- Optical Fibre Communication
- Quantum key distribution
- Quantum and Nonlinear fibre optics
- 10 Gbps External Mach-Zehnder Optical Modulator
- 40 Gbps DQPSK Optical Modulator
- Agilent 86142B Optical Spectrum Analyzer
- Fiber Polarization Controller FPC030
- Net Test 50LS8335XX Optical Test Source (Fabry-Perot Laser diode, 1550nm)
- Net Test Power Meters
- Optical Amplifier contains
- Amp 901 type B2
- DB9 Connectors(2 pic)
- LDC & TEC Driver
- Power Chord(2 pic)
- Optical Bread boards
- Optical fibres (MMF: 20 km, SMF: 5km, SMSP: 200m)
- Optical mounts and translation stages
- Optical Device Characterization and Fibre Optics Virtual Lab, (Joseph John and Pradeep Kumar) Sponsored Project from MHRD on National Mission on Education through ICT
- Protection Devices for Urban and Rural Exchanges, (Joseph John) BSNL project
- Decoy state method for frequency-coded QKD (Pradeep Kumar) Initiation grant from IIT Kanpur
- Fiber-optic entangled photon pair generation for generation for quantum key distribution and quantum optics
- Kumar. P and Prabhakar. A, "Evolution of quantum states of light in an electro-optic phase modulator", IEEE Journ. of Quantum Electronics, Feb, Vol 45, 2009
- Kumar. P and Prabhakar. A, "Bit error rate of a frequency coded quantum key distribution system", Optics Communications, Vol 282, No 18, pp. 3827-3833, 2009
- Kumar. P, "Optical modulation schemes for frequency-coded quantum key distribution", To appear, National Conf on Communications, NCC, Jan 2010
- Kumar. P and Prabhakar. A, "All-fibre autocorrelator for optical pulse width measurement", Proc. SPIE, Vol. 6875, 68751F, 2008
- Kumar. P and Prabhakar. A, "All-fibre autocorrelator for optical pulse width measurement", Proc. SPIE, Vol. 6875, 68751F, 2008
- Kumar. P and Prabhakar. A, "Bit error rate of a frequency coded quantum key distribution system", National Conf. on Communication, IIT Guwahati, Guwahati, India, 2009
- Kumar. P and Prabhakar. A, "Dispersion measurement of single mode optical fibre using intensity modulators", Proc. of 13th National Conf. on Communications, IIT Kanpur, Kanpur, India, 2007
- Bhattacharya. S and Kumar. P, "Decoy-state method for N-channel SCM FC-QKD", Frontiers in Optics, Rochester, Oct 2012 (Accepted for presentation)
- Anchal. A and Kumar. P, "Bidirectional pumping for entangled photons", Nonlinear Photonics (OSA Topical Meeting), Colorado, June 2012
- Kumar. P, "Quantum computing using magneto-optic Kerr effect", Proc. of International Conference on Quantum Optics and Quantum Computing (ICQOQC), Madrid, March 2012
- Bhattacharya. S, Pandey. P, and Kumar. P, "Decoy-pulse protocol for frequency-coded quantum key distribution", Proc. of International Conference on Quantum Optics and Quantum Computing (ICQOQC), Madrid, March 2012
- Bhattacharya. S and Kumar. P, "Decoy-pulse protocol for frequency-coded quantum key distribution", Proc. of National Conf on Communications, NCC, Jan 2012
- Kumar. P and Prabhakar. A, "Frequency-coded scheme for BB84 QKD protocol using spin wave--optical interactions", Proc. of SPIE Photonics West, San Diego, USA, Jan 2011
PhD Students
- Syed Tajammul Ahmad
MTech Students
- Alok Jangid
- Ankit Lodha
- Arvind Kumar
- Mukund Kumar
- Ashish Vyas
Contact Person
Dr. Pradeep Kumar K
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Phone: 91-512-259-7570
Location: ACES 323 and 327

- Multiquantum Well Intermixed Waveguide Grating Assisted Couplers
- High Speed Waveguide Photodiodes
- Photodiode Arrays
- SiGeC/SiC Quantum Dash LEDs on silicon by spin-on technique
- Laser assisted vision through Fog
- Facilities for Optoelectronics Laboratory:
- Optical Bench and Optical waveguiding setup
- Ps-pulsed laser source at 980nm, 1550nm, and 400nm
- Sorption pump
- CO2 laser (10W)
- Laser Scanner (1kHz)
- MCT detectors (4kHz, 4kV/W)
- Motorized positioners(0.1micron)for optical waveguide measurements
- Data acquizition cards and systems (GHz)
- Tunable laser (1270-1650nm)
- Lock-in AmplifiersOscilloscopes (60MHz)
- Signal Generators
- Power Supplies
- Blue DPSS laser
- White light source
- Facilities for Nanotechnology Laboratory:
- MJB3 Mask Aligner (i-line, 3inch substrates)
- Baking Oven
- Ziess Microscope (50X obj)
- Photoresist Spinner (4800rpm)
- Optical surface profiler (vertical 0.01nm, Horizontal 2.5micron)
- Millipore Ultrapure water system
- Reactive Ion Etch System (Methane Chenistry)
- E-Beam evaporator (turbopump driven, 6kW, 4pocket, 6cc)
- Class 100 Developing Station, Acid station, and Solvent ststion
- Ultrasonic cleaner
- Rapid thermal anneal (RTA) system
- "Design of a Grating-Assisted Lateral Directional Coupler by Impurity-Induced Quantum Well Intermixing of InGaAs/GaAs", A. V. Barve and U. Das, Special Issue, joint publication of IEEE J. Lightwave Technol., 25, 2448(2007) and Optical Society of America.
- "Optical Quality SiC nano-structures by Spin-On Technique and Anneal on Si", A Mondal and U Das, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 42, 234002-234006 (2009).
- Quantum well intermixed waveguide grating", R. Sonkar and U. Das, Optical and Quantum Electronics, 42, No.9-10, pp.631-643(Sept. 2011)
- "Experimental Study of the Effects of Environmental and Fog Condensation Nuclei Parameters on the Rate of Fog Formation and Dissipation Using a New Laboratory Scale Fog Generation Facility", V. P. Singh, T. Gupta, S. N. Tripathi, C. Jariwala, and U. Das, Aerosol and Air Quality Res., 11, 140-154 (2011)
- "40GHz Integrated MQW Intermixed Waveguide Photodiodes", T. Bhowmick and U. Das, Poster No. OP-P.25, IWPSD 2011, Dec. 19-22, 2011, IIT Kanpur, Kanpur, UP, India. [Best Poster Award]
- "Growth of SiC Nano-Crystals on H-Terminated Si(100)3o Substrate Surface Steps", D. Jain, C. Sandeep, and U. Das, Poster No. OP-P.27, IWPSD 2011, Dec. 19-22, 2011, IIT Kanpur, Kanpur, UP, India
- "Fabrication of Waveguide Grating", S. Sonkar and U. Das, Presentation No. OP-O.04, IWPSD 2011, Dec. 19-22, 2011, IIT Kanpur, Kanpur, UP, India
PhD Students
- Viswas Nair
- Sona Das
MTech Students
- Shah Mithil Dipak Bhai
- Sonu Kumar
- Nagendra Pratap Yadav(PSE)
- Madduri Suresh
- Omkar Balasahib Mane
- Shikha Ahirwar
- Rahul Kumar Gautam
- Ravi Kumar Verma
- Rahul Shaw
- Saket Wankhade
Contact Person
Utpal Das
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Phone: 91(512)259-7360
- ACES 122/123 (Nano Fabrication Laboratory)
- ACES 129 (Optoelectronics Laboratory)

Ramanujan Fellowship,
Funding Agency: Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB),
Investigator: Shilpi Gupta
- Shilpi Gupta
PhD Students
- Naresh Sharma
- Agnimitra Sutradhar
MTech Students
- Rahul Shaw
- Saket Wankhade
- Meenakshi Khosla
Contact Person
Shilpi Gupta
Office Phone: 91(512)259-6893
- WL-215C
- Sponsored Ongoing Project
BRNS: Shape-based fluorescence optical tomography for grading of dysplasia in cervical cancer progression
(10.9.2013 - 09.09.2016; PI: Dr Naren Naik, co-PI: Dr Asima Pradhan, Dept. of Physics, IIT-Kanpur)t - Institute Grant Ongoing Project
Electrical Impedance Tomography Data Collection Set-up - Sponsored Completed Project
ISRO: Model based tomographic subsurface soil characterization
(25.07.2012 - 25.09.2014; PI: Dr Naren Naik)
Application Collaborators
- Mr. Tapan Mishra, SAC, Ahmedabad
- Dr. Asima Pradhan, Department of Physics, IIT Kanpur
- Dr. Shivam Tripathi, Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Kanpur
- Naren Naik, Rick Beatson, Jerry Eriksson, and Elijah van Houten, "An implicit radial basis function based reconstruction approach to electromagnetic shape-tomography," Inverse Problems, 25(2):025004, February 2009.
- N. Naik, J. Eriksson, P. de Groen, and H. Sahli, "A nonlinear iterative reconstruction and analysis approach to shape-based approximate electromagnetic tomography," IEEE Trans. Geosc. and Rem. Sens., 46(5):1558-1574, 2008.
- Naren Naik, R. M. Vasu, and M. R. Ananthasayanam, "Single-resolution and multiresolution extended-Kalman-filter-based reconstruction approaches to optical refraction tomography," Applied Optics, 49(6), 20 February 2010.
- Ashwin Yadav, Peeyush Awasthi, Naren Naik, and M.R. Ananthasayanam, "A constant gain Kalman filter approach to track maneuvering targets," The 2013 IEEE Multi- Conference on Systems and Control (MSC 2013), 28-30 Aug 2013, Hyderabad, India.
- Ashwin Yadav, Naren Naik, M.R. Ananthasayanam, Abhinav Gaur, and Y.N. Singh, "A constant gain Kalman filter approach to target tracking in wireless sensor networks," IEEE 7th Intl. Conf. on Industrial and Information Systems, 6-9 Aug 2012, I.I.T., Madras, Chennai, India.
- Dr Naren Naik
PhD Students
- Prabodh Pandey
- Nishigandha Patil
- Omprakash Gottam
- Abhinav Bharadwaj
MTech Students
- Gaurav Nandode
- T Viswanath
- J Bharani Bharadwaj
Contact Person
Dr Naren Naik
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Office Phone: 91(512)259-6518
Fax: 91(512)259-0260
- 303A ACES,
Department of Electrical Engineering,
Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur
UP, India-208016