (11) MTH403 (11) MTH430 (10) OE-2 (9) MTB-4 (9)
E/SO-1: MSO205 (11) MTH301 (11) E/SO-3: ESO207 (12) DE-2 (9) MTB-1 (9) MTB-5 (9)
E/SO-2 (9-11) MTH308 (10) DE-1 (9) DE-3 (9) MTB-2 (9) MTB-6 (9)
        MTB-3 (9)  
51-55 55-57 52 50 54 45


  • Students need to do 6 courses from the management track basket (MTB), instead of 3 DE and 3 OE courses required for usual BS Mathematics and Scientific computing program.
STRUCTURE OF THE PROGRAM (Y22 and later batches)
Semester I Semester II Semester III Semester IV
Course L-T-P-A [C] Course L-T-P-A [C] Course L-T-P-A [C] Course L-T-P-A[C]
MTH201 3-1-0-0 [11] MTH204 3-1-0-0 [11] MTH403 3-1-0-0 [11] OE-2 3-0-0-0 [09]
MTH202 3-1-0-0 [11] MTH424 3-1-0-0 [11] DE-1 3-0-0-0 [09] OE-3 3-0-0-0 [09]
MTH301 3-1-0-0 [11] MTH308 3-0-1-0 [10] OE-1 3-0-0-0 [09] OE-4 3-0-0-0 [09]
MTH409 2-1-1-0 [09] MTH305 3-1-0-0 [11] DE-2 3-0-0-0 [09] DE-4 3-0-0-0 [09]
MTH421 3-1-0-0 [11] MTH304 3-1-0-0 [11] DE-3/ MTH598 3-0-0-0 [09] DE-5/ MTH599 3-0-0-0 [09]
ELC112 2-1-0-1 [09]            
  62   54   47   45

DC : 118 DE : 45 OE : 36 ELC : 09 TOTAL : 208

  1. ELC112 : English language and communication (intermediate)
  2. MTH201 : Linear algebra
  3. MTH202 : Set theory and discrete mathematics
  4. MTH204 : Abstract algebra
  5. MTH301 : Analysis I
  6. MTH304 : Topology
  7. MTH305 : Several variable calculus and differential geometry
  8. MTH308 : Numerical analysis and scientific computing I
  9. MTH403 : Complex analysis
  10. MTH409 : Computer programming and data structures
  11. MTH421 : Ordinary differential equations
  12. MTH424 : Partial differential equations
  13. MTH598 : Project I
  14. MTH599 : Project II
Semester I Semester II Semester III Semester IV
MSO205 - Introduction to Probability Theory (3-1-0-0) [11] MTH309 - Probability Theory (3-1-0-0) [11] MTH441 - Linear Regression and ANOVA (3-0-1-0) [10] MTH314 - Multivariate Analysis (3-0-1-0) [10]
(Modular – Part 1) MTH432M - Sampling Theory (3-1-0-0) [06] (Modular – Part 1) MTH212M - Elementary Stochastic Processes I (3-1-0-0) [06] MTH515 - Inference II (3-1-0-0) [11] MTH312 - Data Science Lab 3 (1-0-2-0) [05]
(Modular – Part 2) MTH434M - Complex Analysis (3-1-0-0) [06] (Modular – Part 2) MTH313M - Elementary Stochastic Processes II (3-1-0-0) [06] MTH516 - Non-Parametric Inference (3-1-0-0) [11] DE-2 [09]
MTH433 - Real Analysis (3-1-0-0) [11] MTH418 -Inference I (3-1-0-0) [11] DE-1 [09] / MTH598 [09] DE-3 [09]
MTH208 - Data Science Lab 1 (0-0-3-2) [05] MTH210 - Statistical computing (3-0-1-0) [10] OE-1 [09] DE-4 [09] / MTH599 [09]
MTH206 - Matrix Algebra and Linear Estimation (Module I) (3-1-0-0) [06] MTH209 - Data Science Lab 2 (1-0-2-0) [05]   OE-2 [09]
MTH207 - Matrix Algebra and Linear Estimation (Module II) (3-1-0-0) [06]      
ELC112 (2-1-0-1) [09]      
60 49 50 51

List of courses

Please find more course information here.

These courses are only for MSc (2 year) Statistics students

Objective Of The Program
  • To cultivate a mathematical attitude and nurture the interests,
  • To motivate for research in mathematical and statistical sciences,
  • To train computational scientists who can work on real life challenging problems
Objective Of The Program

The Department offers PhD programs in Mathematics and Statistics with the objective of preparing motivated researchers, who can work in frontline areas as well as to prepare well-trained teaching faculty. The vibrant academic environment of the department is nurtured by strongly motivated faculty. The Department faculty takes research initiatives to work in recent and emerging areas. The department encourages interdisciplinary trends. Around 290 research scholars have graduated from the department and are serving in the faculty of various institutes and universities in India and abroad. Some of them have gone for industry also.

Structure Of The Programme

The department offers separate PhD Programmes in Mathematics and Statistics. Following are the requirements for the degrees.

Course work:

During the first two semesters, students are required to complete the minimum credit requirements (24) from course work. The minimum number of courses to be done is 6, out of which 3 are compulsory: Algebra (MTH751), Mathematical Methods (MTH752) and Analysis (MTH753) for Ph.D. Mathematics, and Analysis (MTH652), Probability Theory (MTH754) and Statistical Inference (MTH755) for Ph.D. Statistics. Minimum research credit requirement for the programme is 80 and students are required to register for 16 research credit per semester after finishing the course-work.

Comprehensive examination:

Students registered in the Ph.D. programme must pass a Comprehensive examination designed to test the overall comprehension of the student in Mathematics/Statistics. A student can appear in the comprehensive examination only after he/she has completed the course requirements and satisfied the minimum specified CPI requirement, i.e., 7.0 (out of 10.0).The comprehensive examination board consists of at least three but not more than five faculty members of the department and one faculty member from outside the department.

State of Art Seminar:

A student enrolled in the PhD programme is formally admitted to the candidacy for the Ph.D. degree after he/she has completed the course requirements for the degree with a CPI of at least 7.0 and has passed the comprehensive examination. Every Ph.D. student admitted to the candidacy for the Ph.D. degree is required to deliver a general seminar covering the State of Art of the area of research. This seminar, viz., the State of Art Seminar must be delivered within six months of passing the comprehensive examination.

Open Seminar:

Before finalizing the thesis, every Ph.D. student must deliver an Open Seminar in which the research work will be presented to obtain comments and criticism, which are to be incorporated in the thesis. The maximum time duration for the submission of the thesis after the delivery of the open seminar is six months. The PhD Thesis Board consists of three members in addition to the thesis supervisor(s) approved by the Chairman, Senate. At least two members of the board (other than the supervisor(s)) must be from outside the Institute and at least one of these two must be from within the country. The thesis supervisor(s), in consultation with the Head, proposes a list of examiners consisting of at least three extra names over and above the required number of members for the thesis board. The Chairman, Senate in consultation with Chairperson, SPGC selects the members of the thesis board from this list. The names of members of the thesis board are kept confidential till successful completion of the oral examination.

