Earth Sciences

Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur

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Welcome to Department of Earth Sciences

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Welcome Message

Welcome to the Department of Earth Sciences at IIT Kanpur. We are one of the youngest department in the country, established in 2014, with a vision to carry out interdisciplinary Earth Science teaching and research of contemporary relevance.... - Read More

-Prof. Debajyoti Paul

Head, Department of Earth Sciences

  • Sen, I. S. "A Four-Component Mixing Model Reveals Snowpack Melting as Early as March During the 2019 Hydrological Year in the Upper Ganga Basin." Article, Journal of Hydrology 628 (2024).
  • Paul, K., Bhattacharya, P., and Misra, S. "Frictional Control on Accelerating Creep During the Slow-to-Fast Transition of Rainfall-Induced Catastrophic Landslides." Article, Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface 129, no. 1 (2024).
  • Nanda, K., Mufti, S., Das, A., and Misra, S. "A Numerical Investigation of Fluid Flow Path Evolution During Cataclastic Flow in Reservoir Rocks." Article, Journal of Earth System Science 133, no. 1 (2024).
  • Mukherjee, R., and Misra, S. "Insights into the Micromechanics of Dehydration-Induced Gypsum to Γ-Anhydrite Phase Transition from Instrumented Microindentation Experiments." Article, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 129, no. 1 (2024).
  • Fousiya, A. A., Malik, J. N., Paul, D., Chakraborty, S., and Achyuthan, H. "Microstructure and Growth Rate Variability in a Giant Clam (Tridacna Maxima) from the Lakshadweep Archipelago, India: Implications for Their Use as Biological Monitors to Trace Extreme Weather Events." Article, Coral Reefs (2024).
  • Amir, M., Paul, D., and Chang, Y. P. "Indian Summer Monsoon Variability During the Past ~75 Ka Based on Stable Isotope Records of Sediments from Nw India." Article, Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 637 (2024).
  • Srivastava, E., Malik, J. N., Parrino, N., Burrato, P., Sharma, N., Gadhavi, M., Sulli, A., Di Maggio, C., and Morticelli, M. G. "Extremely Fast Holocene Coastal Landscape Evolution in the Kachchh Upland (Nw India): Clues from a Multidisciplinary Review." Article, Journal of Maps 19, no. 1 (2023).
  • Srivastav, H. K., and Ghosal, D. "Investigating Narcondam Offshore Using High-Resolution Seismic Reflection Data." Article, Geo-Marine Letters 43, no. 4 (2023).
  • Sinha, R., Singh, S., Mishra, K., and Swarnkar, S. "Channel Morphodynamics and Sediment Budget of the Lower Ganga River Using a Hydrogeomorphological Approach." Article, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 48, no. 1 (2023): 14-33.
  • Singh, G. K., Qadri, A. M., Paul, D., Gupta, T., Mukherjee, S., and Chatterjee, A. "Investigation of Sources and Atmospheric Transformation of Carbonaceous Aerosols from Shyamnagar, Eastern Indo-Gangetic Plains: Insights from Δ13c and Carbon Fractions." Article, Chemosphere 326 (2023).
  • Sikdar, A., Dutta, D., and Misra, S. "Superplastic Deformation inside the Knife-Sharp Shear Bands in Mid-Crustal Granites." Article, Journal of Structural Geology 177 (2023).
  • Shukla, T., Sen, I. S., and Sundriyal, S. "Carbon Emissions from Emerging Glacier-Fed Himalayan Lakes." Article, Global and Planetary Change 225 (2023).
  • Shukla, S., Meshesha, T. W., Sen, I. S., Bol, R., Bogena, H., and Wang, J. "Assessing Impacts of Land Use and Land Cover (Lulc) Change on Stream Flow and Runoff in Rur Basin, Germany." Article, Sustainability (Switzerland) 15, no. 12 (2023).
  • Sen, I. S., Nizam, S., Ansari, A., Bowes, M., Choudhary, B., Glendell, M., Ray, S., Scott, M., Miller, C., Wilkie, C., and Sinha, R. "Geochemical Evolution of Dissolved Trace Elements in Space and Time in the Ramganga River, India." Article, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 195, no. 10 (2023).
  • Satuluri, S., Malik, J. N., Kumar, A., Vikrama, B., and Rai, G. K. "Ground Penetrating Radar Investigations of Buried Remnants at Ancient Capital Cities of Panchala and Vatsa Kingdoms Spread Along Ganga-Yamuna Doab of India from 600 Bce to 1100 Ce." Article, Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 52 (2023).
  • Sarkar, D., Sinha, R., and Bookhagen, B. "Towards a Guideline for Uav-Based Data Acquisition for Geomorphic Applications." Article, Remote Sensing 15, no. 14 (2023).
  • Roy, N., and Sen, I. S. "Co2 Consumption Rates in the Glacierized Himalayan Headwaters: The Importance of Sulfuric and Nitric Acid-Mediated Chemical Weathering Reactions in Geologic Carbon Cycle." Article, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 24, no. 7 (2023).
  • Ray, E., Paul, D., Bhutani, R., Chakrabarti, R., and Yang, S. "Sm-Nd Isotope Systematics of Indian Shales Constrain the Growth of Continental Crust: Implication for Supercontinent Cycle and Mantle Plume Activity." Article, Lithos 442-443 (2023).
  • Quick, L., Creed, M. J., Sinclair, H. D., Attal, M., Borthwick, A. G. L., and Sinha, R. "Hyperconcentrated Floods Cause Extreme Gravel Transport through the Sandy Rivers of the Gangetic Plains." Article, Communications Earth and Environment 4, no. 1 (2023).
  • Putrevu, D., Chakraborty, T., Mukhopadhyay, J., Syed, T. H., Bhiravarasu, S. S., Das, A., Pandey, D. K., and Misra, A. "Lunar Impact Craters: New Perspectives from Full-Polarimetric Analysis of Chandrayaan-2 Dual-Frequency Sar Data." Article, Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets 128, no. 12 (2023).
  • Pant, A., Ghosal, D., Puryear, C., and Verma, S. N. "Algorithms for Time–Frequency Imaging and Analysis: Introduction to Mixed-Model Spectral Decomposition." Review, Acta Geophysica (2023).
  • Panigrahi, B., Srivastava, D. C., Tiwari, S., Agarwal, A., Rit, B., and Akhtar, S. S. "Application of Semi-Automated Methods for Extraction of Geological Surface Orientations: A Case Study from the Outer Garhwal Himalaya." Article, Journal of Earth System Science 132, no. 4 (2023).
  • Nizam, S., Acharya, T., Dutta, S., and Sen, I. S. "Occurrence, Sources, and Spatial Distribution of Fluoride in the Ganga Alluvial Aquifer, India." Article, Environmental Geochemistry and Health 45, no. 5 (2023): 1975-89.
  • Neelavannan, K., Sen, I. S., Sinha, N., Thakur, A. K., and Misra, S. "Microplastics in the Ganga-Brahmaputra Delta: Sources and Pathways to the Sundarbans Biosphere Reserve - an Unesco World Heritage Centre." Article, Environmental Advances 11 (2023).
  • Neelavannan, K., and Sen, I. S. "Microplastics in Freshwater Ecosystems of India: Current Trends and Future Perspectives." Review, ACS Omega 8, no. 38 (2023): 34235-48.
  • Mukherjee, R., and Misra, S. "Nanomechanics of Minerals: Understandings and Developments through Instrumented Nanoindentation Techniques." Review, Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 50, no. 1 (2023).
  • Mishra, U., Mohapatra, A. K., Mandal, A., and Singh, A. "Identification of Potential Artificial Groundwater Recharge Sites in an Alluvial Setting: A Coupled Electrical Resistivity Tomography and Sediment Characterization Study." Article, Groundwater for Sustainable Development 20 (2023).
  • Malik, J. N., Mohanty, A., Sahoo, S., Gadhavi, M. S., Dhali, M., Arora, S., and Naik, S. P. "Signatures of 16th and 19th Centuries Paleo-Earthquakes Along the Himalayan Frontal Thrust (Hft), Nw Himalaya, India: Implications to Seismic Hazard Assessment." Article, Quaternary International 656 (2023): 37-47.
  • Malik, J. N., Arora, S., Gadhavi, M. S., Singh, G., Kumar, P., Johnson, F. C., Thakur, M., and Raoof, J. "Geological Evidence of Paleo-Earthquakes on a Transverse Right-Lateral Strike-Slip Fault Along the Nw Himalayan Front: Implications Towards Fault Segmentation and Strain Partitioning." Article, Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 244 (2023).
  • Malik, J. N., Arora, S., Gadhavi, M. S., Singh, G., Kumar, P., Johnson, F. C., Thakur, M., and Raoof, J. "Replies to Comments Raised by Singh T., and Rajendran C.P. On Paper “Geological Evidence of Paleo-Earthquakes on a Transverse Right-Lateral Strike-Slip Fault Along the Nw Himalayan Front: Implications Towards Fault Segmentation and Strain Partitioning” by Malik Et Al. (2023), [Jaes, 244, 105518]." Article, Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 255 (2023).
  • Kumar, S., Agarwal, A., Rae, A. S. P., Kontny, A., and Poelchau, M. H. "Use of Magnetic Fabrics and X-Ray Diffraction to Reveal Low Strains in Experimentally Deformed Maggia Gneiss." Article, International Journal of Earth Sciences 112, no. 3 (2023): 867-79.
  • Kumar, P., Malik, J. N., Gahalaut, V. K., Yadav, R. K., and Singh, G. "Evidence of Strain Accumulation and Coupling Variation in the Himachal Region of Nw Himalaya from Short Term Geodetic Measurements." Article, Tectonics 42, no. 8 (2023).
  • Kumar, P., Malik, J. N., and Gahalaut, V. K. "Arc-Parallel Shear and Orogenic Deformation Along the Oblique Himalayan Convergent Plate Margin: Implications from Topographic- and Gradient-Anomaly Profiling in the Himalaya." Article, Pure and Applied Geophysics 180, no. 6 (2023): 2169-89.
  • King, G. E., Ahadi, F., Sueoka, S., Herman, F., Anderson, L., Gautheron, C., Tsukamoto, S., Stalder, N., Biswas, R., Fox, M., Delpech, G., Schwartz, S., and Tagami, T. "Eustatic Change Modulates Exhumation in the Japanese Alps." Article, Geology 51, no. 2 (2023): 131-35.
  • Joshi, S. K., Kumar, S., Sinha, R., Rai, S. P., Khobragade, S., and Rao, M. S. "Identifying Moisture Transport Pathways for North-West India." Article, Geological Journal 58, no. 12 (2023): 4428-40.
  • Joshi, G., Phukon, P., Agarwal, A., and Ojha, A. K. "On the Emplacement of the Impact Melt at the Dhala Impact Structure, India." Article, Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets 128, no. 7 (2023).
  • Halder, M., Paul, D., and Yang, S. "Origin of Silicic Rocks of the Deccan Traps Continental Flood Basalt Province: Inferences from Field Observations, Petrography, and Geochemistry." Article, Geochemistry 83, no. 2 (2023).
  • Halder, M., Paul, D., and Stracke, A. "Petrogenesis of the Girnar Complex in the Deccan Traps Province, India." Article, Journal of Petrology 64, no. 3 (2023).
  • Ghosh, S., Philip, G., Prasad, A. K., Syed, T. H., and Mohanty, S. P. "Towards Quantifying the Relative Tectonic Activity in the Trans-Yamuna Segment of Nw Himalaya." Article, Geocarto International 38, no. 1 (2023).
  • Fousiya, A. A., Malik, J. N., and Chakraborty, S. "Climatic Variability and Anthropogenic Forcing on Marine Ecosystems: Evidence from the Lakshadweep Archipelago." In Coasts, Estuaries and Lakes: Implications for Sustainable Development, 2023.
  • Dixit, A., Mandal, A., Ganguli, S. S., and Sanyal, S. "Genetic-Evolutionary Adaptive Moment Estimation-Based Semisupervised Deep Sequential Convolution Network for Seismic Impedance Inversion: Application and Uncertainty Analysis." Article, Geophysics 88, no. 2 (2023): R225-R42.
  • Dixit, A., Mandal, A., and Ganguli, S. S. "Reservoir Heterogeneity Analysis Using Multi-Directional Textural Attributes from Deep Learning-Based Enhanced Acoustic Impedance Inversion: A Study from Poseidon, Nw Shelf Australia." Article, Energy Geoscience (2023).
  • Dhali, M., Gadhavi, M. S., Mohan, K., Narayana, P. P., and Malik, J. N. "Active Faults Studies in Delhi and National Capital Region (Ncr): Inferences from Satellite Data and Field Investigations." Article, Frontiers in Earth Science 11 (2023).
  • Biswas, R. H., Pathan, A. N., and Malik, J. N. "General Order Kinetics Model for Osl Rock Surface Exposure Dating." Article, Proceedings of the Indian National Science Academy 89, no. 3 (2023): 644-54.
  • Berndt, C., Planke, S., Alvarez Zarikian, C. A., Frieling, J., Jones, M. T., Millett, J. M., Brinkhuis, H., Bünz, S., Svensen, H. H., Longman, J., Scherer, R. P., Karstens, J., Manton, B., Nelissen, M., Reed, B., Faleide, J. I., Huismans, R. S., Agarwal, A., Andrews, G. D. M., Betlem, P., Bhattacharya, J., Chatterjee, S., Christopoulou, M., Clementi, V. J., Ferré, E. C., Filina, I. Y., Guo, P., Harper, D. T., Lambart, S., Mohn, G., Nakaoka, R., Tegner, C., Varela, N., Wang, M., Xu, W., and Yager, S. L. "Shallow-Water Hydrothermal Venting Linked to the Palaeocene–Eocene Thermal Maximum." Article, Nature Geoscience 16, no. 9 (2023): 803-09.
  • Bal, A., Misra, S., Mukherjee, M., Dutta, T. K., Sen, D., Patra, A., and Raja, E. "Concurrent Influence of Geological Parameters on the Integrated Nano-Pore Structure and Discretized Pore Families of the Petroliferous Cambay Shale Assessed through Multivariate Dependence Measure." Article, Frontiers in Earth Science 11 (2023).
  • Amir, M., Paul, D., Anchana, P., Tarique, M., and Rahaman, W. "Geochemical Evidence for West-Flowing Paleo-Yamuna River in Northwest India During the Late Quaternary and Its Implication for the Harappan Civilization." Article, Geochemistry 83, no. 4 (2023).
  • Agarwal, V., Akyilmaz, O., Shum, C. K., Feng, W., Yang, T. Y., Forootan, E., Syed, T. H., Haritashya, U. K., and Uz, M. "Machine Learning Based Downscaling of Grace-Estimated Groundwater in Central Valley, California." Article, Science of the Total Environment 865 (2023).

We welcome the candidates with a PhD degree and with good academic standing to apply for post-doctoral fellowship in any area of Earth Sciences.

Fellowship amount: Fellowship amount will be 60,000- per month for the first year, 65,000- per month for the second year and 70,000- per month for the third year. This shall be paid from the Institute account.

Contingency amount: 1,00,000- per year for travel, research publications, analysis of samples, purchase of books not available in library and contingency etc. approved by HoD & DOFA. This shall be paid from the Institute account and will be available from the date of joining. The unused contingency amount shall be carried forward to next year.

For more information, Please refer to the following PDF (provide the following PDF attached in the below link)

List of Earth Science Sponsored Projects is given below.

  • Ground Penetrating Radar Investigations of Archaeological Site on the west bank of the Chandan River, Amarpur, Bihar, Funding agency: Government of Bihar, PI: Dr. Javed N. Malik
  • Stable Isotope Characterization of Plant Root and Shoot System, Funding agency: National Institute for plant biotechnology, PI: Dr. D. Paul
  • High-Resolution Spatio-Temporal River Health Assessment of The Middle Ganga, Funding agency: EPSRC, PI: Dr. Rajiv Sinha
  • Integrating Uav Technology with Thermal Infrared and Hyperspectral Imaging For Assessment Of Water Quality Of Large Water Bodies, Funding Agency: SERB, PI: Dr. Rajiv Sinha
  • Himalayan Metamorphic Co2 Fluxes to The Atmosphere: Solving the Mystery A Long Standing Problem, Funding agency: SERB, PI: Dr. Indra S. Sen
  • Geomorphic and Ecological Impacts Of Sand Mining In Large Rivers As Revealed From High Resolution Historical Remote Sensing Data And Drone Surveys: Assessment, Analysis And Mitigation Under Nmcg, Funding agency: MINISTRY OF WATER RESOURCES, PI: Dr. Rajiv Sinha
  • Characterization and Monitoring Of Contaminant Plume Migration From Waste Dump Sites In Shallow Aquifers Using Time-Lapse Geophysical Studies Coupled With Geochemical Analyses And Associated Hydrogeological Studies, Funding agency: SERB, PI: Dr. Animesh Mandal
  • GIS/GPS Mapping of Waqf Properties in The State Of Himachal Pradesh, Funding Agency: HIMACHAL PRADESH STATE WAQF BOARD, SHIMLA, PI: Dr. Javed N. Malik
  • Impact Excavation Processes on Terrestrial Analogues For Mars: A Case Study At Lunar Crater India, Funding: ALEXANDER VON HUMBOLDT FOUNDATION, PI: Dr. Amar Agrawal
  • Characterization Of Groundwater in Seismically Active Regions of Uttarakhand: Implications For Earthquake Induced Variations, Funding agency: MOES, PI: Dr. Tajdarul H. syed
  • Linking Microfractures, Magnetic Fabrics and Magnetic Anomaly at Impact Craters, Funding agency: SERB, PI: Dr. Amar Agrawal
  • Flood Risk Assessment in Tropical Rivers in The Anthropocene and Under Climate Change Scenario Using Hydro-Geomorphic Modelling, Funding agency: MINISTRY OF HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT, PI: Dr. Rajiv Sinha
  • GIS/GPS Mapping of Waqf Properties Under Qaumi Waqf Board Taraqqiati Scheme In Bhatinda Punjab, Funding agency: PUNJAB STATE WAQF BOARD, PI: Dr. Javed N. Malik
  • Isotopic Evolution of Terrestrial Reservoirs in Open System Models Of The Earth And Its Implication For Crust Mantle Differentiation And Distribution Of Chemical Heterogeneity In The Mantle, Funding agency: SERB, PI: Dr. Debajyoti Paul
  • Evaluating Basin-Scale Estimate of Evapotranspiration Using Space-Based Observations, Funding agency: DST, PI: Dr. Tajdarul H. Syed
  • Developing Statistical Downscaling to Improve Water Quality Understanding And Management In The Ramganga Sub-Basin, Funding Agency: ESPRC, PI: Dr. Rajiv Sinha
  • Validating Remote Sensing Data with In-Situ Measurements for Improving Soil Moisture Estimates And Water Resource Management: Technology Demonstration From Lowlands And Highlands In India, Funding agency: ALEXANDER VON HUMBOLDT FOUNDATION, PI: Dr. Rajiv Sinha
  • Effects of climate change on cryosphere-river linkages: Insights from seasonal and inter-annual variation of glacial melt discharge in the headwaters of the Ganges River, PEER, USAID (jointly with Dr. I. Sen)
  • Establishing The Reference Condition On The Ganga River With Corona Archival Imagery, Ministry of Earth Sciences (MOES), New Delhi
  • Sediment dynamics and sediment connectivity in the Koshi basin: implications for river hazards, International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD), Nepal
  • Delta vulnerability and climate change: Migration as an adaptation (DECCMA), International Development Research Centre, Canada
  • Knowledge network centre on floods and waterlogging: focus on disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation
  • Assessing health, livelihoods, ecosystem services and poverty alleviation in populous deltas, ESPA
  • Sustainable Management of the Ganga River Basin through Scientific Innovation, UK-India Education and Research Initiative (UKIERI), British Council
  • Hydrometeorological feedbacks and changes in water storage and fluxes in Northern India, MOES (New Delhi) and NERC (UK)
  • The structure and dynamics of groundwater systems in northwestern India under past, present and future climates, MOES (New Delhi) and NERC (UK)
  • The Kosi river alluvial dynamics and associated risks, Indo-French Center for Promotion of Advance Research
  • IGCP 582: Tropical rivers: hydro-physical processes, impacts, hazards and management (UNESCO and IUGS)
  • Morphotectonic Variability along the NW Himalayan Front: Tectonics-Climate Coupling, DST
  • River dynamics and Flood risk evaluation of the Kosi river, north Bihar plains: an integrated approach, Ministry of Earth Sciences
  • Fluvial geomorphology in Ganga River Basin Management, Ministry of Environment and Forests, New Delhi
  • River dynamics and hazard assessment in the Himalayan foreland, UK-India Education and Research Initiative (UKIERI), British Council (GBP 51,007)
  • National facility for core archival and analysis (ongoing, 2006-11, DST)
  • Interfluve stratigraphy, sedimentology and geochemistry of the central and southern Ganga plains (DST)
  • Sub-surface stratigraphy of the Ghaggar plains: linkage of landscape evolution and cultural heritage, Imperial College, London
  • Reconstruction of monsoonal rainfall from Late Quaternary Ganga and Yamuna alluvial plains by stable isotope tracers: implications to climate change on vegetation and river response, DST
  • Late Quaternary environmental changes in western Haryana plains interpreted through lake deposits, University of Cambridge, UK (2009-10)
  • Fluvial geomorphology and hydraulic modeling of the upper Ganga for maintaining sustainable flows, World Wide Fund (WWF) for Nature
  • Neotectonic vs. climatic control on river dynamics and landscape evolution during the Late Pleistocene-Holocene: Comparison of the Körös Basin (Hungary) and the Ganga-Yamuna plains, Himalayan foreland (India), Hungarian - Indian Intergovernmental S & T Cooperation Programme(2005-07, DST)
  • IGCP 518 "Fluvial sequences as evidence for landscape and climatic evolution in the Late Cenozoic" (UNESCO and IUGS)
  • Tracking Environmental Change and Human Impact In The Ganga Plains, Ministry of Human Resources and Development, Govt. of India (2003-2006)
  • Mega-Geomorphic Elements in Ganga-Yamuna (GY) Alluvial Plains and their stratigraphic significance interpreted through sedimentology and geochemistry (ongoing), Dept. of Science & Technology, Govt. of India (2002-05)
  • Remote sensing assisted mapping of mega-geomorphology in parts of the Indo-Gangetic Plains, India (Apr'00-Aug.02), University of Dalhousie, Canada
  • Modernisation of sedimentological research facility (2003-05, MHRD)
  • Modernization of geosciences UG Laboratory (2003-05, MHRD)
  • Application of Geomorphologic Instantaneous Unit Hydrograph (GIUH) and Geomorphoclimatic Instantaneous Unit Hydrograph (GcIUH) theory in overbank flow analysis (June'98-May'01), All India Council for Technical Education
  • Sedimentology and sediment-water geochemistry at Sambhar lake basin, Rajasthan (Jan.'97-Dec.'99), Dept. of Science & Technology, Govt. of India
  • Hydro-geochemistry, thermal structure and sedimentology of Priyadarshini lake, Schirmacher Oasis, Antarctica (Jan. '97- Dec.'98), Dept. of Ocean Development, Govt. of India
  • Design, demonstration and monitoring of ash dykes (March '95 - Feb. 1998), Flyash Mission, Dept. of Science & Technology, Govt. of India
  • Hydrological studies of Naini lake, U. P., Directorate of Environment, Govt. of U. P.
  • Identification of landslide-prone areas in the Uttarkashi region using Remote sensing data, Ministry of Environment & Forests, Govt. of India
  • Establishing a new Continuous-Flow Stable Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry Analytical facility. University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA): $338,500, 2004 (Funded).
  • Inferences on Paleoclimate from detailed Sedimentological and Geochemical study of Paleosols within the Hensel Formation, South Texas, USA. UTSA Faculty Research Award 2005-2006; Amount: $5000; Duration: 6 months (Funded).
  • Collaborative Research: Rejuvenescent Volcanism on Mauritius. USNSF: $60,778; Duration: July 1, 2007 to June 30, 2009 (Funded).
  • Collaborative Research: Paleoclimate Reconstruction based on the Stable Carbon Isotopic Composition of Bone Collagen from Small Herbivores Recovered in Archaeological Assemblages USNSF: $151,357 (Co-PI); Duration: Sept 2008- Aug 2010 (Funded).
  • Geochemical Signatures in the sediment cores from Ganga Valley and Ghaggar/Hakra riverbed- Inferences on Sedimentation Dynamics and Climate Change in Northern India. Initiation Grant for New Faculty Research, IIT Kanpur: INR 10 lakhs; Duration: 2009-2010 (Funded).
  • Acquisition of a New X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) Spectrometer for Interdisciplinary Research in Science and Engineering at IITK. CARE Scheme, IIT Kanpur: INR 70 lakhs, Duration: 2010 (Funded).
  • The Kosi river alluvial dynamics and associated risks. Indo-French Centre for the Promotion of Advanced Research (IFCPAR): INR 37.62 lakhs (Co-PI); Duration: 2011-2014 (Funded).
  • Geochemical Evolution of the Earth. Department of Science and Technology, India: INR 16.8 lakhs, Duration: Aug 2011- July 2014 (Funded).
  • Reduction of Chromium Toxicity using Nano particles: Laboratory and Field Scale Study, 2010. Ministry of Environment and Forests, India: INR 28.16 lakhs: Duration: Apr 2012-Apr 2015 (Funded).
  • Establishing a Continuous-Flow Stable Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry Analytical facility at ACMS, IIT Kanpur. IIT Kanpur: INR 160 lakhs, Duration 1 yr, 2013 (Funded).
  • Augmentation of WD-XRF facility at ACMS, IIT Kanpur. IIT Kanpur, INR 55 lakhs (Funded).
  • Building a Novel System for Soot: Measurement Toxicity Assessment and Source Identification. A collaborative proposal by Civil, Electrical, BSBE, IIT Kanpur (Co-PI). Ministry of Human Resources and Development, India: INR 7 Crores; Duration: Feb2014- Feb 2018 (Funded).
  • The cryosphere large river interactions. 2014-2016, PI Sen (NSF and MOES), Rs.102 Lac
  • Development of a Low Particulate and Metal Free Clean Laboratory to Support Isotopes Analysis of Water Samples. PI Sen, (IIT Kanpur), 2014-2015, Rs. 93 Lac
  • Vanadium isotopes in crude oil and organic rich source rocks, PI Sen, DST, 2014-2018, Rs. 35 Lac

Publications by Earth Sciences faculty

Analytical facilities at the department of Earth Sciences

Please direct your queries for accessing the facilities and related charges to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  Further analytical instruments can be found with their respective project in-charge. Visit for more details.

Sample preparation

Lathe machine, GNM-1, Nagmati Om Agencies

Rock core drill, CB700, Gemini enterprises

Jaw crusher, BB100, Restch Gmbh Germany

Jaw crusher, BB100, Restch Gmbh Germany

Low speed diamond saw, EQ-SYJ-150, MTI Corporation

Thin Section preparation unit, PetroThin, Bhuler USA

Deformation table, A2, 160613, MA Laxmi

Longitudinal wave transducers, Blue Star Engg

Water purification system, Direct Q-3, Supereme Chemicals and Instruments, Kanpur

Rock Cutting Machine, Abrismet 250, Bhuler USA

Microwave sample preparator, Titan MPS, Parkin Elmer, Singapore

Dual blade rock saw PSM RC-6

Primary rock cutter 152993 MK-101

Table top precision cutting cum Grinding machine, Bain-Thin Geo, METCO

Rock grinder with VFD control system PSM/RG-1

Desktop precision diamond wire saw with touch screen control NST-202A

Double disc fully automatic grinder/polisher Bainpol PMV037, MATCO

Hot plate, Bain Geo Heat, METCO

12 ton press, CARVER

Automatic lapping machine, CHENNAI METCO BAINPOL–AUTO

Automatic Rock Cutting Polishing Machine, BUEHLER

High precision CNC PROXXON

Diamond abrasive saw, BARRANCA DIAMOND 169201-BD-10 TRIM SAW

Drill Press (dry)

High-Temperature Furnace, LABTRO

Grinder, BOSCH

High-speed diamond abrasive saw, BUEHLER

Hydraulic Hot Mounting Press, METCO

Low speed diamond saw, MIT CORPORATION

Miniature precision lathe, PROXXON

Mounting Press

Precision cutter, PROXXON

Semi-automatic Precision lathe, GEDEE WEILER

Sanders, FERM


Surface grinding machine, SAI MACHINE TOOLS

Vaccum Impregnation Unit

Ultra sonic cleaner, LMUC-3

Vibratory polisher, BUEHLER VibroMet 2

Vacuum oven Max temp. 300°C., LABTRO INC

Physical/mechanical characterization

Gas Pycnometer, PYC-10A, Porus Material Inc.

Porosimeter-Permeameter, LP100A-GP101A, Porus Material Inc.

Digital oscilloscope, PicoScope 4824, Analytical Electronic Service

Compression Testing machine, Heico Engg

Pulse generator Machine, 5058PR-40-P, Olympus Science solutions

Grain Size analyser, Sedigraph III-5120, Micromerits Instruments

30 MPa pressure vessel (triaxial cell)

Gas medium deformation rig

He-gas Pycnometer

High pressure temperature Adsorption Desorption setup

Pulse decay permeameter

Triaxial load frame, WILLE GEOTECHNIK


SYSCAL Junior R1 Plus Switch-72 Resistivity meter, SYSCAL Junior R1 Plus Switch, Iris Instrument, France

SYSCAL SWITCH Pro-48 Resitivitymeter(EXTENSION UNIT), SWITCH Pro 48, Iris Instrument, France

Direct reading digital resistivitymeter( DDR3), DDR3, Integrated Geo Instrument, Hyderabad India

CG6AUTOGRAV™ GRAVITY METER(Scintrex), Scintrex Limited, Canada

GSM-19T Proton Precession Magnetometer, GSM-19TW, Gem Systems Inc, Canada

T-VLF RECEIVER, VLF, Iris Instrument, France

ESS1000 WITH 950-1000 Pound hammer (seismic energy source)

GEOPHONES, SG-10, Sercel S.A. France


Portable magnetic Susceptibility meter SM30, ZH Instruments

Portable magnetometer, MagDrone R3, SENSYS

VLF Instrument, GSMV 19 GEM Systems Inc. Canada

Remote sensing and mapping

Drone, Phantom 4 Pro, DJI

Terrain Mapping Image rower system, R10-V10, Trimble Europe

Fixed wing drone. UX5 Arial Imaging rover, Trimble Europe

TX 8 scanner, Trimble Europe



MOVE suite software program, Petroleum Experts Limited

Matric 600 Pro Hexacopter


Thermal, multispectral, hyperspectral sensors

Chemical/mineralogical/petrographic characterisation

Nutrient Analyser, XY-2 Sampler, M/s Seal Analytical

Vertical Laminar Airflow Fume Hood, NU-164-424E, Medispec Limited

Polypropylene Fume Hood, Polypropylene, Nano Clean Contamination control solutions

Revolving Centrifuge, R-24, Associated Traders, Kanpur

Liquid Water Isotope Analyzer(LGR), LWIA-45-EP, Los Getos Research, CA

Atomic Absorption Spectrometer, AAYLST 400, Parkin Elmer, Singapore

Scanning Electron Microscope EM, JSM-6010PLUS/LA, JEOL Asia Pte

X Ray Diffraction, Panlytical X-PERT3, Panalytical

UIC Coulometer, CM 5017 Coulometer, UIC

Cathode Luminscence MK5 electron gun, CITL MK5, Cambridge Image tech

ICPMS, iCAPQc, ThermoFisher Scientific

Research grade polarising microscopes from Leica and Zeiss

Microscopy lab with student grade polarizing microscopes from Leica

Scanning optical microscope, Leica DM 04

Agilent® 8900 Triple Quad ICP-MS

Ion Chromatography, 930 Compact IC Flex, Metrohm

Cary 60 UV-Vis Spectrophotometer, Agilent

Stereo microscope Leica S APO

Petrological microscope Leica

Sunlight simulator, Honle Evacube

Gamma Spectroscopy ORTEC DSPEC jr 2.0

Magnetic separator FRANTZ MODEL LB-1


Reflecting microscope, METZER

