Mathematics & Statistics

Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur

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Departmental Courses

Admission to the program is through Joint Entrance JEE (Adv). All students in these programs have to complete a set of core courses in the first two semesters. After that, they do some compulsory professional courses and are also offered choices of many departmental and open electives. There is also a provision of some research activity through a series of undergraduate project courses. An attractive feature of the academic program is that the students can do a minor and/or a major in other disciplines (department) by appropriately choosing their elective courses. For obtaining another major, the student has to spend one extra year to fulfil required credits. Since the program is credit based, many students have been able to complete credit requirements of BS (MS) degree in just 7 (9) semesters. Due to the flexibility and opportunities offered, the program has become very popular among the JEE aspirants and is among the most sought after UG programs offered at IIT Kanpur. In 2021, the opening and closing JEE All India Ranks for the BS Mathematics & Scientific Computing program were 321 and 1045, respectively. Since the inception of the BS program in 2011, one undergraduate student of the department has received the President’s Gold Medal for the best academic performance in the graduating class amongst all disciplines of B.Tech. and B.S.

Admission to the program is also through Joint Entrance JEE (Adv). The program is tailor-made for students interested in the study and analysis of data. It focusses on fundamental statistical, mathematical, computational, and data science courses, with students having the opportunity to do elective courses from other departments. The emphasis is on the following: (i) imparting raw computational training to the students, (ii) have courses of the curriculum integrate both theoretical and practical commentary with diverse discussion of data applications wherever feasible, and at the same time, (iii) put forth a robust base in rigorous mathematical and statistical concepts. All the features of flexibility and opportunities as described for the BS program in Mathematics & Scientific Computing hold for this BS program as well. In fact, this program has made its mark already among the JEE aspirants, with the opening and closing JEE All India Ranks in 2021 being 492 and 1280, respectively. Graduates of the program will be empowered with the skills and knowledge to build flourishing careers in data science industry and also pursue higher studies in classical and modern statistics and data science.

Guidelines for courses in Summer Term

Courses may be offered in the summer term by the department subject to availability of instructors, only for the students falling in one of the categories mentioned below:

(i) Those students who are due to graduate at the end of that summer term and have at most one or two backlogs. These should be failed backlogs or other genuine backlogs such as those accumulated due to an academic status of AP/WR or semester drop approved by the SUGC. This does not include a backlog arising due to dropping a course.

(ii) Those who are enrolled in any of the Double Major or Dual Degree programs run by the department and completed their eighth semester.

